Federal law versus state lawThe federal electronic signature law won't override any state laws on electronic transactions
provided the state law is "substantially similar" to the federal law or the state has adopted
the UniformElectronic Transactions Act (UETA). This ensures that electronic contracts and
electronic signatures will be valid in all states, regardless of where the parties live or where
the contract is executed.
Do you want paper or electronic?
If you prefer paper, the law provides a means for you to opt out of using electronic contracts.
An online company must provide a notice indicating whether paper contracts are available
Unit 5 Contracts: contract formation
and informingyou that if you give your consent to use electronic documents, you can later
change your mind. Ifyou withdraw consent to use electronic contracts, the notice must
explain what fees or penalties might apply if the company must use paper agreements for
the transaction. 4).....
Prior to obtaining your consent, the business must also provide a statement outlining the
hardware and software requirements to read and save the business's electronic documents. If
the hardware or software requirements change while you have a contractual relationship
with the business, the business must notify you of the change and give you the option to
revoke your consent to using electronic documents.
Although the e-signature law doesn't force consumers to accept electronic documents from
businesses, it poses a potential disadvantage for low-tech citizens by allowing businesses to
collect additional fees from those who opt for paper.
Consumer concerns
5) The law establishes only that electronic signatures in all their forms qualify as
signatures in the legal sense, and leaves it up to software companies and the free market to
establish which electronic signature methods will be used.
Since electronic-signature technology is still evolving, many kinds of e-signatures offer little,
if any, security. If a consumer uses an insecure signature method, identity thieves could
intercept it online and use it for fraudulent purposes. It is expected that secure methods of
electronic signatures will be adopted and become as commonplace as credit cards. However,
stolen electronic signatures have the potential to become as widespread a problem for ecommerce
as credit-card scams and stolen passwords. Consumer-protection groups suggest
caution before signing anything online.
25Read the text again and answer these questions.
1 What is the difference between a digital signature and an electronic
2 What is the most important result of the new law?
3 Why do business-to-business websites welcome the new law?
4 What does the new law stipulate concerning the use of paper contracts?
5 According to the law, which kinds of electronic signatures are to be regarded
as legal signatures?
26Read through the text once more, noting the advantages of the new law and
any (possible) disadvantages that could arise as a result of the new legislation.
, Discuss these advantages and disadvantages with a partner. Do you think the
disadvantages outweigh the advantages?
27Answer these questions.
1 Why do you think the drafters of the law left 'electronic signature'
undefined? Is this an advantage or disadvantage?
2 What is the status of electronic contracts in your own jurisdiction?
e 3:
used to
28The text on pages 73-74 has several examples of adverb + verb (and a few
adverb + adjective) combinations. Write them in the table below (the adverbs
are indicated in the text in italics).
29Which noun in the sixth section of the text (Do you want paper or electronic?)
collocates with the following verbs?
to obtain, to withdraw, to rescind, to get, to give
30Match these words from the text (1-6) with their synonyms (a-f).
1 revoke
2 prefer
3 enforceable
4 penalties
5 obtain
6 notify
a additional fees
b inform
c get
d opt for
e valid
f withdraw
Unit 5
To improve your web-based research skills, visit www.cambridge.orgjeltjlegalenglish.click on
Research Tasks and choose Task 5.
Unit5 Contracts: contract formation E
Vocabulary: distinguishing meaningWhich word each
out? You may need to consult a dictionary to distinguish the
CollocationsComplete the
with the noun contract.
amond cancel
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1082