Trading conditions;(b) limit or control production, markets, technical development or
(c) share markets or sources of supply;
(d) apply dissimilar conditions to equivalent transactions with
Other trading parties, thereby placing them at a
(27) disadvantage;
(e) make the conclusion of contracts subject to (28)..................
By the other parties of (29) obligations which, by
Their nature or according to (30) usage, have no
Connection with the subject of such contracts.
Questions 31-36
Read the following news item from a legal journal.
For each question 31-36, usethe wordsin the boxto the right of the text to form
One word that fits in the same numbered gap in the text. Write the new word in
The Rights of Third Parties Act 1999
This Act fundamentally reforms contract law by allowing
(31) partiesto confer(32) rightson third
Parties. For (33) , the Act presents a new way of
Allocating risk in complex deals, and a way to protect the customer
In prime and sub-contractor situations. The Act erodes the position
Of the prime-contractor and (34) the hand of the subcontractor.
Before the Act, the doctrine of privity of contract prevented a person
Who was not a party to a contract from enforcing a term of that
Contract. This meant that even if a contract affected other people,
Only the parties to it had rights and (35) under it. Until
Now, the only answer for English law contracts was to create either
A complex web of trusts or back-to-back contracts or to allow endusers
To call off direct contracts with the (36) under a
General umbrella agreement.
Part 4
What you have to do
This part of the examination usually consists of a single law-related text which is
Divided into four sections. Alternatively, it can consist of four short texts which are
Thematically linked. It is a multiple-matching task; you have to match each of the
Six statements provided to the section of the text to which it corresponds. An
Example is given at the beginning.
What is being tested
The task tests your ability to scan a text for specific information and to understand
The main ideas. It also tests your understanding of the item and your ability to
Relate it to a part of the text which is expressed in different language.
() First, read through the six statements, then read the text quickly to get a general
Understanding of what it is about. Then return to the statements individually and read the
Text more carefully to find the correct answers.
\.) Remember that it is unlikely that you will find the exact wording of a question in the text.
Instead, look for words or phrases which have a similar meaning.
0 Don't try to match the same words in the questions and texts ('word-spotting'), as this may
Lead you to the wrong answers.
Questions 37-42
Read the questions and the extract on the opposite page from a journal article
About the partnership structure of law firms.
For each question 37-42, decide which section (A, B, C or D) the question refers to.
You will need to use some of these letters more than once.
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 800