Encounter negative factors that prevent or hinder onefrom obtaining one's goal
The well-known philosophical problem that there are
some things which may be in everybody's collective
interest, but which are not worth anybody's individual
Effort. For example, I might benefit from the
Construction of a new bridge, but not enough to justify
Building it by myself. Even if I could assemble a large
Team of friends to help me build it, there would still be
Some potential beneficiaries who have not contributed
(free-riders). The problem is how to persuade
Individuals to be contributors rather than free-riders.
6 If I don't like the way I am treated in a shop, I can
'vote with my feet' by leaving the shop and not
returning. If enough 'voters' do the same, either the
Service will have to improve or the shop will fail. In this
Context, it means showing your dissatisfaction by
Selling your shares and leaving the company.
7 be accountable for one's actions to the shareholders
at the yearly shareholder's general meeting
Collaborating or working together to resolve any
Disputes or disagreements
A regulatory framework or structure in which the
Employees are granted the right to participate in the
Management of the company
In the public eye, subject to public scrutiny, for example
By the media
C 2 d 3 b 4 a
12 1 exercise: authority, caution, control, force, influence,
Power, pressure, restraint, rights
2 restrict: access, authority, benefits, capital, control,
Freedom, power, rights, sales, spending
3 accrue: benefits, capital, interest, profits, revenue
4 dismiss: a case, a charge, a claim, an employee
Dismiss 2 exercise 3 exercise 4 restrict
Accrue(d) 6 exercise 7 restrict 8 dismiss
Suggested answer
Dear Mr Fraser
Thank you for your email of 26 September, in which you
Request information concerning the two-tier corporate
Management system found in German-speaking countries.
Administrate administration administrator
Audit audit auditor
Liquidate liquidation liquidator
Qillpetrate perpetration Qillpetrator
Appoint appointment
Assume assumption
Authorise authorisation
Form formation
Llisue llisuancejllisuing
Omit omission
Provide provision
Redeem redemption
Reauire reauirement
Resolve resolution
Transmit transmission
I understand you are interested in investing in a German
Company and would therefore like to have a clearer idea
About how this system differs from the one you are
Familiar with here in England.
Allow me to provide a brief explanation of how the two
Systems differ. In the German two-tier system, in contrast
To the Anglo-Saxon one-tier system, there is an executive
Board and a supervisory board. The executive board
Consists of the top management, and the supervisory
Board includes outside experts and executives from other
Corporations, as well as employee-related representatives.
The supervisory board serves to oversee the management
And resolve conflicts between shareholders, managers and
Employees. Unlike in Anglo-Saxon countries, employees of
Large corporations in Germanic countries are entitled to
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1251