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Use the table below to make passive sentences.

Diamonds Microchips Semiconductors Electronic goods Coffee Leather goods Oil Rice Watches Coal Copper Mobile phones   produce manufacture make refine grow mine Poland Kuwait Japan The United States Finland Switzerland Malaysia Brazil Spain South Africa Zambia China

Complete the following with passive forms of the verbs in brackets

The idea for how our company’s new products …..(develop) is not new -- it …..(model) on the well-known example of the Body Shop. When a new product …. (plan), the first step is to send Product Development Agents to the region of the developing world chosen for the project. They start by finding materials that …..(use) in the product. Then links…..(arrange) with local suppliers. Wherever possible, products ….(manufacture) locally as well, although the finished product ….(export) for sale mostly in the developed world. Normally, products ….(ship) in large containers and ….(package) in their final form only when they reach their destination. The Product Development Agent identifies and establishes links with local material suppliers. After that he or she ensures that these links ….(maintain). The agent is also responsible for producing goods safely so that human rights ….(respect) and local workers ….(not exploit).

Complete these sentences with either the present simple or the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1. We normally ….(hold) our sales conference in Spain, but this year we…. (hold) it in Poland.

2. Although we ….(use) our own sales rep at the moment, we generally …(use) agents in Japan.

3. It normally ….(take) us two years to develop a new product.

4. We don’t often ….(raise) our prices more than 5%, but this time we ….(raise) them 10%.

5. Usually our sales Director….(deal) with important customers.

6. We usually ….(recruit) from within the company, but this time we ….(advertise) externally.

7. We ….(rent) offices until our new headquarters are ready.

8. The company….(want) to achieve record sales this year.

5. In each sentence, put one verb in the past simple (did),one in the past continuous (was/were doing) and one in the past perfect (had done).

1. While I….. (work) in my father’s business I…..(start) to understand the importance of marketing - I…..(never/think) about it before.

2. I….. (already/be) in the job for two months when I first…..(speak) to the big boss. I nearly hit his car as I…..(park) mine!




Test A

1. _______ a strike, the company gave in to the workers' demands.

1. Hoping to prevent

2. Hoped to prevent

3. Hope to prevent

2. Our employees ______ our strongest asset.

1. are being

2. are

3. to be

3. _____ that for another meeting.

1. Let's to leave

2. Let's be leaving

3. Let's leave

4. Our office usually ____ at 5:00 PM, but today we're staying open until 6.

1. closes

2. is closing

3. closed

5. _______ business in third-world countries can be a frustrating experience.

1. To do

2. Having done

3. Doing

6. Please ask Robert _______to the meeting.

1. to be coming

2. to come

3. come

8. From now on, we ________things differently.

1. will be doing

2. have done

3. do

10. I ________those changes last week.

1. have implemented

2. have been implementing

3. implemented

Test B

1. If he doesn't come in the next 10 minutes, we ______without him.

1. started

2. would start

3. will start

2. He _______ a manager when he was 25.

1. has become

2. became

3. was becoming

3. _______ the details of the proposed merger.

1. Let's to discuss

2. Let's discuss

3. Let's be discussing

4. Our distributor called while I _______ to Jim. (I'm no longer talking to Jim)

1. was talking

2. have been talking

3. would be talking

5. I thought about your proposal, and I think we _______it.

1. accept

2. will have accepted

3. will accept

6. How long _______ in sales?

1. B or C

2. have you worked

3. have you been working

7. I have ______your proposal, and I'm quite impressed.

1. reviewed

2. reviewing

3. review

8. The mayor failed _____the striking workers to return to contract talks.

1. persuade

2. A or C

3. to persuade

9. The union ________ on Tuesday to resume contract talks.

1. was being agreed to

2. agreed

3. has been agreeing

10. Negotiations _______ to continue into the weekend.

1. are expected

2. are expecting

3. expect

Test C

1. Over that past three years, I ______ in a number of interesting projects.

a) have been involved

b) A or C

c) was involved


2. Right now I ________ in any project.

a) am not being involved

b) A or C

c) am not involved

3. --- Do you have time to talk?

--- Not really, I _______ pretty busy right now.

a) am being

b) am

c) have been

4. I __________ to a trade fair until I went to the one in Las Vegas last month.

a) had never been

b) was never

c) have never been

5. They were one of our biggest competitors, but they _______ bankrupt last year.

a) went

b) have gone

c) had gone

6. Recent efforts ________ our company's profile have been successful.

a) boost

b) to have boosted

c) to boost

7. John's company _______ one of the biggest electronics retailers in the country.

a) is

b) are

c) A or B

8. I _______ the approval of three committee members before Bob signed off on the project.

a) had already gotten

b) did already get

c) have already gotten

9. The recent survey shows that our consumer base ______.

a) grows

b) is growing

c) A or B

10. ---- How's the new guy doing?

