Please, list all the positions you have heldAIESEC Chelyabinsk
Coordinator Application Form
Contact Information
Name, Surname
| Photo
| Date of birth
| Mobile phone
| E-mail
| Skype
| Date of joining AIESEC
Studies, working background and skills
Please provide details of your education, courses completed and other relevant academic background
Place of study
| Year of study
| Faculty
| Description of studies
| | | | |
Please, provide details of relevant practical and professional experience (starting with the most recent). Indicate whether it was full-time, vacation work or another type of position background
| Name of organization
| Job description
| Main results
| How did it impact to your development
| | | | | |
Please, give details of your languages and level (native, excellent, good, and basic).
| Writing
| Speaking
| Understanding
Please list your top 3 strengths and top 3 weaknesses with brief explanation
I am an AIESECer! Experience and achievements
Please, list all the positions you have held
| Position
| Results achieved
| Key learning points
| | | | | Please, list Local/Regional/National/International Conferences you have attended . if no don't fill
| Conference
| Roles (Delegate/TM/TL)
| Key learning points
| | | | | Please, list your results (Ra (ppl/money), Ma, Re, appl)
I am applying for Coordinator Position!
What is your motivation to become LC Chelyabinsk Coordinator?
How will this position help you in your future AIESEC and non-AIESEC life?
What are the main challenges you thing you may face during you experience? How are you going to overcome or solve them?
| Challenges you might face
| How will you overcome/solve them?
How do you think why AIESEC is relevant for Russia?
Why the project you are applying for is relevant for Chelyabinsk?
Why you are the best person for this position?
Coordinator TM
Date: 2015-12-11; view: 798