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I love you. I love you. I love you. Don't forget that.

She read it a few more times and then folded it carefully and stuck it back into her bra. Tears rolled down her face; she felt like she had lost everything she ever wanted in life.


Brian McGill placed his hand on the small of Gwen Smith's back to reassure her as they waited for the guard to let them through the barred gate. "This place is awful!" muttered Gwen, just loud enough for Brian to hear.

"Yeah," he responded, his voice strained with worry and fatigue. It had been a hell of a spring. First there was the stress of Gwen's marital break-up, and then the confusion and frustration he was experiencing in his feeling towards Gwen and now the extra burden of Robbie's arrest. All hell was breaking loose at the office.

They were led by the guard into a room divided by a counter and a glass wall. They sat down on the metal folding chairs and waited. After a while, a door on the other side opened and Robbie was escorted in. She wore an orange cover all and her hands and feet were chained and linked to her waist. Her face was lean and her eyes haggard. Gwen did her best to stifle the gasp of shock that escaped her lips.

Robbie shuffled over and sat down. Her smile was thin and brittle. "Hi, guys. Thanks for coming." The blue eyes moved to Brian. "How is it going?"

"Shares are down in the video, special effects and production companies. Your other interests are holding their own because no link has been made to you yet. The investors are complaining but so far have not taken any legal action. The films making too much money for them to worry about any splash effect from the bad publicity."

Robbie smiled cynically. The eyes turned on Gwen. "Well?"

"Lots of calls, Robbie. Three companies want permission to do made for T.V. films on your story. I declined on your behalf. Most of the CEO's of your companies have touched base. They're pretty nervous."

"Afraid the green buck well might dry up?" Robbie asked bitterly.

Gwen let it pass; after all she was right to feel bitter. A lot of feeder companies made their money off of Robbie's drive, talent and success. "I've got those forms for you to sign." Gwen folded them so that they would fit through the slot at the base of the glass. The guard came forward and took them away from Robbie.

For a second, the old spark flashed across her eyes, then the blue dulled again in defeat. "My censor board will have to approve my reading material first," she joked sarcastically. "I'll get them back to you as soon as I can."

Gwen nodded. "We've been to see Janet and the kids."

The blue eyes flashed up. "Is Janet okay?" Robbie asked earnestly.

Brian grimaced. "She's pretty banged up, Robbie. They kicked her about the face and chest. She's still really swollen and sore but she and Alberta both said that the doctor felt Janet would be fine. She hopes to visit in the next day or two as soon as the ribs will let her. She's in a lot of discomfort."

Robbie nodded, her jaw moving under the pale skin. She said nothing.

Gwen laughed. "Ryan has decided she is going to be a detective now!"

Blue eyes flashed. "No she is not! She's going to get her doctorate in physics like her aunt!"

Brian and Gwen exchanged looks. "Oh," the secretary responded noncommitally. Time to change the subject, she thought.

"I've been searching through the files. The name of the crown's witness rang a bell with me and I thought I'd just check it out. Isabella Selo is the daughter of a gardener that worked on the Williams' estate. That's why she was around and saw...well, what she was," stumbled Gwen. She went on quickly, "Last year, she wrote asking to be president of your official fan club. We turned her down nicely, explaining that you already had an official fan club."

Robbie sneered. "A disgruntled fan."

"It appears so. I told Janet, and she is going to pass the information on to your lawyers. They might be able to use it to discredit the witness."

Robbie shrugged and said nothing. They talked about business after that, avoiding anything about the case.


Two days later, Robbie was again taken upstairs to see a visitor. To her surprise, she was searched this time. Then she was taken to a different room. The room held only two wood chairs placed side by side in opposite directions. The chairs were bolted to the floor. Janet sat in one.

She rose stiffly, a look of shock and worry on her face, as Robbie shuffled over and stood looking down at her. The guard waited by the door, watching. Robbie's face was cold and masked of feeling, her lovely eyes dull and lifeless.

Janet stepped closer and wrapped her arms around the stiff figure, holding her tight' feeling the chained hands separating their bodies. After a seconds delay, Robbie's head lowered and rubbed against Janet's. Janet looked up to see eyes filled with pain. "I love you, Robbie," she whispered before hard, demanding lips met hers.

