OptimizeIn the Optimize phase, the results of the Service Level performance measurements are measured, analysed and acted upon. Possible improvements are discussed and developments initiated if necessary. The two main strategies in this phase are to maintain and/or improve the Service Levels and to lower cost. This could lead to iteration in the lifecycle or to justified retirement of an application.
One important thing to remember about the Application Management Lifecycle is that, because it is circular, the same application can reside in different phases of the lifecycle at the same time. For example, when the next version of an application is being designed, and the current version is being deployed, the previous version might still be in operation in parts of an organization. This obviously requires strong version, configuration and release control.
Particular phases might take longer or seem more significant than others, but they are all crucial. Every application must go through all of them at least once and, because of the circular nature of the lifecycle, will go through some more than once.
This approach also supports iterative development approaches, where software is continually being developed in incremental steps. Each step follows the lifecycle and the application is built in increments, using business priorities as a driver.
Good communication is the key as an application works its way through the phases of the lifecycle. It is critical that high-quality information is passed along by those handling the application in one phase of its existence to those handling it in the next phase. It is also important that an organization monitors the quality of the Application Management Lifecycle. Changes in the lifecycle, for example in the way an organization passes information between the different phases, will affect its quality. Understanding the characteristics of every phase in the Application Management Lifecycle is crucial to improving the quality of the whole. Methods and tools used in one phase might have an impact on others, while optimization of one phase might sub-optimize the whole.
Date: 2014-12-29; view: 1147