The steps in developing the case generally will consist of
- benchmarking (analysis of previous competition results, competitor vehicle specifications and costs etc.)
- short listing preferred concepts
- assessing your team (company) capability to deliver different concepts recognising the budget and team that you have
- selecting your initial concept and developing targets to be achieved by the total vehicle (these will include target overall cost; likely sales potential; major performance and handling targets; timing plan for progressing the project;)
- deciding on how to break down the total vehicle cost into different areas of the vehicle, recognising the performance targets you have set.
- commencing your design to deliver the design concept and related targets recognising that the ensuing process will often be iterative and trade-offs will be necessary but if you have never defined the overall concept and what you plan to achieve, you will not be able to control your program and measure your progress
Instructions: Complete the information request fully but the submission is to be only a single A4 page. Please replace all text which is highlighted with a yellow background.
You can re-allocate space between sections versus the indicated box sizes on the pro-forma.
This case outlines the team’s decisions made throughout the overall design process and will be used in all static events at the competition.
Market Data
Table 1 below defines the maximum number of autocross vehicles that can be sold annually for a given price, but this can only be achieved if the vehicle has sufficiently high performance. 1,000 units per annum is the maximum volume available.
Your selection of Price and Volume must correlate to this table. (Interpolate as necessary). Obviously your target Vehicle Cost must also relate to your planned Price.
Volume of cars sold per year
Sale Price, $
Table 1 – Volume of sales vs. sale price
A Minimum size Font of Arial 10 must be used for completing the Pro- Forma.
Enter your market related analysis here. (Assessment of competition; Price/Volume approach; )
Company Strategy
Target Selling Price
Eg. 36,000
Target Vehicle Production Cost
Eg. 30,000
Target Production Volume (from Table 1)
Eg. 50
Target Annual Profit
Eg. 300,000
(Any Other targets team has identified as critical to achievement of strategy success)
Vehicle Strategy & Performance
Enter your performance analysis/benchmarking leading to the specification of the various aspects of vehicle performance required to achieve the target price and sales volume. Broad vehicle concept; Power/Weight ratio;
Plans for Efficient Design (and Manufacture)
Key Design Features Key PerformanceTargets
Chassis/Body Type
E.g. carbon tub; steel tube
Accn. 0-75 Metres
Power train type
Eg IC engine / electric
Lateral Accn, (g)
Power / engine
Eg. 600cc twin 80bhp / electric motor – 50kW
Fuel Economy
Target weight, kg
Other critical performance targets – (team decides)
Other Key Feature
(Team decides)
Note: Submit only this page and replace all the text in yellow boxes with your text.