Janet pulled away from the kiss. It had not been tender or loving, just demanding and crude. This was not the Robbie she had fallen in love with. This was the old Robbie, cold, ruthless and commanding. "Ahhh, ribs hurt. Sorry. Can we sit down?" she muttered, not wanting to get into an issue with her lover when their time together was so limited.

"You okay?" asked Robbie in concern, showing emotion for the first time.

Janet nodded, tears welling in her eyes. "Robbie, Alberta knows you are not telling the truth. Please, hon, you have to!"

Cold blue eyes looked up. "You've never called me, hon, before."

"What?!" asked Janet, startled by Robbie's reaction.

"So who is your hon, Janet?"

Janet's face reddened in anger. "That was not called for, Robbie," she said quietly. Then went on trying to keep her temper in check. "Reb asks about you. She can't understand why she can't phone you whenever she wants."

"And Ryan? I hear she calls you mom, now," commented Robbie, looking at a corner in the room.

"Ryan is really having trouble with this, Robbie. She is feeling very insecure. She's afraid she has lost you and that I'll abandon her. She is trying to strengthen the bond with me in the hopes that won't happen. She is a very scared child, Robbie, with a lot of baggage," Janet explained softly.

Eyes burned bright blue. "You think I don't know that!?" Robbie snapped.

Janet swallowed and wiped the tears that had over flowed away with her hand. "I tried to contact Elizabeth but so far I haven't been able to get through."

"Leave Bethy out of this!" commanded Robbie.

Janet looked into the ice blue eyes that once shone with love. "I will do anything for you, Robbie, except let you rot away in here for something you didn't do."

"Read my statement, Janet. I did it!"

"Alberta said you didn't and Gwen has proof that the witness could be no more than a disgruntled fan."

"Fuck Alberta!" snarled Robbie, getting up. "Or do you already!?"

Janet got to her feet awkwardly and slapped Robbie across the face. Then she walked to the door and slammed out. Robbie let a smirking guard lead her back to her cell.


Spring Rains Part 4 html

Spring Rains Part 4 By Anne Azel

Disclaimer: The characters of Xena and Gabrielle are the property of Universal and Renaissance Pictures. The characters and events of the Seasons Series belong to the author.

My special thanks to Fran, who allowed me to tell you part of her story on the journey to recovery from cancer.

My special thanks to Pat for her expert assistance in rescue and fire fighting procedures.

Check out the Seasons dolls at http://www.geocities.com/maclay529/azel.jpg

Thanks Barbara!

My thanks to the readers who have taken the time to let me know that you are enjoying my stories or to share your own with me. You are special people! My grateful thanks to my beta readers Lisa and Inga for their hard work and to Susan for her guidance and insights.

Note: The stories in this series interrelate and should be read in the order they are posted.

Warning: This story is alternative fiction. If you are under age or if such material is illegal in your end of the swamp please do not read on.

When Robbie returned to her cell again, she picked up the newspaper that she had been reading before she left. She stared at the black and white photo of Janet leaving the police station the previous day after making her statement. She was tucked under Alberta's protective arm. Alberta carried a smiling Reb and Ryan followed along behind. The picture cut through her gut and smashed her emotions around. She wanted to stop looking at it but the photo held her with a morbid fascination. The caption read, "The Williams and a close family friend."

The heat of Janet's slap burned against her cheek. She reached her hand up and touched it. Janet had hit her! She ran the tip of her tongue over her lips recalling the sweet taste of her wife. I was a bit rough, she concluded.....no, she'd been more than rough, she had been a first class bitch! What the hell did I do!? she thought, as realization hit. Damn, I acted like a jealous jackass!

Robbie leapt to her feet and flung herself against the bars. "Hey, warden, hey! I've got to use the phone! Hey, it's an emergency! Come on!" she screamed, banging at the bars. Tracy watched with interest from her position on her cot.

After a while a guard came down the hall. "Quiet down, Williams."

"Look, I've got to use the phone!"

"Sorry, block time is over. It will have to wait until tomorrow."

"I can't!!!" screamed Robbie, shaking the bars in angry frustration.

The nightstick slammed against the bars in front of Robbie's face. "You can and you will! Now settle down, Williams! You're disturbing the whole block. Keep it up and you'll get isolation."

Suddenly, Tracy was there between Robbie and the bars. "Fuck you, turnkey. We just wanted to send out for pizza."

"The guard sneered. "Cute, Lanker," responded the guard, whose attention had been drawn away from Robbie. Tracy gave him the finger as he walked away. Then she turned to look at Robbie.

