Your head most of the time. But some people relish that;it's really ideal work for someone who doesn't shy away
From a challenge.
Thomas: Is there any advice you can give me at this point in
my career, Mr Sanderson?
Mr Sanderson: Well, if you're really that interested, then I'd
Advise you to join a professional organisation. You should
Consider applying for student membership in R3 - the main
Insolvency practitioner organisation representing the
Profession. They provide courses, hold conferences, publish
Journals and newsletters, and things like that. You can learn
a good deal about the profession. And it's a great way to do
some networking while you're still at university.
Thomas: Thanks for the tip. Sounds like a good idea. I've got
another question, Mr Sanderson, if you don't mind. I know
That insolvency practitioners have to be licensed. And to get
licensed, you have to pass an exam, don't you? How
difficult is the exam?
Mr Sanderson: Ah, yes, the Joint Insolvency Examination. Not
An easy exam, by any means. But there are preparation
courses to help you get through all the material. I'd certainly
Recommend one of those. Things may have changed a bit
since I took it, but from what I've been told, it's not as
Important to have a detailed knowledge of legislation as it is
To know about practical matters, how cases are handled,
What requirements and professional guidelines there are,
And how these have an impact on insolvency in practice. So
You should keep your eyes and ears open while on the job
Here. And naturally, the importance of strong communication
skills shouldn't be underestimated.
Thomas: I see. What about the other qualifications you need to
become licensed?
Mr Sanderson: Let me see ... Well, you need to have some
years' experience doing insolvency work at a law firm. I
believe you have to have a minimum of five years' full-time
Insolvency work experience. And not less than two of these
Five years must be spent doing higher insolvency work, that
Is, work involving the management or supervision of a case.
And the IPA - that's the Insolvency Practitioners Association
- requires that you're a member of the Association and that
You hold a practising certificate.
Thomas: Pretty demanding.
Mr Sanderson: Quite. And the IPA also has some special
Requirements for students wanting to register with them.
Certain academic qualifications, I believe. I'd certainly
Advise you to look into those.
Thomas: Thanks for the information, Mr Sanderson.
Mr Sanderson: My pleasure.
Part 3
OK, the next item on the agenda is a forthcoming seminar on
E-commerce. This is a one-day event, which will be dealing with
many aspects of doing business online, so it's obviously very
relevant for us. Can you check the date, please? I know that
Last year this seminar took place in July, which caused some
difficulties due to holidays, but this one's in August. The exact
Date is the 7th, um, a Tuesday, I believe.
E Audio transcripts
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1363