Who Invented the Internet?
The Internet was not created by a single individual. If you examine the history of the Internet, it will reveal that it was the product of different ideas and concepts that moved together.
Origin of the Internet
The basic ideas for the Internet came in 1957. The US Defence Department created the ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency). Its purpose was to produce technologies that the military could use.
In the 1960s ARPA and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) worked together to share information and technology. They would do this by joining networks using phones.
In 1966, Larry Roberts (from the MIT) introduced the ARPANET, which consisted of computers linked over long distances. The history of the Internet was also affected by packet switching, a technology that allowed information to be shared faster and more cheaply.
In 1969, universities were allowed to be a part of the network. UCLA and Standard were among the early ones. By 1971, several more universities were included. By 1973, this process was also started in the UK.
The 1970s
There were some major developments in the 1970s. TCP (Transmission Control Program) was developed and made the movement of information easier. Unix was also developed in 1976 and in the same year email was used for the first time by the Queen of England.
The 1980s and 1990s
The development of the TCP/IP (Transmission Protocol and Internet Protocol) in 1982 is one of the first time the actual word Internet was used. In 1985 symbolics.com became the first website name to be registered. It was in 1988 that the first virus was reported.
In 1990, Tim Berners Lee was working in CERN when he had the idea of linking documents by hypertext. The World Wide Web was born and the history of the Internet would never be the same.
During the 1990s, applications for the Web and the Net (called browsers) were developed. The number of Web pages increased dramatically, year after year. - See more at:
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