Moneyvaluation.Forexample, if aninvestoreceivesone-thirdof thecompany'sequityfora $1
millioninvestmentth, epost-monevyaluationis$3million(3x
$1 million)andthepre-moneyvaluationis$2million(the$3
millionpost-moneyvaluationminusthe$1 millioninvestment).
Todeterminethevalueof theemergingbusiness, venture
Capitalistswill conductanin-depthfinancialanalysis.
(43) """""""'''''''''''' Formanyearly-stagebusinessesfi,nancial
Projectionsaresouncertainthatcurrentconditionsin the
Determiningvaluation.Forexample, if moststart-up
Businesses in thesoftwareindustryarereceivingfirst-round
pre-moneyvaluationsof approximately $2 millionata given
Time,thenegotiationfor aparticularinvestment mayfocusnot
Ontheprecisefinancialforecastfortheparticularbusiness, but
Onthewaysin whichthatparticularbusinessdiffersfromthe
Anothercriticalpartof theanalysiswill bethelikelyneedfor,
Andsizeof,prospectiveroundsof financingthatmaybe
requiredbeforetheventurecapitalistis ableto 'cashout' its
investment(.45) .......................
Oncevaluationis establishedth, epricepersharecanbe
Calculate(d4.6) Equitoywnershtiphatis
Assignedto or includedinthepre-moneyvaluationdoesnot
Thereforeonepointof negotiationthatshouldbeaddressedby
Companiesis whetherrightsto acquirestockthatexistor are
Createdat thetimeof investment, includingsharesreserved
For employeestockoptionsorsharesissuableuponexerciseof
Warrants,areto beconsideredoutstandingbeforethe
investmenotraftertheinvestment(.47) """""" ......
Orderto bridgeagapbetweentheentrepreneuarndinvestor,
Performance-baseadjustmenmt echanismms aybe
Employed. (48) Thepracticaleffectof these
Mechanismsis oftento shiftinvestment riskfromtheventure
Capitalisto theentrepreneur.
A Key distinguishing factors include experience and depth of the management
Team, state and proprietary nature of the technology, competitive environment
And similar factors.
B These devices, which adjust the number of shares received by the investor
(through the use of warrants, conversion price adjustments or other means),
Operate only when the company achieves (or fails to achieve) a preset financial
Or business milestone.
C In the former case, dilution is borne solely by the founders, and in the latter
Case, dilution is borne ratably by the founders and the venture capital investors.
D Once a venture capitalist makes a preliminary decision to invest in an emerging
Business, the parties must negotiate the terms of the investment.
E Continuing with the above example, if the company has 500,000 shares of
Common stock outstanding prior to the investment, the venture capitalist will pay
$4 per common stock equivalent share and receive 250,000 shares for its $1
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 786