Adjoumed), to resume a meeting (The meeting resumed at8 p.m.), to set out a resolution (the resolutions [which had
been] set out), to pass a resolution (the resolutions ...
Had been duly passed), to file a resolution (to prepare and
File ... the special and ordinary resolutions), to close a
Meeting (the meeting was closed)
21 meeting: arrange, attend, call, cancel, convene, preside at,
Schedule, summon
resolution: adopt, authorise, draft, endorse, introduce,
Oppose, pass, table
It is a letter of advice.
The query it responds to is whether it would be
Possible to set aside the transaction described in the
letter on the basis of the shareholder's rights.
False 2 False 3 True 4 True
E 2a 3d 4c 5b
You have requested advice regarding your rights as
stockholder in Alca Corporation (the "Target
Corporation") which entered into a stock-for-assets
agreement with Losal Corporation (the "Purchasing
The advice and statements set forth below are based
On the facts you presented to me in our telephone
Conference of January 27.
As always, I remain at your disposal should you wish to
Discuss your options. I look forward to hearing from
You and answering any further questions you may have.
Suggested answer
Dear Mr Louis
I am writing in response to your query of 12 September in
Which you request information regarding the board
Meeting and extraordinary general meeting of Longfellow
Ltd which were held on 10 September. I will summarise
The circumstances under which the meetings were
Convened, as well as the resolutions passed.
As you may know, a board meeting was held to determine
Whether new shares could be issued to certain existing
Shareholders in the company. The proposal, which would
Raise the share capital of the company by 50,000, was
Presented to the board. However, as the charter of the
Company did not grant authority to raise share capital in
This manner, a notice of an extraordinary general meeting
Was presented, containing the details of the proposed
Increase in share capital. The board approved the notice,
And it was forwarded to all of the members, including
Yourself, for consent to the short notice of the
Extraordinary general meeting. The board meeting then
Adjourned to allow for consents to the short notice to be
Obtained and to hold the extraordinary general meeting.
The extraordinary meeting was then held after consents to
The short notice were obtained from all the members, and
The meeting approved all of the resolutions in the notice.
Based on the authority provided by the approval of the
Extraordinary general meeting, the board raised the share
Capital of the company through the issuance of the
New shares. The company secretary was then
Instructed to take care of all the administrative matters
Related to the increase and the meeting was closed.
I hope that the information I have provided meets your
Requirements. Should you have any further questions, do
Not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Ann Walsh
Language Focus
Related to 3 liable 4 contend
Add on 6 relevant
D 3a 4b 5g 6e 7f
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 972