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The Use of Moods in Simple Sentences and Independent Clauses

Exercise 1. State the form of the verb and the meaning expressed by the mood form. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Long live friendship and cooperation between the two peoples! 2. God save the Queen. (C.E.Eckersley) 3. So be it. 4. Somebody go and fetch me a piece of chalk. 5. If only luck were with him! (A.Chr.) 6. If only we hadn't crashed the car! 7. If only he had let someone else drive! 8. "If only we didn't have to tell him," I said. "If only we could keep the whole thing from him." (D.M.) 9. "I'll do it when I'm gone." "Oh that you could stay longer, dear Rebecca!" cried Amelia. (W.Th.) 10. "I am trying to see how a substitution of some kind could have been effected." "Couldn't the signatures have been erased?" "I could swear to this being the original document. The whole thing is impossible. We were all there. It simply couldn't have happened." "Never any good wasting breath saying something that has happened couldn't have happened." (A.Chr.) 11. "I ought to have told you all this before," I said. "I wish you had," he said, "I might have spared you some worry." (D.M.) 12. "I must get home," thought Scarlett. If she could only be transferred by magic to Tara and to safety. If she could only be with Ellen. (M.M.) 13. Harris shrugged. "Oh, well; we might as well relax." (A.H.) 14. "We'd better get out of the house as soon as possible, Miss," he reiterated. "It might fall any minute." (D.H.L.) 15. "There's a cold wind this morning, you had better put on my coat." (D.M.) 16. It must have been a dramatic moment. In Poirot's place I should have felt the dramatic thrill. (A.Chr.) 17. Chaucer did not live to complete the set. We should have had 128 stories, whereas we have only 25. (F.A.L.) 18. Very improbable. He had no means of disposing of the body. It would have been found by now. (A.Chr.) 19. "If the police can't find him, what makes you think you can?" "It wouldn't hurt to help a little, would it?" (F.F.) 20. "I should advise you to go straight back to your flat and go to bed," said Colonel Julyan shortly. "And drive slowly, or you will find yourself in gaol for manslaughter." (D.M.)


Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Be that as it may. (C.E.Eckersley) 2. Long live King Edmund! (D.Biber) 3. If you want to throw your life away, so be it, it is your life, not mine. (D.Biber) 4. One of you go and speak to them! 5. "I, Charles Seymour, do swear that I will be faithful to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, so help me God. (D.Biber) 6. God save the Queen! 7. Success attend you! 8. Heaven forbid! (Müller's Dictionary) 9. Long live patriotism! 10. The Devil take them! 11. Be it proclaimed in all the schools Plato was right! (D.Biber) 12. Come what may. (C.E.Eckersley)


Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Dare he risk the station? Yes – there would be crowds there, if luck were on his side he would do it all right. If only luck were with him. (A.Chr.) 2. "If only I'd some green (paint). For hunting. Like in the war. You know – dazzle paint. Like things trying to look like something else." (W.G.) 3. "If there were some way," Demerest said slowly, "some way we could trick him into letting go of that case. If we were quick, two seconds would be enough. (A.H.) 4. If only I hadn't taken your advice! 5. If only one had time to think! (W.G.) 6. "Oh that you could stay longer, dear Rebecca!" cried Amelia. (W.Th.) 7. She was tired, tired to the bone. If she could only lie down and sleep and wake to feel Ellen gently shaking her arm and saying: "It's late, Scarlett. You must not be so lazy." But she could not ever do that again. If there were only Ellen, someone older than she, wiser, to whom she could go. (M.M.) 8. If it were only dark and he had the courage of shadows and could kiss her hand and say the things he longed to say. (M.M.) 9. "If only they could get a message to us," cried Ralph desperately. "If only they could send us a sign or something." (W.G.) 10. If only she could put off the hour of reckoning forever! (M.M.) 11. If only the people next door would turn their TV down! (L.Prodromou) 12. It was time for Gerald's return. She looked down the road. "Why doesn't he come?" Oh, if Pa would only come home! She could not endure the suspense another moment. (M.M.) 13. Then Maxim moved forward to the stairs, his eyes never leaving my face. We went on staring at each other. If only they (the guests) would not stare at me like that with blank faces. If only somebody would say something. When Maxim spoke again I did not recognize his voice. (D.M.) 14. If only he hadn't lost his temper! 15. If only the sun came out!


Exercise 4. Use the appropriate tense form of subjunctive II.

1. If only children (to watch) less TV every day! 2. If only I (to be) here yesterday. The accident would never have happened. (L.G.Alexander) 3. If only he (not to lose) his temper! 4. "If only there (not to be) so many other people in the world," he said. (D.H.L.) 5. Oh! If only I (can) go back to my flower basket! I should be independent of both you and father and all the world! (B.Sh.) 6. "If only we (not to have) to tell him," I said. "If only we (can) keep the whole thing from him." "You know I would if it were possible, Mrs.de Winter. But I've got to do my duty." (D.M.) 7. "I've had a lovely evening," said Will. "But I still wonder which table it was that Tony Blair had used." He cannot have been alone in his curiosity. If only Messers Brown and Blair (to think) helpfully to carve some graffiti on the table at the end of their meeting. (S.T.) 8. "If only there (to be) some way," Demerest said slowly, "some way we could trick him into letting go of that case. If we were quick, two seconds would be enough." (A.H.)


Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Ах, если бы у меня была сейчас зеленая краска! 2. Ах, если бы мы могли сделать лодку! Для охоты. Как на войне. 3. Ах, если бы мы не разбили машину! 4. Если бы он тогда не вышел из себя! 5. О, если бы я только могла вернуться к своей цветочной корзине! 6. Ах, если бы это было правдой! 7. Если бы только мы могли сейчас сделать что-то еще! 8. Если бы я была здесь вчера! The accident wouldn't have happened. 9. Если бы солнышко выглянуло! 10. Ах, если бы сейчас было темно!

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into Russian. Comment on the form of the infinitive following the modal verb.

1. She was tired, tired to the bone. She could lie down and sleep for days. If she could only lie down and sleep. (M.M.) 2. "Mrs. Leonides may be gambling on your coming to the conclusion that nobody could have been as stupid as she appears to have been." "Practically anyone in the house could have done it." (A.Chr.) 3. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. (Longman Dictionary) 4. Guerrero knew that he would be remembered because he forgot to bring a suitcase, which he could so easily have done. But he ought to have had baggage, as a cover. (A.H.) 5. Just a moment. I really shouldn't do this, but I'll give you a little tip. (A.H.) 6. Perhaps you had better not come in with me, Miss Curleigh. It might be unpleasant. (E.Q.) 7. And Edith's another who I think might have done it. But I don't know why. (A.Chr.) 8. "We ought to have stayed in Italy. Oh, God, what a fool I was to come back," he said. (D.M.) 9. It might be worth giving him a bell to let him know what's happening. (D.Biber) 10. "Do I understand that you think your husband might be leaving on Flight Two, but you're not sure?" "Yes, that's right." "Then the only thing you might do, Mrs. Guerrero, is to go to the airport. If your husband is there, you could see him. Even if the flight has boarded, they might help you at the departure gate. But you'd have to hurry." (A.H.) 11. As he never spoke a word, he might have been a native, but for his complexion. (Ch.D.) 12. "I shouldn't bother if I were you. You might marry, you know." (B.Sh.) 13. "He was rather an old devil, you know." "He must have been." "He couldn't, of course, have visualized that it would lead to murder." (A.Chr.) 14. There was no telephone in the Guerreros' apartment, and although Inez could have used a pay phone in the lunch counter on the lower floor, she wanted to avoid a meeting with the landlord. He had threatened eviction tomorrow. (A.H.) 15. "If only we could make a radio!" "Or a boat." (W.G.)


Exercise 7. Use the appropriate tense form of the infinitive.

1. An engine overheated. As a prediction, the captain ordered it shut down. None of the aircraft's passengers were aware that they were operating with three engines instead of four. If necessary, the aircraft could (to fly) on one. (A.H.) 2. "If I were you, folks, I wouldn't worry," the bus driver had announced a few minutes earlier. "The traffic ahead looks as if it were loosening up some. We might just (to make) it." So far, however, the speed of the bus had not increased. (A.H.) 3. It couldn't (to be) Euphemia, since the cat was killed in the bathroom and Euphemia lay paralysed in the bedroom, unable to walk. (E.Q.) 4. "We ought (to stay) in Italy. Oh, God, what a fool I was to come back," he said. (D.M.) 5. "Of course I'm frightened. Who wouldn't be?" "Couldn't we (to stay) here? Maybe the beast won't come near us." (W.G.) 6. "Could I (to have) these photo-copied, please?" "Certainly." Another man also tendered two sheets for copying. (F.F.) 7. "Perhaps," said Ellery kindly, inserting the key into the lock, "you had better not come in with me, Miss Curleigh. It might (to be) unpleasant." (E.Q.) 8. She shouldn't (to listen) to our conversation. It was private. (R.Murphy) 9. Their plane ought (to take off) about now. (M.Dean) 10. He ought (to be) a little more tactful yesterday. (B.D.Graver) 11. Could you (to pay) this check into the bank for me tomorrow? (Longman Dictionary) 12. When we got to the restaurant, there were no free tables. We should (to reserve) a table. (R.Murphy)


Exercise 8. Answer the questions, using modal verbs, e.g.

What might a man be recommended if he became ill through overwork? – He might be recommended a long holiday.

1. If you wrote to a school for information, what might you be sent? 2. What should someone be given when he's hysterical? 3. What should you arrange to install before winter comes? 4. What should you buy not to oversleep? 5. What might he do if you told him your problem? 6. When could you do it if you can't do it immediately? 7. What could you have told him if you had known how it worked? 8. Could we go faster or more slowly if the roads weren't so icy? 9. What could you have done if you had had a bit more time? 10. What might the two parties have reached if they had been prepared to be more flexible? 11. What ought you to do if you're still feeling ill tomorrow? 12. You got soaked in yesterday's downpour. What should you have done?


