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In every job that must be done

There is an element of fun

You find the fun and… snap!

The job's a game

And every task you undertake

Becomes a piece of cake

A lark! A spree! It's very clear to see that

A Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

The medicine go down

Medicine go down

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

In a most delightful way


A robin feathering his nest

Has very little time to rest

While gathering his bits of twine and twig

Though quite intent in his pursuit

He has a merry tune to toot

He knows a song will move the job along


For a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

The medicine go down

Medicine go down

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down

In a most delightful way.


Mavis and Sybil have ways that are winning

And Prudence and Gwendolyn set your heart spinning.

Phoebe's delightful, Maude is disarming,

Janice, Felicia, Lydia – charming!

Cynthia's dashing, Vivian's - sweet,

Stephanie's smashing, Priscilla – a treat,

Veronica, Millicent, Agnes, and Jane

Convival company, time and again!

Dorcas and Phyllis and Glynis are sorts

I will agree are three jolly good sports.

But cream of the crop, tip of the top

It's Mary Poppins, and there we stop!


Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey

Chim chim cher-ee!

A sweep is as lucky, as lucky can be

Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey

Chim chim cher-oo!

Good luck will rub off when I shake hands with you

Or blow me a kiss and that's lucky too


Now, as the ladder of life has been strung

You might think a sweep's on the bottommost rung

Though I spend my time in the ashes and smoke

In this whole wide world there's no happier bloke


Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey

Chim chim cher-ee!

A sweep is as lucky, as lucky can be

Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey

Chim chim cher-oo!

Good luck will rub off when I shake hands with you


Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey

Chim chim cher-ee!

A sweep is as lucky, as lucky can be

Chim chim-in-ey, chim chim-in-ey

Chim chim cher-oo!

Good luck will rub off when I shake hands with you.


The hills are alive with the sound of music

With songs they have sung for a thousand years.

The hills fill my heart with the sound of music,

My heart wants to sing every song it hears.


My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds

that rise from the lake to the trees.

My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies

from a church on a breeze,

To laugh like a brook when it trips and falls over

stones on its way,

To sing through the night like a lark who is learning to pray.


I go to the hills when my heart is lonely

I know I will hear what I've heard before

My heart will be blessed with the sound of music

And I'll sing once more.



Do (doe), a deer, a female deer,

Re (ray), a drop of golden sun,

Mi (me), a name I call myself,

Fa (far), a long, long way to run,

So(sew), a needle pulling thread,

La, a note to follow “so”,

Ti(tea), I drink with jam and bread,

That will bring us back to “do”.




Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,

Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,

Brown paper packages tied up with strings -

These are a few of my favourite things

Cream coloured ponies and crisp apple strudels

Door bells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles,

Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings -

These are a few of my favourite things.


Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes,

Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes,

Silver white winters that melt into springs

These are a few of my favourite things,


When the dog bites,

When the bee stings,

When I'm feeling sad,

I simply remember my favourite things

And then I don't feel so bad.


She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee,

Her dress has got a tear.

She waltzes on her way to mass

And whistles on the stair,

And underneath her wimple

She has curlers in her hair,

I even heard her singing in the abbey.


She's always late for chapel

But her penitence is real.

She's always late for everything,

Except for every meal.

I hate to have to say it,

But I very firmly feel

Maria's not an asset to the abbey.


I'd like to say a word in her behalf,

Maria makes me laugh.


How do you solve a problem like Maria?

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?

How do you find a word that means Maria?

A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!


Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her,

Many a thing she ought to understand.

But how do you make her stay

And listen to all you say,

How do you keep a wave upon the sand.


Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria?

How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?


When I'm with her I'm confused,

Out of focus and bemused,

And I never know exactly where I am.

Unpredictable as weather,

She's as flighty as a feather.

She's a darling! She's a demon! She's a lamb!


She'd outpester any pest,

Drive a hornet from its nest,

She could throw a whirling dervish out of whirl.

She is gentle! She is wild!

She's a riddle! She's a child!

She's a headache! She's an angel!

She's a girl!


How do you solve a problem like Maria?

How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?

How do you find a word that means Maria?

A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown!


Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her

Many a thing she ought to understand

But how do you make her stay

And listen to all you say

How do you keep a wave upon the sand.


Oh, how do you solve a problem like Maria?

How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?


Climb every mountain,

Search high and low,

Follow every byway,

Every path you know.


