National Westminster Bank Pic v. Spectrum Plus LimitedFirst ruling: 3)..........................
Ruling on appeal: 4)..........................
Significance: 5)...............
a The court held that the bank only had a floating charge over book debts.
b Since the specific wording of debentures had created a fixed charge for 25
years, this wording was reasoned to have acquired that meaning by
customary usage.
c The court held that the charge on book debts was a valid fixed charge.
d The decision was reversed by the Court of Appeal; it held that restrictions
imposed by debentures on book debt meant the bank had a fixed charge.
e This resulted in banks and creditors taking fixed charges on book debts.
26Complete these definitions of words or expressions from the article.
1 B d are the debts owed to a business, as recorded in
the business's accounting records. They are also known as 'accounts
receivable'. (paragraph 1)
2 An unsecured debt obligation which is issued against the general credit of a
corporation is known as a L c . (paragraph 3)
3 A promise given by a bank that it will repay the debt of another person if that
person does not pay the debt is called a b g . (paragraph 4)
4 A p creditor is a creditor who has the right to receive payments
distributed by a liquidator before other unsecured creditor. (paragraph 5)
27Which unsettled areas of the law in your jurisdiction are you aware of?
The last word on book debts1?
1 There have been court battles for more than a century over whether it is
possible to have a fixed charge on the book debts of a company. This is a
topical issue of particular concern to company directors, bankers, other lenders
and creditors.
2 The modern practice of lenders taking a fixed charge on book debts arose in
the UK from a court decision in 1979, in the case of Siebe Gorman & Co. Ltd v.
Barclays Bank Limited. In that case, Barclays Bank had taken a fixed charge on
book debts and a floating charge on other assets of the company. The judge
held that the charge on book debts was a valid fixed charge. He said that the
critical feature distinguishing a floating charge from a fixed charge was the
company's power to deal with assets in the ordinary course of business. He
interpreted the charge as meaning that the company was not free to draw its
account without the consent of the bank, even when it was in credit, and so the
charge on book debts and their proceeds was a fixed charge. The overall effect
of the Siebe Gorman case was to expand the practice of banks and other
lenders taking fixed charges on book debts.
3 In the most recent case of National Westminster Bank Pic v. Spectrum Plus
Limited, the court said that Siebe Gorman had been wrongly decided. It held
that the bank only had a floating charge over the book debts because the
company was entitled to collect its book debts and use the proceeds in the
normal course of business unless the bank intervened. However, the case went
to appeal, and the Court of Appeal reversed the decision and said that the
restrictions imposed by the debenture on the use of the proceeds of the book
debt were enough to give the bank a fixed charge.
4 What is significant about this case is that the Court of Appeal pointed out that,
for the last 25 years, debentures with the wording that had been approved in
the Siebe Gorman case had been used on the understanding that this would
create a fixed charge. The Court of Appeal said that banks have relied upon this
understanding and bank guarantees have been given on this basis. It also said
that even if the interpretation in the Siebe Gorman case had appeared
erroneous, it would have held that the wording had, by customary usage,
acquired the meaning which the Siebe Gorman case had attributed to it.
However, the case of Spectrum Plus Limited is going to be looked at by the
House of Lords, and it may very well reach a different conclusion to that of the
Court of Appeal.
5 But does all this really matter? Well, yes, it does, because the reason why there
has been so much conflict over charges is that book debts are often a very
significant part of a company's assets. If a company becomes insolvent, book
debts can become critical for a debenture holder. If the charge was a floating
charge only, then the book debts would go to the company's preferential
creditors - mainly the Inland Revenue, Customs & Excise and employees. That
said, the picture changed radically in September last year when, by legislation,
the Inland Revenue and Customs & Excise lost their rights as preferential
creditors in insolvencies. Now they are part of the body of unsecured creditors.
6 As time goes by, the number of such cases will fall away, but it is still a problem
for many debenture holders and for people who gave guarantees on behalf of
companies that later became insolvent. If a debenture holder is unable to be
paid from book debts, where possible, a claim will be made under a personal
guarantee instead.
1 (US) accounts receivable
Unit 13 Securedtransactions E
, !. r: e .1'1"'. d
Another unsettled area of secured transactions law concerns intellectual property (IP). In
recent years, lawyers and lenders have seen a significant increase in the importance of IP
as collateral. However, in the US,as in many other countries, rulings in this area remain
inconsistent, while the applicability of statutes is not yet always clear.
The continuing legal education seminar on the revised UCCin Listening 1 included a
presentation called 'Intellectual property as collateral'. Youwill hear two lawyers who
attended the session, Peter and Jack, telling a colleague, Tina, about it.
28.. ~ Listen to the discussion and choose the correct answer to each of these
1 What did Peter like about Mr Kellogg's presentation style?
a It was professional and factual.
b It was funny and personal.
c It was complex and international.
2 Why is Jack happy that the topic of Intellectual Property was covered in the
a because it is an area of the law he knew nothing about previously
b because it is an area of the law which is so unsettled
c because it is an area of the law that is growing in importance
3 What does Jack say that he learned about perfecting security interests
internati ona Ily?
a He says it would be better to wait until the law has become more settled
before filing.
b He says that the main issue is knowing where something should be filed
in each country.
c He says it's best to have the help of local lawyers in the countries in
4 What does Tina ask to be told more about?
a perfecting security interests in copyrights
b trade marks in Hong Kong specifically
c the Revised Article 9
29.. ~ Listen again and decide whether these statements are true or false.
