Private limited companies in the UK in many ways,Particularly in respect of liability, naturally. Shareholders are
Not personally liable for the debts of the corporation in both
A C corporation and a private limited company.
Mr Wiseberg: That's right.
Mr Larsen: But if I'm not mistaken, a C corporation may
Become a public corporation, with its shares being bought
and sold either through a stock market or 'over the counter'.
Mr Wiseberg: Mm-hm.
Mr Larsen: In this respect, a private limited company differs.
Its shares are not available to the general public.
Mr Wiseberg: I see.
Mr Larsen: The two types of company are like each other in
That both can be founded by persons of any nationality, who
Need not be a resident of the country. Perhaps this is
Relevant for you, Mr Wiseberg.
Mr Wiseberg: Yes, it is.
Mr Larsen: And there is one big difference between a
C corporation in the US and our private limited company:
that's the limit on the number of shares. As I recall, there's
No limit on the number of shareholders of a C corporation.
Mr Wiseberg: That's right.
Mr Larsen: But that's not the case with a private limited
Company. The Companies Act stipulates that not more than
Members can hold shares within the company.
Mr Wiseberg: I see. I didn't know that. But that's not a
Problem for me.
Mr Larsen: On the other hand, a limited company is
Comparatively easy to form. You have several options open
To you, depending on how soon you want the company
Mr Wiseberg: Well, I'd like to begin operations as soon as
possible. Of course, I know I'll have to wait until the
paperwork is completed. How long would that take? A
couple of days?
Mr Larsen: Well, once you supply all the necessary documents
To Companies House, it generally takes a couple of weeks
For them to process the documents.
Mr Wiseberg: A couple of weeks! That's much too long. What
other options do I have?
Mr Larsen: You could form the company through a company
Formation agent. The agent would fill in the required forms
For you and then submit them to Companies House. It
Would take around five to eight days before the company
May begin to trade.
Mr Wiseberg: That sounds better. Maybe you could tell me
Where I can find one of these agents. Perhaps you have...
Unit 3
Mr Young: ... so if there are any questions, I'd be happy to
Answer them now.
Mrs Whiteman: Mr Young, I've got a question, if you don't
Mind. In your talk, you mentioned a rights issue. Could you
explain to me in detail what a rights issue is?
Mr Young: Well, a rights issue is an issue of new shares for
Cash to existing shareholders. The shares are issued
Proportionally, that is, in proportion to the number of shares
the shareholders already hold. It's a good way of raising
New cash from shareholders. For publicly quoted
companies, it's a source of new equity funding.
Mrs Whiteman: I see. But why issue shares to existing
Mr Young: From a legal standpoint, a rights issue must be
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1382