Partner Discussion: Planning an Energy-Efficient HouseYou and a partner have just bought some wooded land on a south-facing incline. You plan to build a small house on this property. You want to make sure that your house is environmentally friendly and energy efficient, so you want to rely as little as possible on fossil fuels. Discuss with your partner the location of the house, its design, and ways to incorporate energy-saving features and alternative energy possibilities.
Draw a simple plan of the house, showing some of the crucial design elements. Explain your design to other class members.
Plan of Mi/ Bco-hous&
For more activities related to this chapter, go to the Essential Academic Vocabulary website.
| Verb
| Adjective
| Conjunction ^
| collapse
| accumulate
| dramatic
| whereby
| duration
| attain
| empirical
| layer
| clarify
| enormous
| phenomenon
| coincide
| logical
| version
| conceive
| reverse
| confirm
| so-called
| conrorm
diminish displace find inhibit invoke overlap precede
Chapter 17 • Geoiogv 175
1. What is the connection between dinosaurs and geol- 5. There are many children's books and a lot of media ogists? attention given to dinosaurs. Why do you think peo-
_ .. . .. j i r pie are so interested in dinosaurs?
2. Have you ever seen reconstructions or models of
dinosaurs in museums? What was your impression? 6. What other life forms disappeared at the same time as
« mi. i. j u-- i Ji-i u.- *• ru the dinosaurs?
3. What do you think caused the extinction of the
dinosaurs? 7. Where in the world have dinosaur fossils been found?
4. What movies have you seen about dinosaurs? How were the dinosaurs represented?
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 1048