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Post-reading Tasks


I. Comprehension Check


1. Complete the story map with the information from the story



Main characters and their occupations:





2. Agree or disagree with the following:

1) Mr Duffy lived in the centre of Dublin in an old sombre house.

2) Writing materials were always on the desk.

3) The face of Mr Duffy was amicable.

4) One evening Mr Duffy found himself sitting beside two ladies in the concert hall.

5) Meeting the lady for the third time Mr Duffy found courage to make an appointment.

6) Mr Duffy became Mrs Sinico’s confessor.

7) Only music united Mr Duffy and Mrs Sinico.

8) Mrs Sinico initiated to break off their intercourse.

9) Mr Duffy ran into the newspaper article at home.

10) The article entitled A Painful Case gave a detailed account of the death accident of Mrs Sinico.

11) Mr Duffy didn’t suffer from pricks of consciousness and fell asleep after reading the article.

12) In the end Mr Duffy put the blame for the woman’s death on himself.


II. Language Exercises


1. Memorize the following word combinations from the text. Use them in the situations from the story.

To find courage to do smth;

To be within one’s reach;

To submit oneself to criticism;

To bear witness of smth;

To fix one’s eyes on smth;

To be compelled to do smth;

To reveal great sensibility;

To entrust morality to smb;

To sustain injury;

To hold the inquest on smb;

To exonerate smb from blame;

To express sympathy with smb.


2. a) make up adjectives using prefixes in-, un-, dis-, im-. Find their Ukrainian equivalents.


Usual Amiable Efficient Carpented curable temperate used possible pleasant taste capable personal

b) recall the nouns, they are used with in the story.

3. a) make up collocations with the verb to lead using the spider gram.

b) study the following expressions with the verb to lead. Make up sentences with them with the reference to the life, the characters of the story lead.

To lead a life of a recluse;

To lead a double life;

To lead a life of luxury/poverty;

To lead a normal/quiet/busy life.


4. Match the adjectives on the left with the nouns on the right in the way the author does it in the story. Recall the situations they are used in.

Over-ripe Pretentious Uncarpeted Intelligent Sombre White-shaded Tawny Unamiable Harsh Maternal character house suburbs room lamp face mouth apple solicitude moustache

5. a) study the pairs of synonyms and comment on the difference between them. Which of them.

To lend – to borrow

To remain – to stay

To ruin – to break

To rob – to steal

Injury – damage

To observe – to watch

Proprietor – landlord

To induce – to compel

To cease – to stop


b) which of them have you met in the text?

6. Consult the dictionary of synonyms to differentiate the shades of meaning of the words. Name the most general word:

To abhor, to hate, to abominate, to detest, to loathe;

Harsh, coarse, rough, rude, crude;

Fragrance, aroma, odour, perfume, scent;

To conceal, to hide, to disguise;

Injury, damage, harm, hurt, mischief;

To wander, to walk, to ramble, to roam, to stroll, to saunter;

Case, chance, accident, incident;

To escort, to accompany, to attend;

To prophesy, to predict, to foretell;

Courage, boldness, bravery, gallantry, heroism, valour, pluck;

To encourage, to urge.


7. a) study the difference between the synonymous words.


Witness, audience, viewer, observer, spectator, onlooker, passerby, bystander, eyewitness.


b) insert the most suitable word from a):

1) Police have appealed for __________ to the accident.

2) The play was a great success with the __________.

3) The programme attracted millions of TV __________.

4) According to __________, the plane exploded shortly after take-off.

5) The concert hall admits 3000 __________.

6) A crowd of __________ gathered at the scene of the accident.

7) Police asked __________ if they had witnessed the accident.

8) The innocent __________ were killed in the crossfire.

9) Being an __________ Mary tried to describe everything in detail.


8. a) Look up in the dictionary the meanings of the words having the same root as the word ‘trust’:


Trustee, trusteeship, trustfund, trusting, trustworthy, trusty, distrust, mistrust, entrust.


b) Provide an example with each of them. Which of the words are used in the story?

9. Match the meanings of the verb ‘to find’ on the left with the examples on the right:

1. To discover something unexpectedly or by chance.   a) He found all the other suburbs of Dublin mean, modern, and pretentious.
2. To get back smth/smb that was lost after searching for it.   b) One evening he found himself sitting beside two ladies.
3. To discover smth by searching, studying, thinking.   c) A whale was found up on the shore.
4. To discover that smth is true after you have tried it, tested it, experienced it.   d) I wanted to talk to him but he was nowhere found.
5. To have a particular feeling or opinion about something.   e) I managed to find a solution to the problem.
6. To have something available so that you can use it.   f) The report found that30% of the firms studied had failed within a year.
7. To discover yourself doing smth or in a particular situation, especially when this is unexpected.   g) How are you going to find 10 thousands $ for the car.
8. To arrive at smth naturally.   h) Water will always find its own level.


10. a) Study the meanings of the phrasal verb ‘to break something off’.

1) to separate something using force;

2) to end something suddenly.


b) Which of the meanings is implied in the example from the story?

They agreed to break off their intercourse.


c) Recall the situation it is used in.

11. a) Study the examples of the phrasal verb “to fix” used in the story

His eyes fixed themselves on a paragraph in the evening paper. (He was looking at the paragraph with great attention).

While they walked he tried to fix her permanently in his memory. (He made an attempt to memorize her).


b) Enlarge your knowledge of composite verbs and use them in the situation of your own

To fix on smb/smth – to choose smb/ smth;

To fix smth up – to repair, decorate or make smth ready;

To fix smb up (with smb – informal) – to arrange for smb, to have a meeting with smb who might become a boyfriend or girlfriend;

To fix smb up (with smth) - to provide smb with smth.

12. a) Match the given phrasal verbs with their meaning


To fall to pieces Relationship stops working properly
To carry on To continue doing smth
To wear away To gradually become thinner or smoother
To knock smth down To push someone so that they fall to the ground
To set smth in motion To make smth start happening

b) Think of situations to use them in

13. Match the two parts to form compounds. Define their structure and part of speech.

head side hard eating mantel cedar half hand wash bar water over arrow saw police oil cake music public gentle working men root disclosed mirror featured stand piece wood house carafe man ripe dust glance lamp men ripe shop stand house lamp


14. Give the Ukrainian equivalents of the expressions:

to be thinly peopled


to roam about the outskirts


to perform social duties


to give prophecy of failure


the reign of prudence


half-disclosed nature


to wear away the rough edges of the character


to break off the intercourse


to be intemperate in habits


to express great sympathy



ion the peculiarities of publicistic style.

Date: 2015-04-20; view: 1091

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