Property with the intent to defraud his creditors;(8) the defendant is about to convert all or part of his property into money
For the purpose of placing it beyond the reach of his creditors; or
(9) the defendant owes the plaintiff for property obtained by the defendant
Under false pretences.
For each of these situations (1-4), identify the specific ground in paragraph
Of the statute above which describes it.
EXAMPLE: The defendant has sold all of his possessions and placed the money
in a foreign bank account. &
The defendant is going to move abroad and has said he will not pay the
Plaintiff what he owes him.
The defendant is a French firm with an office in Germany, where the suit is
Being brought.
The defendant purchased several expensive motor vehicles from the plaintiff
With a bad cheque.
The defendant has left his known address and cannot be found.
e "I "9 .
A lawyeris responsiblefor informinghis clients about what they candoto legally
Minimisetheir risk of lossfrom the hazardsof businessand personalliability. Thisis
Knownasasset protection. Youwill heara lawyerspeakingto a groupof clientswhoare
Interestedin learningabout assetprotection.
6 -II;::Listen to first part of the presentation, in which the speaker explains two
Types of liens, a prejudgment attachment lien and a judgment lien. Tick the
Features of each type of lien.
Pre-judgment attachment lien
Allows attachment before the case is decided
Generally attaches to your salary
Is granted in all types of cases
Usually occurs in contract disputes involving money
Judgment lien
Allows attachment after the case is decided by the court
Applies if the court decides in favour of the plaintiff
Attaches to all real estate in your name and all accounts
Is fundamentally different from a mortgage
7 -II;::Listen to the second part of the presentation, in which the speaker
Describes the examples of two clients, and answer these questions.
1 What did the lawyer's firm do to protect Ed's assets?
2 How did the asset protection plan improve Ed's position in negotiations with
his creditors?
Why was the pre-judgment attachment lien unsuccessful in the second case
cited by the speaker?
r " "
An insolvency practitioner advises insolvent entities about how to deal with their
Financial difficulties and assists with bankruptcy and liquidation procedures. The excerpt
On page 194from a career guide provides information about the profession in general. It
Explains how one can become a licensed insolvency practitioner in the UK, describes
Recognised professional bodies and outlines the routes to qualification.
S Read the excerpt and answer these questions.
1 Explain what you think this sentence from the text means: Insolvency work is
As much about people as it is about figures.
What role do professional bodies play in the making of a career as an
insolvency practitioner?
Decide whether these statements are true or false.
The insolvency practitioner profession is rapidly expanding, with many new
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 773