Climb every mountain,

Ford every stream,

Follow every rainbow,

Till you find your dream.


A dream that will need

All the love you can give

Every day of your life

For as long as you live.


Climb every mountain,

Ford every stream,

Follow every rainbow,

Till you find your dream.


A dream that will need

All the love you can give

Every day of your life

For as long as you live.


Climb every mountain,

Ford every stream,

Follow every rainbow,

Till you find your dream.




We can tell the time by a clock or a watch. A clock is big, it is usually on the wall or it stands on the table. A watch is small, we can put it in our pocket or wear it on our wrist with a leather strap ribbon or a watch band.

Watches and clocks have figures on their faces and two hands: a long hand, which points to the minutes, and a short hand which points to the hours.

Some clocks have three hands: a long hand, a short hand and a very short one to point to the seconds. If a clock or a watch tells the right time we say that the watch is right. If a watch gains we say that the watch is fast and if it loses we say that it is slow.

You must not forget to wind up your watch regularly. If you don’t do this it may stop. We usually set our watches by the radio time signal or by the Kremlin clock which we can hear over the radio at midnight. In England it is Big Ben, the clock on the Houses of Parliament in London.

Time is not the same all over the world. In Russia there is Moscow Time and local time. When it is night in Moscow it is early morning in the Far East. England no longer goes by GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) which is three hours behind Moscow Time. England is now in line with some other European countries which go by Central European Time, and this is two hours behind Moscow Time.

Lesson 19 (Lloyd)

Numerals: Times and Dates

If I want to know the time I look at my watch. I’ve got a gold wrist watch with a leather strap. It keeps fairly good time, but occasionally it goes wrong. When it does that I take it to a watchmaker and have it repaired, cleaned and regulated. I don’t think you’ll find it very difficult to tell the time in English. First of all let’s deal with the hours. We say it’s one o’clock, two o’clock, three o’clock and so on. Twelve o’clock may refer to midnight or to midday. Then for the quarters we say, for instance, it’s a quarter past eight, half past eight, a quarter to nine. Sometimes people just say eight fifteen, instead of a quarter past eight and eight thirty, instead of half past eight. We say other times as follows: five minutes past eight, or simply, five past eight. Similarly, ten past eight, twenty past eight, twenty-five past eight, twenty-five to nine, twenty to nine, ten to nine, five to nine.

Referring to dates, we say, for instance, Henry VIII (the eighth) was born on the 28th of June 1491 and died on the 28th of January 1547. Be careful to pronounce distinctly: thirteen-thirty, fourteen-forty, fifteen-fifty, sixteen-sixty and so on. Then learn a hundred, a hundred and one, two hundred and seventy-six, a thousand, three thousand three hundred and eighty-seven.


Our House

Many families in London live in flats. But most people live in their own houses in the suburbs. We too have a house in a London suburb. I bought it about 15 years ago when I got married. Like most of London suburban houses it consists of only two floors: the ground floor and the first floor. On the ground floor there’s the dining-room, the lounge or sitting-room, the kitchen and the hall. In the hall you see a stand for hats, coats and umbrellas. The staircase leads from the hall to the landing on the first floor. On this floor there are four bedrooms, a bathroom and a lavatory. On top of the roof there are three chimneys.

In front of the house we have a small garden in which we grow flowers: roses, tulips and so on. At the back of the house there is a much larger garden where we grow all kinds of vegetables, such as potatoes, cabbages, cauliflowers, onions and tomatoes. At the side of the house is a garage where I keep my car. The garden is enclosed by a fence with a gate in it.


Lesson 4


- Now let`s have a talk about our house .Can you tell me where we live?

- Yes, I can. You live in a house in the suburbs of London.

- Quite right.Now tell me, is it a large house or a small one?

- Well, it`s neither very large nor very small.

- When did I buy it?

- You bought it about fifteen years ago.

- Is there a garage?

- Yes, there is.

- How many rooms are there in the house?

- Let me see. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. Yes, seven, including the kitchen.

- Are the bedrooms upstairs or downstairs?

- Upstairs, on the first floor.

- Which rooms are on the ground floor?

- The dining-room, the lounge and the kitchen.

- Have we got a garden?

- Yes, you have.

- Where do the flowers grow?

- In the front garden.

- Are there any fruit trees there?

