To decide if your business is ready to undertake an acquisition.Then I'll deal with the issue of making the right choice, that is,
choosing a target. After that, I'll discuss the process of
Assessing the target business, which involves gathering
Financial information, like looking at trends in sales and profit
margins, for example. I think we'll have time for a short break
at that point. After the break, I'll move on to the legal aspects.
At the end, I'll conclude with a look at how the deal itself is
Carried out and will provide you with an example of a case I
handled, a rather interesting acquisition. There'll be time for
Discussion at the end...
Audio transcripts E
Part II
There'll be time for discussion at the end. OK, then. In this
section of my presentation, I'll be addressing the main legal
Issues which arise at different stages of the acquisition
Process, which require separate and sequential treatment.
That's to say, they have to be done in the proper order. First, I'll
tell you about the due diligence stage, and then we'll look at
The deal stage. Allow me to point out here that these are all
Matters that are best handled by a lawyer, which means of
Course that our firm can certainly handle these matters for
Right. Due diligence. What is due diligence? Generally, this
term's used to refer to the careful professional scrutiny of the
Assets and liabilities of a company, usually in preparation for
an acquisition. It's the process of uncovering all the liabilities
associated with a firm. It's also the process of checking if the
Claims made by the seller of the target business are correct.
You should know that directors of companies are answerable
To their shareholders for ensuring that this process is properly
Carried out.
For legal purposes, there are several things that must be done in
The course of due diligence. First, you have to obtain proof that
The target business owns key assets such as property,
Equipment, intellectual property, copyright and patents. Another
Thing that you should do is to get the details of past, current or
Pending legal cases. Look at the contractual obligations that the
Business has with its employees (including pension obligations),
As well as contractual obligations with customers and suppliers.
Here, one has to think about any likely or future obligations. It's
Also important to consider the impact that a change in the
Ownership of the business may have on existing contracts. As I
Said, due diligence is routinely conducted by a lawyer.
Now let me move on to the deal stage. When you are
considering general terms of a potential deal, you'll probably
Look for certain confirmations and commitments from the seller
of the target business. These'li provide a level of comfort
about the deal. They're also indications of the seller's own
Confidence in their business.
A written statement from the seller or buyer that provides
Assurance of a key fact relevant to the deal is known as a
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1225