In our study, we analyse through the Hofstede questionnaires, both Russian and French people, who are over 18 and are experimenting their first job or internship in a company. Our sample comprises 22 French people (10 women and 12 men) and 28 Russian ones (18 women and 10 men). Once the participants have answered to the questionnaires, we will proceed to analyse the results, starting with the Russian ones.
a) Power Distance Index (PDI) 15,93
This index is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.
In this case, our result is very surprising, as it would mean that it’s a decentralized country and that there is not much discrepancy between the less and the more powerful people, that the status does not play a big role. Actually, Russia is one of the most centralized country in the world, scoring 93 in PDI due to Hofstede results. But we may have obtained that result, because people, who just started working or are in an internship are usually pretty much supported by their bosses in order to motivate them working there and have a good experience, as it is just the beginning. Later one, once the job gets more serious, this may change.
b) Individualism Index (IDV) 47,96
This index reflexes the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members, if they speak in terms of “I” or in terms of “we”. Speaking about business, it has to do with taking responsibilities, for example.
Russians are more collectivists than individualists, this we can see even when they speak about going out with their friends. They say “we with friends” (мы с друзями), insteadof “I and my friends”. Relationships are veryimportant to get information, getting introduced or successful negotiations. They like to meet each other when doing business, be trustful, and if something goes wrong, take the responsibilities together.
c) Masculinity Index (MAS) 41,48
A high score (masculine) would indicate that competition, achievement and success are more important than caring for others and quality life (feminine). The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (masculine) or liking what they do (feminine).
This may surprise a bit, as Russians are seen as people, who are thinking about success and money, especially in Moscow, but on the other hand, they are looking for quality life wherever they go. They usually go on vacation to places with a better atmosphere if they can and they are very modest. They don’t like talking about what they have or the good things that happen to them.
d) Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) 71, 85
This index shows the extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these.
Scoring 71,85, Russians feel pretty much threatened by ambiguous situations, that’s why they have such a complex bureaucracy. Formality is used as a sign of respect, and if they don’t know a person very well, they will act formal and distant. They like to know what will happen and are not ready to risk if they have a boss above them.
e) Long Term Orientation Index (LTO) 35, 56
It shows if a society shows a pragmatic future-oriented perspective or a conventional historical short-term point of view.
As we can see, Russians prefer to have the results now, they don’t like projects where the results are to be seen in years, this does not motivate them. So that, in order to make them work properly, it is necessary to make them see results quick or to be rewarded in a short period of time.
f) Indulgence versus Restraint Index (IVR) 42,96
When speaking about this index, it describes hedonistic behaviours, this is, how freely people can satisfy their basic needs and desire, how strict social norms are followed and gratification suppressed and regulated.
For Russians, as the index in under 50, it shows restraint, which means that they expect material reward for a well done job, easily feel treated unfair and also think that the objects they have, such as phones, laptops etc, gives them a status, so that this makes them very important for them.
g) Monumentalism Index (MON) 1,48
If the score is high, it means that the country is monumentalism and not flexumility, which means that people are very proud of being who they are and of their country, that they are very concerned about making their parents feel proud of them and that they are very religious.
In our sample, Russia seems to have a ridiculous low score, which would mean that people are very humble, don’t see themselves as stable and that are very flexible in terms of looking for the truth. We think that this may be, because of the age and the low working experience of our sample, they may be a bit lost nowadays. But as this is a very strange score, we will continue analysing it with other methods.
a) Power Distance Index (PDI) 14,09
On the contrary to Russia, French people may have this low score, as workers are not afraid of giving their opinion, if they think it will help the company to obtain better results. They care more about the results themselves than about their status. But if comparing to what Hofstede discovered about this country, then again this low score may be linked to the lack of experience our sample has, as he gives a 68 score to France. Actually, the power is quite centralized in France, as well as Paris centralizes administration, transports, etc and if speaking about management, the information flow is hierarchical. That is why the resul we obtained is quite strange.
b) Individualism Index (IDV) 35,00
Our results show us that French people are more collectivistic than individualistic. They think they belong “in groups” and are loyal to it. They usually use “team-work” as a very effective way to obtain their results and goals. Everyone is allowed to give their opinion.
c) Masculinity Index (MAS) 7,95
This is also a very strange score, as it is too feminine. It is true that France is a relativelyfemenine country, but we are not sure if so much. French people care for quality life and they are not competing amongst colleagues. If there is a conflict, they would rather speak about it and solve it in a democratic way.
d) Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) 44,55
In this country, people are not afraid of changes and be very flexible if situations change. They don’t need to have everything under control, as they are able to change the game patterns if it is needed. Ambiguity doesn’t make them very anxious and, though they like to plan as well, changes are also welcome.
e) Long Term Orientation Index (LTO) 35,00
France is a short term oriented society. They also like quick results, actually they are driven by quarterly results. They like to see what they do in a short time.
f) Indulgence versus Restraint Index (IVR) 61,82
French people are more indulgent. They are not easily motivated with material reward, enjoy the moments rather than spend time comparing with others, and think that the objects are needed to fulfil a purpose, not to show status.
h) Monumentalism Index (MON) 29,32
French people, as Russians, seem to be flexumility, which is also strange for French people.