- No, there aren`t. They are in the back garden.

- Have we got many fruit trees?

- No, not many, just a few.

- Do you like fruit?

- Yes, I do, very much, especially pears and apples.


Lesson 6

Conversation between Teacher and Student


- Is there a bookcase in your sitting-room?

- Yes, there is.

- Are there any books in it?

- Yes, quite a lot.

- How many are there?

- I don’t know. I haven’t counted them.

- Where is the window?

- To the left of the piano.

- What is there under the window?

- A radiator.

- Can you see it?

- No, I can’t.

- Why not?

- Because it’s behind the settee.

- Is the mirror round or square?

- Neither, it’s oval.

- Is there anything on top of the radiogram?

- No, nothing at all.

- There’s something on the small table, isn’t there?

- Yes, there is an ashtray.

- Isn’t there anything else on it?

- Yes, there are some newspapers.

- Are there any armchairs in the room?

- Yes, there are two.

- You can see somebody sitting in one of them, can’t you?

- Yes, an old lady.

- Is anybody sitting in the other chair?

- No, nobody. There isn’t anybody sitting on the settee, either.

- Do you like our sitting-room?

- Yes, I do very much. I’m so glad. Everybody does.


Lesson 7



Now let’s compare our sitting-room with the Bakers’. The Bakers are friends of ours. They live next door to us. Our room is a little larger than theirs and we have more furniture in it. As you see there’s no radio-set in Mr. Baker’s room. There isn’t a bookcase either. Mine is in my sitting-room but his is in his study. My wife keeps her music in the music-stool, but Mrs. Baker keeps hers in a separate cabinet near the piano. You can also see that theirs is a grand piano whereas ours is a small one. Both my wife and Mrs. Baker are very fond of music and both play the piano very well. But my wife doesn’t play as well as Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Baker doesn’t only play much better than my wife does but she is the best pianist in the district. I don’t play the piano but I play the violin. There’s no settee in the Bakers’ sitting-room and there are no small chairs. However they have three easy chairs whereas we have only two. In their room they have an electric fire but we, like most English people, have a coal fire. Sometimes we burn logs of wood instead of coal. The Bakers have two vases on their mantelpiece, as well as a clock, and over the mantelpiece they’ve got a beautiful picture, painted by a famous artist.

Lesson 8

Another Talk

- Well, you’ve learned quite a lot about our sitting-room and the Bakers’ and now I’m going to ask you a few questions about them. Tell me whose sitting-room do you like better, the Bakers’ or ours?

- I don’t think there’s much to choose between the two, but on the whole I prefer yours.

- I’m glad to hear that. Of course, their furniture is more modern than ours. You see, they haven’t been married as long as we have so they bought their furniture more recently than we did. Don’t you think that’s a very fine picture the Bakers have over their mantelpiece?

- Yes, I can’t help admiring it whenever I look at it. I should think it must be very valuable.

- And what do you think of the piano?

- I think it’s a very fine instrument indeed.

- By the way, do you play the piano?

- I’m sorry to say I don’t.

- Does your wife?

- Oh yes, she does, and very well too.

Lesson 9


It’s Saturday afternoon. There’s a knock at the door. Our neighbours Mr. and Mrs. White have arrived. The maid opens the door and lets them in. She shuts the door and shows them into the lounge. We greet them, shake hands with them and ask them to sit down.

A few minutes later we hear a ring at the door. It’s Betty Smith, my wife’s niece. She’s just arrived from the country and she’s going to stay with us over the weekend. She kisses her aunt, who introduces her to the Whites, and we all sit down.

The ladies talk about the weather and the latest fashions. We, men, discuss politics, business and the latest news.

Presently the maid brings in the tea on a trolley: a pot of tea, cups and saucers, hot water, a jug of milk and sugar; also sandwiches, bread and butter, jam and cakes. My wife pours out the tea. I hand it round. My niece passes round the sandwiches and cakes. We all enjoy the tea very much.

Lesson 12

Dinner- table Talk

-Good evening. I’m so glad you were able to come…

Dinner’s ready. Let’s go into the dining-room. Mrs. Thompson, will you sit here on my left and you, Mr. Thompson, there…How long have you been in London?

-Oh, only a few days, since last Monday, to be exact, and I’m sorry to say we have to return tomorrow week.

-Is this your first visit?