----- Right now he's just _______ to get familiar with our process.

a) try

b) tried

c) trying

Test D

1. Do you think you _______ finish this report by the end of the day?

a) could/will

b) could/have

c) will/have

2. Yes, the report _______ by the end of the day.

a) will be finished

b) I will finish

c) I have finished

3. I _______ it as we speak.

a) finish

b) would finish

c) am finishing

4. I will have finished ______the presentation by the time you get back from lunch.

a) to prepare

b) preparing

c) A or B

5. I ________ for many different jobs.

a) have been applying

b) have applied

c) A or B

6. I _______ talked about this later.

a) would rather we

b) would we rather

c) rather

7. If I had known about the layoffs, I ______ you.

a) would have told

b) will have told

c) will tell

8. We are currently _______ several acquisitions.

a) considered

b) have been considering

c) considering

9. These acquisitions _________ us as the leader in our industry. (The acquisitions may or may not be made/realized)

a) would be established

b) would establish

c) would have established

10. These acquisitions _______ us as the leader in our industry. (The acquisitions were not made/realized)

a) would establish

b) would have established

c) would be established

Test E

1. I ________ my new job next week.

a) B or C

b) am starting

c) start

2. There _________to be a problem with your application.

a) is seeming

b) seems

c) seem

3. I _______10,000 shares last week.

a) bought

b) will have bought

c) have bought

4. I _______a lot of money if I hadn't listened to your advice.

a) would make

b) would have made

c) will have made

5. _________ that issue, Bob started to look for other problem areas.

a) To be resolved

b) Has he resolved

c) Having resolved


6. That issue is yet _________.

a) having resolved

b) has he resolved

c) to be resolved

7. _________that issue?

a) Has he resolved

b) Having resolved

c) To be resolved

8. Maybe you should _________a different approach.

a) tried

b) try

c) to have tried

9. Hiring Thomas has ________ a positive impact on the growth of our law firm.

a) having

b) been had

c) had

10. I'm not sure that _________ the CEO will solve our problems.

a) replacing

b) replace

c) to replace

Test F

1. I ________ my new job next week.

a) B or C

b) am starting

c) start

2. There ________ to be a problem with your application.

a) is seeming

b) seems

c) seem

3. I ________10,000 shares last week.

a) bought

b) will have bought

c) have bought

4. I ______ a lot of money if I hadn't listened to your advice.

a) would make

b) would have made

c) will have made

5. _________ that issue, Bob started to look for other problem areas.

a) To be resolved

b) Has he resolved

c) Having resolved

6. That issue is yet _________.

a) having resolved

b) has he resolved

c) to be resolved

7. _______ that issue?

a) Has he resolved

b) Having resolved

c) To be resolved

8. Maybe you should ______a different approach.

a) tried

b) try

c) to have tried

9. Hiring Thomas has _______ a positive impact on the growth of our law firm.

a) having

b) been had

c) had

10. I'm not sure that _______the CEO will solve our problems.

a) replacing

b) replace

c) to replace

Test G

1. MasterCard ________ built its marketing around the theme, "There are some things money can't buy.

a) B or C

b) has built

c) built

2. If they ___________us earlier, we could have set up a meeting.

a) contact

b) had contacted

c) have contacted

3. I hadn't _________ the figures were so low.

a) realized

b) been realized

c) been realizing

4. Visa __________ Mastercard's main competitor.

a) is being

b) is

c) A or B

5. We're currently _________that part of the contract.

a) negotiated

b) being negotiated

c) negotiating

6. That part of the contract is currently _______.

a) negotiating

b) negotiated

c) being negotiated

7. We successfully _______the inclusion of that amendment.

a) negotiated

b) being negotiated

c) negotiating

8. The outcome _________ known until next week.

a) will be

b) won't be

c) A or B

9. The outcome __________known next week.

a) will be

b) won't be

c) A or B

10. These fees are not __________in the estimate.

a) included

b) including

c) A or B

Test H

1. This advertisement doesn't _________people to buy the product.

a) encouraged

b) encourage

c) to encourage

2. This advertisement _______people to buy the product.

a) encourages

b) encouraged

c) A or B

3. I _________numbers like these in 10 years.

a) didn't see

b) haven't seen9

c) A or B

4. Let's ________ this over lunch.

a) discuss

b) to discuss

c) be discussing

5. ______ a business is hard work.

a) Starting

b) To start

c) Having started

6. __________three businesses myself, I know what I'm talking about.

a) To start

b) Starting

c) Having started

7. This is an opportunity _______ more directly with consumers.

a) to connect

b) connecting

c) connect

8. _________with consumers isn't easy.

a) Connecting

b) Connect

c) To connect

9. He expressed concern about some of the deals currently _____.

a) take place

b) taking place

c) are taking place

10. Generally speaking, nobody ______to carry around a huge cellphone.

a) want

b) is wanting

c) wants

Test I

1. It would _______more sense to redesign the packaging.

a) make

b) have made

c) A or B

2. It would _____ more sense to have gone to the meeting.

a) make

b) have made

c) A or B

3. ______through the process many times before, I know exactly which steps to take.

a) Going

b) Having gone

c) To go

4. There's no need ______ a chief marketing officer.

a) to hire

b) hire

c) hiring

5. This meeting has been _____ by the marketing department.

a) organize

b) organizing

c) organized

6. The marketing department is ______ the meeting.

a) organizing

b) organize

c) organized

7. The safety inspector is ______ by the CEO.

a) appointed

b) appointing

c) A or B

8. This seemingly easy task ______us.

a) has eluded

b) had eluded

c) A or B

9. This seemingly easy task ______us until last week.

a) has eluded

b) had eluded

c) A or B

10. What can we _____ from this experience?

a) learn

b) to learn

c) learning

Test J

1. Customers will be allowed to pay _____ cash.

a) by

b) A or C


2. The main problem in economics is the question of allocating scarce resources_____ competing uses.

a) in

b) between

c) no preposition.

3. Government spends part of their revenue_____ particular goods and services.

a) on

b) among

c) to

4. A secondary market is a market in which the investors can buy and sell securities____ each other.

a) behind

b) among

c) in

5. During a recession monetary policy is aimed ____ increasing the money supply to encourage spending.

a) on

b) at

c) over

6. When the Bank sells government bonds ___ the open market, the Bank withdraws the money ___the population and reduces the money supply.

a) to; at

b) in; of

c) in: from

7. One of the main laws of the market is the law____ supply and demand.

a) on

b) of


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