IX. Stress and Money IssuesMost people stress about money, even those who have a lot of it. Those who are struggling for money wonder how they’re going to pay the bills, while those with money worry about what they’re doing with it.
Mortgage payments, rent payments, bills, investments, untrustworthy financial advisors and money managers, legal problems. The root cause of all these problems are money, whether it’s not having enough of it, or having so much that you need to worry about what’s being done with it.
Money is a universal problem for just about everyone. Along with various money problems comes stress. Yet, money doesn’t have to be the big issue that it has become. In previous years, many people were able to live happily on next to nothing. As long as they had shelter, and family, life was good. If you live in a western country, even if you believe you are poor, chances are that you have better living conditions than people 300 years ago. In spite of this, they were probably happier.
There is no need to stress over money. Being concerned about your money situation is healthy, but becoming obsessed and stressed over the situation is not. Money issues begin to cause stress when you think that there is no solution to your problem. But, there are always options. You may not like them, but the options exist.
And choosing a certain option now does not have to mean that it has to be the option you choose for the rest of your life. Making a change, or a sacrifice to make ends meet does not have to be something you do for the remainder of your life. It is simply a solution for the present circumstances, and something that can be changed in the future.
Life challenges are not necessarily a bad thing either. When you put effort into something, whether it’s physical or mental, you work off the hormones that the body produces when you are stressed. It also helps psychologically to work things out, as becoming passive or negative about an issue often leads to depression, which in itself can cause more stress. You’re also likely to gain knowledge as your work through a problem. This can be used if you ever face the issue again, without needing to face the same anxiety again.
Credit cards, interest free periods and offers of ‘easy money’ force millions of people into debt every year. But, with a little effort, millions of people also manage to settle their debt as well.
It’s not unusual for family arguments to erupt over money. Stress builds as you argue about how to spend the money you do have. Viewing the situation realistically and being willing to compromise will help to keep stress at bay.
It can help to put a little aside for those days when you just want to do, or buy, something special. Realizing that you can do this, and still survive, can help to lower your stress levels.
If you have enough to cover your basic survival needs, which most people do, then everything else can be worked out. So there really is no need to stress.
Date: 2015-04-20; view: 935