-It’s my wife’s first visit, but I’ve been here several times before. I have to come over at least once a year on business, and I feel quite at home in London.

-And what do you think of London, Mrs. Thompson?

-Er-I beg your pardon I didn’t quite catch what you said.

-I was asking what you thought of London?

-Oh, I think it’s a wonderful place. There always seems to be something interesting to do.

-And how do you like our weather?

-Well, it’s rather changeable, isn’t it?

-Yes it is, but on the whole it’s not so bad, once you get used to it.

Will you have some more chicken?

-No, thank you.

-What about you, Mr. Thompson?

-Yes, please, just a little. It’s delicious.

-I’m so glad you like it…And now what sweet will you have, Mrs. Thompson? There’s an apple-tart and cream, or chocolate trifle.

-Er-trifle for me, please.

-And you, Mr. Thompson?

-Trifle for me, too, please.

Lesson 17

At the Restaurant

In all large towns there are plenty of restaurants, cafes, tearooms and inns or public-houses. All the large hotels have dining-rooms or restaurants, like the one in the picture. Each little party of guests have their own table and every table, as you see has its own lamp.

Many of the guests are in evening dress, which is usual at fashionable restaurants. At some it’s compulsory.

In the picture you can see several couples dancing at the far end of the room, near the orchestra. One of the waiters is standing near the buffet, where there are cold dishes of various kinds, another’s carrying a tray with a bottle of wine and two wine-glasses on it. He’ll put the bottle of wine into the ice-bucket to keep it cool.

Meals in England are much the same as in other countries, with the exception of breakfast. I expect you’ve heard all about the English breakfast, with its porridge or cereal, bacon and eggs, toast, marmalade and tea or coffee. Very few people like chocolate or cocoa for breakfast. In the afternoon, about four o’clock or half past, nearly everybody has tea. The two main meals of the day, lunch and dinner, are both more or less alike. Most people have lunch at about one o’clock and dinner at half past seven or later.

Lesson 18

Ordering a Meal

-Is this table free, waiter?

-I’m sorry, sir, these two tables have just been reserved by telephone, but that one over there is free.

-What a pity! We wanted to be near the dance-floor. Still it doesn’t matter, we’ll take it. The menu, please.

-Here you are, sir. Will you dine a la carte or take the table d’hôte?

-Well, let’s see. What do you think, darling?

-Oh, I don’t want much to eat. I’m not very hungry…I think I’ll have some oxtail soup and fried plaice with chips.

-Hm, I’m rather hungry. I’ll start with some hors- d’oeuvre.

-And to follow?

-A grilled steak with baked potatoes and peas.

-Will you have anything to drink, sir?

-Well, I’m rather thirsty. Bring me half a pint of bitter. What about you, darling?

-Well, I don’t care for beer, but I will have a glass of sherry.

-Very good. What sweet would you like?

-I’ll have fruit salad.

-So, will I. And we’ll have two coffees, please.

-Black or white?

-White, please. Oh, and two liqueur brandies.


-What a lovely waltz they are playing. Shall we dance?

-Yes, I’d love to…


-Waiter, the bill, please.

-Very good, sir.

-Here you are.

-Thank you very much, sir.


At the Restaurant

- Good evening. Two for dinner?

- Yes, that’s right.

- Where would you like to sit?

- Could we have a table near the window, please?

- Come with me, please.

- Could we have the menu?

- Certainly. Here you are.

- We’ll have to make up our mind. We’ll order in a few minutes.

- Do you want an appetizer, dear? Oysters, lobsters, smoked herring or avocado.

- Does it come with the dinner?

- No, it’s a la carte.

- Let’s see… The dinner includes a salad, an entrée, vegetables and potatoes as side dishes, a dessert and coffee. That’s more than enough.

- OK. We’ll order a dinner without an appetizer. What about the entrée? What would you like: veal, roast beef, steak or chicken?

- We have chicken at home rather often. When we eat out, I’d like to get something we don’t have at home. I’d like to have a steak for a change.

- So would I.

- Are you ready to order now?

- Yes. Can we begin with the salad?

- Certainly, sir. What kind of dressing would you like?

- Just olive oil and vinegar for both of us.

- And for your entrée?

- Two steaks, please.

- Rare, medium or well done?

- Medium, please. Is there a choice of vegetables and potatoes?

- No, sir. We serve a daily special. Today you can have mashed potatoes. The vegetable of this day is asparagus.

