Here, and I started doing summer and winter clerkships in myfirst year. It's been a tremendous learning experience.
Most of my clerkships have lasted for a period of four weeks.
I've tried to vary the firms I work for, from a small two-man firm
Right through to a huge global firm. Each firm was different. At
Smaller firms, I was expected to be more independent and was
Responsible for more things. I liked that a lot. Since I was
usually the only clerk there at the time, I'd have to do whatever
Work needed to be done.
Working at the bigger firms was quite different. I was usually
One among many clerks. The work I performed there tended to
Concern bigger cases that were quite important and so they
had more 'prestige'. That was really interesting. At the larger
Firms, I usually had a chance to move between groups in
Different practice areas, helping out where needed. This
Allowed me to gain some insight into what was involved in the
Legal work carried out in these teams and in the different
Practice areas.
At the smaller firms, I wrote case briefs for the partners and
Associates, and all kinds of correspondence with clients from
The first day on, which I liked doing. At the bigger firms, I was
Asked to do research and to help to maintain court books.
That was a useful learning experience, too.
In my opinion, the main advantage of a clerkship at a large firm
is that you meet a lot of new people. There's a big network of
people - so many different lawyers and clients. There's also a
Greater emphasis on learning and developing the various skills
A lawyer needs in courses and seminars.
I must say that both the larger and the smaller firms tried to
Give me a sense of being a part of the company, as if I really
Belonged to their team. At the larger firms, I was even invited
To some of their social events, and that was really fun.
However, the smaller firms definitely made you feel more
Comfortable; everything was more friendly and relaxed. But in
Both types of firms I never felt that I was wasting my time.
My advice to you all is that it's really important to try to do
Clerkships, starting in your first year of law school. I also think
it's valuable to get to know a variety of firms, with different
practice areas and different sizes. I'm sure it will help you decide
What kind of law you want to practise later, and what kind of law
firm you'd feel most comfortable in.
Unit 2
Ms Norris: So, based on all the background information you
Provided me with, my strongest recommendation is for you
To incorporate for the reasons we discussed.
Mr O'Hara: All right. Of course, I trust your judgment. But I'm
completely new to this. How does it work exactly? I mean, I
Assume that the paperwork has to be drafted by you and
Filed with the State...
Ms Norris: Well, um, let me begin by telling you about how the
Process works in our state, in Delaware. You know, quite a
Few large corporations choose to incorporate here due to
Our highly developed corporate legal system.
Mr O'Hara: Right. So what do we have to do first?
Ms Norris: The first thing you have to do is select a name -
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 859