"You crazy or somethin?"

Robbie put her head against the bars. "Yeah, I just might be," she muttered.

"So what is it worth?" asked the cell mate with a smirk.


"So what is it worth to you to make that phone call?"

Blue eyes turned and made contact with brown. "What do you want?"

"Thousand bucks," stated Tracy.

"No, you'll spend it on drugs and I'm stuck in here with you. I'll get you a decent paid job when you get out of here and cover the lawyer fees for your appeal."

Tracy chewed her lip and considered. "That would be more than a thousand dollars"

"A lot more," agreed Robbie.

"Okay. Come here, yer gonna have to help."

Carefully, Robbie drained the water out of the toilet bowl with her toothbrush cup as Tracy had instructed, pouring it back into the sealed tank until it was full to the brim . Tracy sat on the bed and kept a look out while she explained. "See, the pipes are all connected. So once the water's out, you can stick your head in there and pass a message from block to block.. We gotta guy upstairs who'll place the call and pass on the message. It'll cost you twenty bucks and he only allows ten words."

"You're kidding!" growled Robbie.

"Listen, you wanta get the message out?!" responded the woman.

"Okay," sighed Robbie.

Tracy came over and started rapping on the toilet bowl. A short time later, a muffled rap came in response. Tracy nodded to Robbie. "Gimme the phone number."

Robbie looked at her blankly. "The phone number!" Tracy snapped.

"I don't know it, " admitted Robbie.

"Shit, woman! Whatcha thinkin' of?! Well, give me someone's fuckin number!"

Thinking desperately, Robbie gave Tracy Gwen's number hoping, Gwen would be able to pass the message on. Tracy tapped out the code then gave Robbie her final instructions. "State your first name and your message. Don't yell but speak loud."

Robbie stuck her head into the bowl. "Robbie. Janet, I'm sorry. I love you!"

She turned to look at Tracy. The woman smirked. "Ahhhh, aint that sweet!"

"Screw off," muttered Robbie, getting up and brushing the dust from her knees.

Tracy laughed. "See ya put the water back in or the damn water rats come crawlin' up the crapper."


Alberta could tell that Janet was upset as she walked across the prison parking lot to where the scientist sat waiting in the van. Janet got in out of the cold wind and sat white and stiff beside her.

"You okay, hon?" asked Alberta.

Janet's head snapped around. "What did you call me?!"

A slow red washed up Alberta's neck. "Hon. I asked if you were okay. I was concerned."

It was Janet's turn to look embarrassed. She nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay. Robbie picked a fight. She's...she's different."

Alberta nodded and said no more. She started her Honda van and slipped into the busy Toronto traffic leaving Janet with her thoughts.

It was much later that night, after Janet had kissed both girls good night, that Alberta called upstairs that Janet had a phone call from Gwen. Janet picked up the phone, a feeling of apprehension taking root. Why would Gwen be phoning at this hour?

"Ahhh, Janet. I just got a really weird phone call from some guy who wouldn't identify himself. The call came from a pay phone, I checked. He said, 'This is a message from Robbie in prison: Janet, I'm sorry. I love you'." Janet's knees gave out and she sank onto the end of her bed.

"You there?" asked Gwen.

"Yes, thanks, Gwen," laughed Janet weakly. "Thanks."

"Well, good night."

"Good night. Thanks," responded Janet, in a daze. How had Robbie managed that? She smiled;

that was more like her Robbie!


Ted Potts had been transferred to Toronto. He had suffered a broken back and hip in the roll over. David drove to Toronto to be with his brother. Now, forty-eight hours later, he was standing in the hospital parking lot wondering what to do next. His hand rubbed against a two day old stubble. He needed a room, food and a place to sleep.

Getting into his car, he considered what street would be the most likely to have a decent hotel where he could stay at a reasonable price. That was going to be no small order in an expensive city like Toronto. He started his Ford and headed off. Much to his surprise, he found himself heading instead to Elizabeth's condominium. He needed to see Elizabeth, he admitted to himself. Her calm, practical reasoning would put Ted's accident in the proper perspective.

Walking into the lavish entrance hall, he pressed the unmarked intercom button that he knew would connect him to Elizabeth's apartment. There was a long wait, followed by static but no greeting. David took the chance. "Elizabeth is that you? It's David Potts."