- It’s all right with me. What about you, darling?

- It’s okay.

- Would you like to see the wine list?

- We’d like a carafe of Chablis. Shall we order the dessert straight away?

- I advise you to take Ivory Cream Cakes or Pumpkin Log.

- Thanks, but we want neither cakes nor pies.

- So, cakes as well as pies are out of the question, aren’t they?

- Right you are. We prefer fruit to pies or ice-cream.

- Will oranges and bananas do?

- Yes, and two coffees, please.

- Black or white?

- White, please.

- Very good, sir.

Lesson 10

Meet the Parkers

- Nora, you look a bit tired. What have you been doing all day?

- I’ve been cleaning the whole house. I said I was going to.

- But I wanted you to wait until the weekend, so that I could help.

- Well, I thought I might as well get on with it. It was about time. The furniture has been looking shabby for months. So this morning I took all the loose covers off the arm-chairs and I washed them. That bit of sun early this afternoon helped to dry them.

- Well, I hope you had a rest this afternoon.

- No, since lunch time I’ve been turning out the rooms upstairs. I haven’t quite finished them yet. I’ve done our room and Robert’s.

- My goodness, you have been working hard.

- You know, Harry, you do make it hard for me to keep the place looking nice when you leave your things about everywhere. For years I’ve been asking you not to keep your books in the kitchen and not to leave your gardening tools inside the house.

- For years I’ve been telling you that you are perfectly free to throw out anything that I leave about if it gets in your way.

- Harry, could you turn out your work room? I’ve been meaning to ask you for days.

- Yes, I will. Hello, who has been playing with my pipes? Three of them are missing.

- Yes, I gave three dirty old pipes to an old man at the door. You haven’t been smoking them lately.

- But Nora, you’ve thrown out my three oldest and best pipes.

- Oh.


Lesson 11

Meet the Parkers

H: Well, Robert, have you made up your mind yet, what you want to do when you leave college?

N: Well, Harry, surely, he is a bit young to decide on his career. He hasn’t even got to college yet.

H: Not at all, Nora. It’s wisest to decide in good time. Look at me for example. I really wanted to be a sailor. But now I spend my days sitting at a desk in an office. Yes, it’s silly to train for the wrong job. And after all, Robert will be going to college soon.

N: Now, if I were a man I’d be a farmer. To see the crops growing, that’s my idea of a good life.

H: Yes, and to see the money rolling in is more important still.

R: Well, that’s not the way I look at it, Dad. It’s the job I care about not the money.

H: Maybe not, but you’ve got to care about the money too, when you have a family to keep.

N: Well, and Peter, he is keen to be a racing motorist or else an explorer.

H: Oh, Peter is not old enough to make up his mind about such things… Well, you haven’t answered my question yet, Robert. What would you like to do?

N: Are you sure you don’t want to be a farmer, Robert or a market gardener?

R: No, I’m sorry, Mum, but I don’t want to at all. I’d rather be a civil engineer. I want to build roads and bridges.

N: Not ships. Isn’t it better to be a shipbuilding engineer?

R: Look here. Is it my career we are planning or yours?

H: All right. All right. There is no need to lose your temper. But you’d better win that scholarship first.


Lesson 15

Meet the Parkers

A warm sunny day in the country where Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parker, with their elder son Robert have come for a picnic lunch.

Nora: Do you think it’s too damp to sit on the grass?

Harry: Oh, no. I should think it’s dry enough for that, after yesterday’s sunshine. Well, is it warm enough for you? Who said the English climate is changeable? It hasn’t rained for at least 48 hours.

N: Don’t speak too soon. There is a nasty-looking cloud just coming up behind you.

H: Oh, that cloud isn’t big enough to do any harm.

Robert: What have we got to eat, Mum?

N: Don’t worry, Robert. I’ve got enough food here for a dozen people.

H: Don’t be too quick about spreading that table cloth, Nora. I felt a spot of rain.

N: Oh, dear. What did I tell you? It’s coming on to pour.

R: We’d better run for it.

N: Where to? There’s no shelter in sight.

R: What about that pub we came past?

N: It’s much too far away. Look, there is a barn over there; we’d better run for that.

H: I don’t think it will last long.

N: Long enough to soak us to the skin if we don’t hurry.

R: The English climate isn’t at all changeable, is it, Dad?


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