BThe symbol for the element boron.--------------------------- symbol entry
Ba The symbol for the element barium.
abbreviation entry
lance; a backward tumble
B.A. abbr. An abbreviation of Bachelor of Arts. entry word----------- backward (bak'word) adj. 1. In the direction of the rear: a backward glance; a backward tumble. 2. Less
advanced than others, as in economic or social progress: backward technology, -adv. or back«wards definition________ (bak'wordz). 1. To or toward the back or rear: He kept glancing backward to see who was coming. 2. With the
back or rear first: With its hind legs a toad can dig its way into the ground backward. 3. In reverse order or
direction: count backward from 100. 4. Toward a worse condition: As prices rise, poor people slip backward. ♦
• bend over backward, lo make an effort greater than is required: They bent over backward to be fair, know backward and forward or backwards and forwards. To know sthg. very well or perfectly: We know the play backward and forward.
bad (bad)adj. worse (wtirs), worst (wiirst). 1. Being below an acceptable standard; poor: a bad book; a bad painter. 2. Evil or wicked: a bad man. 3. Disobedient; naughty: bad behavior. 4. Unfavorable: bad luck; bad weather. 5. Disagreeable or unpleasant: a bad odor; bad news. 6. Incorrect; improper: a bad choice of words. 7.
Not working properly; defective: a bad telephone connection, -n. [U] Something bad: You must learn to accep the bad with the good. ♦ not half bador not so bad.Informal. Reasonably good: That meal was not half bad. too bad. Regrettable; unfortunate: It's too bad you can't come along, -bad'ness n. [U]--------------------------------------
Usage Note "
Usage: badYou should avoid using badas an adverb. Instead of We need water bad, use We need water badly. Instead of My tooth hurt bad, use My tooth hurt badly
Homonyms: bad, bade (past of bid).__________________________________________
usage label
baUliS'tics (ba lTs'ttks) n. |U](used with a singular verb). The scientific study of the characteristics of
projectiles, such as bullets or missiles, and the way they move in flight. baUloon^- (ba loon') n. 1. A large flexible bag filled with helium, hot air, or some other gas^frat is lighter than the surrounding air and designed to rise and float in the atmosphere, often with a gondola or scientific instruments. 2. A small brightly colored rubber or plastic bag that is inflated and used as a toy. 3. A rounded or irregularly shaped outline containing the words that a character in a cartoon is represented to be saying, -intr.v. 1. To swell out like a baloon: The tire ballooned as it was inflated with air. 2. To ride in a gondola suspended from a balloon: scenic ballooning over the town.
symbol —
inflected forms
example -
bar'i«Uffl--- <"har'e am orhar'r am) n. [I J] Symhnl.Ha A soft, silvery-white, metallic ele- balloon
ment that occurs only in combination with other elements. Barium compounds are used Hot-air balloons
in making pigments and safety matches. Atomic number 56. See table at element. —---------------------------------------
be-qin (bT gin') v. be«gan (bi gan'), begun (bT gun'), be»gin«ning, be»gins. -intr. 1. To take the first
step in doing sthg.; start; commence: We began with the kitchen and cleaned the whole house. 2. To come into
being; originate: Education begins at home. 3. To accomplish in the least way; come near: The little bit of -paint won't begin to cover the ceiling, -tr. 1. To start doing (sthg.): If we begin our work now, we'll have time to
enjoy ourselves later. 2. To bring (sthg.) into being; originate: The owner's grandfather began the newspaper
many years ago. 3. To come first in (sthg.): The letter A begins the alphabet.
be* sides(bT si[mc]dz') adv. In addition; also: We had dinner and a late-night snack besides, -prep. In addi- _tion to: Demists do other things besides drilling cavities. —See Note at together.----------------------------------------
Synonym Note —
Synonyms: besides, too, also, likewise, furthermore.These adverbs mean in addition to sthg. else. Besidesoften introduces sthg. that reinforces what has gone before it: We don't feel like cooking; besides, there is no food in the house. Toois the most casual, used in everyday speech: If you're going to the library today, I'd like to go too. Alsois more formal than too:My brother is usually very friendly, but he is also capable of holding a grudge. Likewiseis even more formal: Their parents were likewise attending the ceremony. Furthermoreoften stresses the clause following it as more important than the clause before it: / don't want you to go to that place; furthermore, I forbid it.
prefix entry-
-bio— or bi- pref A prefix that means: 1. Life or living organism: biography. 2. Biology or biological: bio physics. ___
Word Building: bio-The prefix bio-means "life." When used to form words in English, bio-generally refers to living organisms or to biology, the science of living organisms. Many of the words that begin with bio-, such as bioethicsand biotechnology,have only come into being in the 20th century. Sometimes before an o bio-becomes bi-: biopsy.
Status label_____ breath«er (bte'thsr) n. Informal. A short period of rest: After this chore, let's take a breather.
sense number
uncountable label
- table cross-reference
Note cross-reference
Word Building Note
Essential Academic Vocabulary
Study the preceding dictionary page. Choose the sentences.
1. A synonym for besides is_____
a. next to
b. beside
c. furthermore
2. Bad is a(n)______
a. adverb
b. adjective
c. verb
3. The symbol for the element barium is______
a. B
b. Ba
c. B.A.
4. The prefix bio- means______
a. two
b. again
c. life
5. The word breather is used______
a. in informal situations
b. in formal situations
c. rarely
6. The verb begin is______
a. transitive
b. intransitive
c. both transitive and intransitive
7. The opposite of backward is______
a. ballistics
b. forward
c. start
8. Breather rhymes with______
a. leather
b. father
c. freezer
9. Begin, commence, and start are_____
a. antonyms
b. synonyms
c. homonyms
ord or phrase that completes each of the following