Referring to previous contactWith reference to your letter of 15 February...
In response
Further to
Thank YOL
Stating the reason for writing
I am writing to inform you that...
Closing, offering further assistance
Please contact me again if I can help in any way.
Should you have any further questions, do not
hesitate to contact me.
Referring to future contact
I look forward to your reply / to meeting you / to
26The letter of advice on page 58 has been written in response to a query.
1 How does the lawyer make reference to this query?
2 How is the previous conversation between lawyer and client referred to?
3 At the end of the letter, which sentences are used to indicate willingness to
provide further help and to invite further contact?
27As the associate for corporate counsel to Longfellow Ltd, you have received an
E email from a shareholder requesting information about what happened at the ~NSWER
»p.288 board meeting and the EGM documented in the minutes in Reading 3 on page
56. Respondto the request of the shareholder. In your email, you should:
0 refer to the email sent by the shareholder;
0 state the reason for writing;
0 explain the circumstances under which the meetings were held;
0 summa rise the content of the resolutions passed;
0 offer to provide further assistance if necessary.
I~\ Unit 4
To improve your web-based research skills, visit on
Research Tasks and choose Task 4.
Unit 4 Companylaw: fundamental changes in a company
You may need to
1 pause suspend
2 according to related to
3 exempt liable freed
4 convoke call contend
5 continue resume
6 said relevant
Vocabulary: definitionsMatch these
their definitions (a-h).
1 pro-rata distribution
2 under Internal Revenue
3 prior to distribution
4 become a party to a transaction
5 no consideration is paid
6 de facto merger
7 applicable statutes
8 provisions governing merger
Word formationComplete this table by filling
Underline the stressed syllable word
Verb ! Abstract noun
dis!ijbute, distribute d1,strib tion
using the
comply with dispose of enter into lodge at preside at
2 the EGM.
4 respect of
a definitive
EXAMPLE: wY\ve,\l\e,
follow resolution
each of the
Vocabulary: antonymsMatch these words (1-8) opposites (a-h).
2 asset
3 hostile
4 oppose
5 purchase
7 newly formed
8 dissolution
c pre-existing
d approve
e voluntary
f liability
e e
Yourlaw firm hasaskedyouto reviewthe following companylaw caseand the relevant
documentsin preparationfor a meetingwith the other party'slawyer.
Readthis description of the facts of the case. What is the legal issue here?
several occasions,
next to the golf cc
land, it again did not take
buy theland in. their
sold as a package to
directors because
Now a gt01J.p
for a breach of their duty
Task1: Speaking
Divide into two different groups, with one group representing the shareholders and
the other representing the directors being sued.
1 Prepare for negotiations with the other party, referring to the relevant legal
documents on the opposite page. You should:
0 identify the legal issues of the case and determine arguments for your side;
0 list the strengths and weaknesses of your side of the case;
0 decide which parts of the relevant legal documents most strongly support
your case and can be used to argue against the other party's case;
0 make notes for the negotiation: What are your goals? What are you willing to
give? What are you not willing to give?
2 Pair up with a representative of the other party and negotiate a settlement.
3 Report the results of your negotiations to the class.
Task 2: Writing
Write a letter of advice to one of the parties (your choice), in which you outline the
legal issues raised by the case, refer to relevant statutes and provide your opinion
as to the likely outcome of the case.
Text1:excerptfromSection202of the WestlandCorporationsAct
of a corporation in exercising their powers and
faith with a view to the best interests of the corporation; and
ce and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise iJ1
Text 2: Westland Principlesof CorporateLaw, Section 5.05, Part 3
The Westland Principles of Corporate Law, published by the Westland Law Institute,
is used as a guideline for the interpretation of corporate law in Westland. Part 3 of
Section 5.05 deals with the duty of loyalty owed by a director to his company.
5.05 A director shall act in the best interests of the corporation.
of care.
of loyalty includes not taking advantage of a corporate
is a business opportunity that:
.seniorofficer becomes aware of in his or her corporate capacity;
senior executive should know the outside party is offeril.1gtothe.corporatioJ1;
.selJ,iorexecutive, who became aware of it through the use of corporate
know the corporation would be interested in;
eXecutiveknows is closely related to the corporation's current or
Text 3: excerpt from a textbook on corporate law
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 4394