"David?! Oh, David! It is so good to hear your voice! I don't know what to do!" came the distressed voice, from the speaker.

"Open the door, Elizabeth and I'll be right up," organized David, and was pleased to hear the latch release almost immediately on the security door. David pulled the door open and entered.


Alberta paced down the large living room. Antique walnut furniture shown richly in the firelight and the soft glow of the Chinese lamp. The lamp had been a gift to herself when she had got her present job. The fine china bowl was hand glazed in 24 carat gold and the shade was pure silk. It had been very expensive. Usually, Alberta shopped for bargains and refinished each piece meticulously herself. But this piece had been beautiful and represented to Alberta the changes that she had fought so hard for in her life. The lamp was more than decorative, it was a symbol of victory.

Alberta sighed, placing her hands on her hips and looking moodily at the floor. She wasn't feeling victorious tonight. She was feeling foolish. This evening had been...disturbing. It wasn't the dog hair that was forming dust bunnies the size of walrus in her hall, or the copper pots and pans she found Rebecca pounding together in the kitchen. It wasn't Ryan's ten million questions about Alberta's life on a western cattle ranch as a child, or the way the kid followed her around. It wasn't Janet's panties she found left inside her drier. It was the whole thing. The sitting down at a table with a family and hearing happy voices around her. She hadn't felt that sort of closeness in a long time. It...it felt good, she had to admit to herself.

She liked the girls. They were very different and yet both really neat. And Janet, hell, she more than liked her. She found herself very attracted to the woman and it was hard to keep reminding herself that the beautiful, vivacious woman was married to somebody else.

She looked around; her meticulously ordered domain was in a state of chaos. Ryan's runners were by the couch were she had kicked them off while reading. The forensic book Ryan had taken from the library shelf was on the end table. Reb's doll, that Rufus had carried in, was lying near the hearth with the big shaggy dog sleeping beside it and Janet's notes on Robbie's case were scattered over the campaign trestle table in the corner of the room. What surprised her was that she didn't care. She liked it. It was sort of a ready-made family. A nice one.

"I got a message from Robbie!" announced Janet, bouncing into the room.

Alberta looked up and forced a smile. "That's good. I take it from your smile that the fight is over."

Janet nodded, her eyes sparkling. "Yah, she sent a message to say she was sorry and loved me."

Alberta smiled but said nothing. Janet smiled back shyly. She really liked Al. The woman wasn't at all like Robbie in personality although she had similar chestnut hair and neon blue eyes. Alberta wore her hair short, almost like a man's, Robbie's was a bit longer and more styled. Robbie's face was movie star beautiful. Alberta's was handsome. The planes of her face were stronger, more defined, her body just as fit as Robbie's but while Robbie had the light frame of a runner, Alberta's body was sinewy and strong.

Robbie was a firecracker exploding with jokes and ideas all the time. Alberta was quiet, controlled and commanding. Janet saw the scientist's eyebrow raise in question and Janet realized with a start that she had been staring. She smiled and quickly looked away, going to study the three water colours of tall ships framed side by side over the mantel. The pictures were moody and stylistic, painted with a limited palette. The result was the haunting feel of power and movement frozen in time.

"These are beautiful!" she exclaimed.

"Thank you," Alberta responded. "I painted them for ...a friend many years ago."

"You painted them?!"

"Yes," responded Alberta, feeling the heat climbing up her neck.

"I love them! You are really very talented! Did you paint this big one too?" asked Janet, going to stand in front of the large picture of summer flowers that hung over the couch. The flowers were in full bloom, soft, and sensual in their rendition.


Janet turned to look at Alberta. "You are amazing, you know. Did you do all the art in the house?"

Their eyes met and locked. Alberta was the first to look away. "No," she laughed, "only in this room. The rest are pieces I've collected over the years. I'll make tea, if you like, while you get on with your research," suggested Alberta, needing time alone to calm the heat that was spreading through her desires focusing on the small woman who stood happily in front of her.

Remember she looks happy because her partner just sent a message to say she loves her, damn it, Alberta, she thought, as she stomped down the hall to the Victorian kitchen. Don't make a fool of yourself!

Alberta sat reading by the fire, her tea cooling at her elbow. Janet was back at the desk researching the news clippings at the time of Philip Williams death. "Alberta? Could a child have killed Philip?" Janet asked, chewing on a pencil. Alberta hated chewed pencils but Janet looked so cute doing it.

