Your firm. You also told me about several recent calls for tender iIi whicnyotgCompany participated; your very competitively priced bids were all rejected, and the
Contracts in every case were awarded to two of your competitors.
After consulting with my colleague David Fisher of our Antitrust and Competition
Department, I have come to the conclusion that it would be wise to look into the
Possibility that anti-competitive agreements have been concluded by your
Competitors. As you are surely aware, behaviour of this kind is not unusual in a
Market situation such as the present one. It could certainly account for the dramatic
Decrease in business you have been experiencing.
In the event that your competitors are found to have been engaging in activities of
This kind, the benefits for your own company would be considerable. These benefits
Would range from a likely increase in market share to more intangible, but
Nonetheless valuable, benefits such as a reputation for honest dealings.
Should you be interested in pursuing this course of action, DaVid Fisher would be
Happy to assist you. Mr Fisher has a great deal of experience in investigating cases of
This kind. At your request, he could begin an enquiry into the matter, which, in its
Early stages, would involve information-gathering in the broadest sense (including an
Analysis of relevant tendering processes). Such an enquiry could take a substantial
Amount of time to conduct. Should this enquiry uncover information confirming our
Suspicions, then. ourfirm is well prepared to assist you.
6 PleaseIet me or David.1?ls:nerknowif you would be interested in having us undertake
Sucnanen.qui.rY on youpbenalf, or if you have any other questions about the matter.
Uookforward. to bearing {roni you.
Yours sincerely
Martin Stockwell
"9 2: p
Using the letter on page 210 as a model, write a proposal in the form of a letter
ANSmWEElRto a client who is the managing director of a large company in the service sector.
»p.302 Yourclient's industry has seen cases of cartel formation and price-fixing in the
Past. In order to protect your client against the risks of anti-competitive
Activities, you recommend that he set up guidelines for his employees to help
prevent anti-competitive behaviour. In your letter, you should:
State the reason for writing;
Outline the problem and warn your client of the risks of anti-competitive activities;
G make your recommendation as a solution to this problem;
G point out the benefits to his firm;
V briefly discuss how such guidelines can be developed and implemented with
Your assistance;
V offer to provide further help, if necessary.
"9 ]. hi9h-p
Read the title and the first paragraph of the text, then answer these questions.
1 What kind of text is this? Who was it written for?
2 Which companies are involved? What sector of the economy are they in?
3 Which illegal activities were the firms engaged in?
Unit 15 Competition law
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1369