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Call Me Any Time!

Chapter One

Julia had had a very bad day and she wasn‘t sure if it was going to get any better. Tony should have called by now and she was beginning to get a little anxious.

It just wasn't like him to keep her waiting this long; especially over as important as this.

Maybe that was why he had not called, maybe it was bad news.

Her nerves were stretched to breaking point, and she was on the verge of tipping her head back and having a good scream; when the phone rang.

“Hello,” she had answered the phone before it could ring twice. “Tony is that you?” her voice was breathless.

“Hello... is Jill there please?” an attractive voice after a slight pause.

“No, I’m sorry there‘s no one here by that name.” Julia was blushing and was glad she was just on the phone and couldn't see the man on the other end of the line.

“This is 027235 isn't it?” the voice asked a little puzzled.

“Yes it is, but that doesn’t alter the fact that there is no one named Jill living here.”

“Oh, well I’m sorry to have troubled you.” There was a slight pause, and Julia thought that he’d hung up, and so went to do the same. Before she could however – the man spoke again.

“Well l hope that your man phones you.”

“Oh he will!” Julia replied without even thinking about it.

“If you’re that sure, then why are you sitting by the phone waiting for him to ring?” the man questioned.

Julia began to feel a little annoyed at this strange man, who seemed to think that he had the right to question her – on something that was actually none of his business.

“Look, like I’ve said there is no one called Jill here... so if you don't mind, I‘m going to ring off now – goodbye!” She hung up before the man could argue.

As she began to move away from the phone, it rang again.

Julia let it ring a couple of times before going over to answer it again.

“Hello?” she answered coolly.

“Hello love!” Tony‘s voice came back at her; “I thought that you would be sitting by the phone - just waiting for my call!”

Julia was aware of feeling disappointed; who did she think it would be – for heaven’s sake!

“Tony! I'd just about given up on you!” she laughed lightly before continuing. “Well what‘s the news? Have we got it or not?”

There was a slight pause and Julia feared the worst, and then Tony laughed.

“It's ours my girl! The house is all ours – in just a couple of short weeks, that's why I was late calling, I was signing the papers before they could change their minds.”

“That's great!” Julia felt like singing, “Oh Tony I'm so glad, I never thought that we would ever get a house together.”

“I know love; I know just how you feel... I could hardly believe it myself when the owners accepted our offer.”

They both laughed together for a few minutes both making plans for the future... each not really listening to the other.

“When will I see you?” Julia bought them both back to the present with this question.

“Well not tonight I'm afraid, I’ve still got some things to get ready for tomorrow... Will tomorrow night be alright?”

“Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then... I have to go now bye love.”

“Bye Tony.” Julia replied softly before hanging up.

For about half an hour Julia just sat there with a silly grin on her face, her mind full of daydreams. After a while she got up and went to have a bath.


Getting out of the bath some time later, Julia suddenly heard the phone start to ring.

Wrapping a towel around her she went through her flat to the bedroom and answered the phone.

“Yes... who is it?” She was breathless from having rushed.

“Still waiting for the boyfriend to ring?” The voice was that of the man who had phoned earlier.

“No, are you still trying to get Jill on the phone?” Julia felt a slight thrill deep inside her, and tried to dismiss it.

“No... I decided I liked the sound of your voice, and so thought I’d see if you had been let down as well... and would welcome me on your phone.”

“Well no I've not been let down, but you are quite welcome on my phone – since you‘re the one who is paying the bill.” Her voice became slightly muffled as she took the towel off and slipped into a thick dressing gown.

“What on earth are you doing now?” he sounded testy and annoyed.

“Never you mind! And don't you start getting nasty with me; because your girlfriend gave you the brush off... because I shall just hang up on you!”

There was a slight pause and then the man gave a heavy sigh.

“What's your name?” he asked after another silence.

“You are nosey aren't you...? What's your name first?”

“Well l asked first, but I’ll tell you anyway... it's Jason.”

“Hello Jason I'm Julia,” she replied in a deliberately polite voice.

Jason laughed, and Julia liked the sound of it.

“Our names complement each other, maybe it's an omen?”

“I doubt that, after all it didn‘t do much for you, and the unknown Jill now; did it?” Julia said dryly.

“Oh don‘t be so tedious, I thought all women were naturally romantic.”

Julia sat sparring with Jason for a good half an hour; and she thoroughly enjoyed herself; feeling a slight twinge of regret when she finally hung up.

Although they had squabbled a lot, it had all been light hearted fun; and they had never talked about themselves, on a personal level.

He hadn‘t said that he would call her again, and she couldn't get in touch with him, she had tried dialling 1471, for that last caller but the service had said that the called had not left a number.

Julia gave a slight sigh as she prepared for bed, she would probably never hear from him again, and maybe that wasn't a bad thing...

She sighed again as she turned over and went to sleep, and instead of dreaming of her future and her new home with Tony, Jason's voice seemed to penetrate her dreams and she began to match a face with the voice...

Date: 2015-04-20; view: 1085

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