Alberta considered. "How old?"


The scientist thought about it. "Yes, if the weapon was swung such as a golf club or bat," she concluded. "By the shape and size of the depression, I'd put my money on a golf wood or perhaps a fireplace tool. There was a fireplace in the room."

"If it wasn't Robbie it had to be either Elizabeth or Billy," concluded Janet quietly.

"The police don't like dealing with child killers," observed Alberta dryly, taking a sip of tea and then frowning at it. It had gone cold while she had been caught up in her reading.

"They are not children now," argued Janet. "And Robbie is covering for someone."

Alberta looked at Janet. "She is covering for Elizabeth, Janet. We both know that, but why?"

"I wish Elizabeth would talk to me," sighed Janet.

"She can hardly talk to you if she's hiding the fact she is the murderer, Janet," pointed out Alberta practically.

Janet stood up and paced around the beautiful room. "It's a Catch 22. If I find evidence to free Robbie and that evidence points to Elizabeth, Robbie would never forgive me!" moaned Janet.

Alberta said nothing. She had an emotional bias and now was not the time for her to be offering advice. She didn't wish any harm on Robbie but then again a Robbie out of the picture would suit Alberta just fine!

Suddenly, Janet stopped and clicked her fingers. "If Elizabeth won't talk I know who will! Billy!"

Alberta's eyes got big. "Janet, the man's dead. Even I couldn't get that information out of his remains."

"Al, for years he took therapy at a Swiss clinic. What if he told his doctor about the killing?

Alberta's eyebrow cocked up. "That's a possibility. You'd have to get your lawyers on it to make it legal. I've got some friends with Interpol that could probably put some muscle behind a legal request for disclosure."

"Let's do it!" decided Janet and Alberta stood to go to the phone. Much to her surprise she found herself being hugged by Janet, who reached up and kissed her cheek. "Thanks."

Alberta smiled weakly and tried hard not to be so petty as to wish that Billy had identified Robbie as the killer.


Robbie walked the yard, trying to soak in as much of the weak spring sunlight that she could. She wasn't sure how she was going to survive for years in prison. The walls closed in on her and she was exhausted from trying to force down the panic and anger that built up inside.

She looked across the yard; Tracy was busy making a drug deal. Shit! Another night of Tracy in lalaland! Voices were getting louder, Tracy feeling the price was too high. A push. Retaliation. In a second, a brawl had started.

Robbie watched as Tracy was surrounded by three inmates. She was giving as good as she got until one of the women grabbed her from behind and pinned her arms. The other two set in on her. Robbie charged across the yard and started swinging.


The next day, Janet arrived right on visiting time, lining up with other loved ones and family. She was anxious to see Robbie again and sort out the emotions that were driving a wedge between them. She signed in and went through the metal detector and then requested to see Roberta Williams. The guard clicked down the computer screen.

"Sorry, Roberta Williams is confined to her cell. She is not allowed visitors for a week."

"What?! Why?!" exclaimed Janet.

The guard rolled his eyes. "Bunch of them went at it in the yard yesterday. A real free for all from what I heard."

Janet paled. "Is she hurt?"

The guard looked back at the screen and brought up Robbie's individual data file. Janet watched his eyes scanning down the screen. "No. She wasn't sent to infirmary so she must be okay."

"Can I get a message to her?" Janet asked.

The guard looked up and smiled. "Sure. Here's some paper and an envelope."

Janet smiled her thanks and wrote a note to Robbie, folded it and sealed it in the envelope before handing it back to the guard. "Thanks," she smiled.

"No problem," responded the guard, not looking up from his computer screen this time. Janet walked away disappointment and frustration bringing tears to her eyes.

The letter reached Robbie in the late afternoon. She was alone in the cell. Tracy was with the lawyers that Robbie had arranged to help her with her pending appeal. She took the letter from the guard and went over to sit on her bunk, looking at Janet's neat teacher handwriting on the cover. Then, carefully, she opened the envelope and pulled out the letter.

Fear held her heart in a tight vice. What if Janet was not going to forgive her? What if she'd had enough of the problems Robbie was always bringing into her life? She unfolded the envelope.

Date: 2015-12-11; view: 937

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I'm so sorry I wasn't there in court for you, Robbie! 6 page | your lover, now, and forever. I miss you so very much. Be careful!
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