1 Both Jack and Peter would probably recommend the seminar held by Mr
Kellogg to others.
2 Due to the revisions of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, the area
of Intellectual Property in secured transactions is particularly unsettled in
the United States.
3 Only registered copyrights are considered 'general intangibles' under the
revised law.
4 Jack tells Tina to look on the Web for more information on what was covered
in the seminar.
g e 2 *
ng I on
In the previous listening exercise, Tina asks her colleagues Jack and Peter to
tell her about the seminar which she was unable to attend. These are the
phrases she uses to request information.
Can you fill me in onwhat he said?
And what did he say about the situation internationally?
Can you give me an example?
And what did he have to say about perfecting security interests in the US?
I'm interested in copyrights. What can you tellme about those?
Where could I get more information onwhat was covered in the seminar?
The style of Tina's requests for information is informal, suitable for speaking
with colleagues with whom she has a friendly relationship. One way to make
requests of all kinds more polite and thus more formal ~including requests
expressed in writing - is to use the word could instead of can.
Could you help me with these forms?
Another way to make a request more polite and formal is to begin the request
with one of the following phrases:
I wonder if you could help me with these forms.
I was wondering if you could help me with these forms.
Wouldyou mind helping me with these forms?
30Rewrite Tina's requests for information so that they are more formal.
p ing=
ng p
31This task is intended to give you an opportunity to present information in the
course of a discussion and to make use of the phrases for requesting
information presented above.
v Gather information about one aspect of secured transactions in your
jurisdiction. You may want to choose a topic like perfecting a trade mark or
patent as a security interest, or the appropriate institutions, methods or
deadlines for filing, for example.
v Present the information informally to two or three others, as if you were
telling colleagues about a topic you are knowledgeable about in the course
of a discussion.
v The listeners should ask for further information about the points you raise
as you are speaking.
u Then switch roles and listen to another speaker. Ask about points that are
of interest to you.
{~\ Unit 13
To improve your web-based research skills, visit on
Research Tasks and choose Task 13.
Unit 13 Secured transactions
1 Vocabulary:distinguishing meaning Which word in each group is the odd one
out? You may need to consult a dictionary to distinguish the differences in
1~ security interest charge lien
2 indebtedness instalment obligation
3 to pawn to pledge to give as secUrity
4 contingent on unconditional subject to
5 hereby after this hereafter in fUture
2 Prepositions used with expressiol1s of time Complete the expressions of
time below from the security agreement in this unit using the prepositions
in the box.
to attach
dependent on
1 this 11th day May
2 promissory note , even date hereWith
3 the happening of any of the following
4 assets not dissolved ,... thirty (30) days
5 thirty (30) days the date , which it is filed
6 ""'" .. default and any time thereafter
3 Collocations Match the pairs of words as they appear in this unit.
2 debenture
3 security
4 categorical
5 book
a debts
b description
c proceeding
d holder
e interest
4 Expressions with take Complete the sentences below using the words in the
box. Theycome from the reading texts in this unit.
care charge part place f}9&£~~ precedence
1 With a possessory interest, the creditor takes
which is the security interest.
2 In order to invoke consensual security interests against third parties,
perfection of the security interest must take , ,. .
3 Receivership is the situation in which, during bankruptcy proceedings of an
insolvent corporation or person, the court appoints a person to take
of all assets in order to preserve them for creditors.
4 I really think you should take in the seminar.
5 I'm sure you will agree that this court appearance takes over the
6 Identify the debtor. Take " to identify precisely which person or
entity will be granting a security interest.
of the property
Formal verbsLegal documents such as legislation, agreements and legal
correspondence are characterised by the use of formal verbs not generally
found in everyday speech. Many of these verbs are of Latinate origin. Match
the formal verbs (1-15) with their more informal counterparts (a-o).
1 assist
2 commence
3 comprehend
4 deem
5 desist
6 endeavour
7 enquire
8 ensure
9 evince
a get
b stop
d show
e tell
f look through
g sta rt
h have
i suggest
j think
k kee p
I try
n make sure
0 understand
Writing: formal styleRewritethe emait below to make it more formal. Use the
words and phrasesi[)ithe box and verbs from Exercise 5. Add formal fixed
expressions used in correspondence where appropriate. Whereverpossible,
join two sentences to make a more complex one. Youmay choose to make one
or two active sentences passive.
verbs:assist, commences, ensure, enquired, inform (x2), peruse, possess
discourse markers:therefore, thus
adverb-verb collocations:strongly advise, firmly believe, highly respected,
sincerely hope
Hi everyone!
Several of our corporate clients hold the rights to valuable intellectual property
assets, and they have asked if we could help them with matters concerning
secured transactions and these assets. That's why I really think it's important
that we make sure that our knowledge in this area is up-to-date.
So I'm writing to tell you that I've arranged an in-company seminar on
perfecting IPassets as security interests. We'll have the seminar on Monday,
October 26 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A very important expert will hold the seminar.
Please note: it starts at 9 a.m. sharp!
I've attached a list of topics for the seminar. Please look through it.
I really think you should take part in the seminar. So I suggest that you make
sure you have no other appointments that day. I really hope you can come. Let
me know!
Martin Black
Unit 13 Language Focus
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Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1089