Main types of translation
17.Basic translation theories
Basic translation theories
Translation theories fall into 3 approaches, which may be called transformation approach, denotative approach and communicational approach.
The common features of different transformations is that the process of T is regarded as transformation. According to this approach T is a transformation of objects and structures of the SL into those of the Tl.
3 levels of substitutions:
-morphological equivalences
-lexical equivalences
-syntactical equivalences or transformations
At the morphemes word building and word changing of the SL are substituted for those of the TL.
At the TL words and w.combin of the SL are substituted by those of the TL.
At the SL syntactic structures of the SL are substituted by the structures of the TL.
According to transform approach T is a set of multileveled replacements of a text in one lang by a text in another governed by specific transformation rules.
According to the denotative approach the process of translation is not just a substitution but consists of the following mental operations:
1. translator reads or hears the message, translator analyses this message and finds denotatum and concepts that corresponds to this message
2. translator formulates a message in the TL relevant to the above mentioned denotatum and concept .
here the relationship between SL and TL forms is occasional.
The communicational theory of T (Otto Rade) is based on the idea of the thesaurus( it is a type of dictionary or a system of interrelated data).In order to formulate a message we use our system of interrelated data, which is called thesaurus: language thesaurus and subject thesaurus. Language thesaurus- a system of our knowledge about the language which we use to formulate a message.Subject-a system of our knowledge about the context of the message or generally speaking, about the extralinguistic word. To speak 2 lang we use 4 thesauruses.
In T and any bilingual commun we have 3 participants:
-the sender
-the recipient
In this situation translator uses 2 lang thesauruses: S and T to perform 2 functions: decode a message to the recipient and incode the T one to be received by recipient and user of the translation.
Date: 2015-04-20; view: 1244