Exercise 9. Translate the sentences into English using subjunctive II of modal verbs.

1. Ах, если бы мы могли сделать лодку! 2. Возможно, стоило бы позвонить ему и дать знать, что происходит. 3. Я опять проспала сегодня утром. – Тебе надо купить себе будильник. 4. Тебе должно быть стыдно. 5. Нельзя ли снять копии с этого? - Конечно, можно. 6. "Нам надо было остаться в Италии. Боже, какой же я был дурак, что вернулся,"– сказал он. 7. Конечно, я напуган. – Не могли бы мы остаться здесь? Может, зверь к нам и не подойдет. 8. Когда мы добрались до ресторана, свободных мест не было. Надо было нам заказать столик заранее. 9. "Мне уже давно надо было быть в постели," – ответила она. 10. Ему следует научиться быть повежливее. 11. Если бы только она могла отодвинуть час расплаты навечно! 12. Интересно, почему они так опаздывают? Им следовало быть здесь час назад. 13. На твоем месте я бы не беспокоился. Ты знаешь, ты могла бы выйти замуж. 14. "О, если бы ты могла остаться подольше, дорогая Ребекка!" – воскликнула Амелия. 15. Всем водителям следует пользоваться ремнями безопасности.

Exercise 10. State the form of the modal verb (mood and tense).

1. On my twenty-eight hundred a year we could have managed perfectly well on the plantation and we'd have grown rice and rye and corn and kept pigs. (S.M.) 2. And finally the attack on herself. An almost incredible performance considering that she might easily have killed herself. But then, childlike, she never considered such a possibility. (A.Chr.) 3. Could you pay this check into the bank for me tomorrow? (Longman Dictionary) 4. I couldn't give him an answer yesterday. (B.D.Graver) 5. I can't get the letter translated immediately, but I could get it done by tomorrow morning. (B.D.Graver) 6. It might be worth giving him a bell to let him know what's happening. (B.D.Graver) 7. "Might I interrupt you for a moment?" the chairman asked the speaker politely. (B.D.Graver) 8. How on earth could she have hoped to keep knowledge of the cats she's bought from her sister? Sarah isn't blind, is she? (E.Q.) 9. Then only a few days later she came back. She wanted to know if she could return the cat and get her money back. (E.Q.) 10. "I'll do it when I'm gone." "Oh that you could stay longer, dear Rebecca!" cried Amelia. (W.Th.) 11. The agent glanced curiously at him a second time because he forgot to bring a suitcase, which he could so easily have done. But he ought to have had baggage, as a cover. (A.H.) 12. "Could I see your passports, please?" the Customs officer asked. (B.D.Graver) 13. The notice stated that cars might be parked at the rear of the building. (B.D.Graver) 14. He could speak German fluently when he was younger. (B.D.Graver) 15. "If only we did not have to tell him," I said. "If only we could keep the whole thing from him." "You know I would if it were possible, Mrs. de Winter. But I've got to do my duty." (D.M.)


Exercise 11. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Higgins: I am going to bed. Eliza: You'dbetter leave a note for Mrs. Pearce about the coffee: for she won't be told by me. (B.Sh.) 2. Mr. Stevens, he really is in a poor state. You had better come and see him. (K.I.) 3. I'd better do the thing in style. I haven't bought any European clothes for ten years. (S.M.) 4. Here come the girls. We'd better be off. (A.Chr.) 5. We'd better be going. (L.G.Alexander) 6. I'd better not go out. I'm expecting an important call. (R.Murphy) 7. Have you any objection to be known as Richards? You had better consult your husband. (Ch.D.) 8. As you are feeling ill, you'd better not go to work. (M.Hewings) 9. I couldn't even start guessing, Maggie. We'd better close up, hadn't we? (J.B.P.) 10. Oh well… let me see, Mrs. Danvers, I hardly know; I think we had better have what you usually have, whatever you think Mrs. De Winter would have ordered. (D.M.) 11. I'd better phone Carol, hadn't I? (R.Murphy) 12. Shall I have the window open? – No, you'd better shut it.


Exercise 12. Instructions as for 11.

1. But I am afraid you must be tired, Miss Summerson; and perhaps you wouldrather go to bed. (Ch.D.) 2. Do you want to eat now? – I'd rather wait till later. (R.Murphy) 3. Mother said she would much rather watch him fish and not try to fish herself. (S.L.) 4. I'd rather think about it for a while than decide now. (R.Murphy) 5. Shall we leave now? – I'd rather wait a few minutes. (R.Murphy) 6. He'd rather not go by car. (L.G.Alexander) 7. I'd rather stay at home than go to the cinema. (R.Murphy) 8. If I'd lived in 1400, I'd rather have been a knight than a monk. (L.G.Alexander) 9. I'd rather be told the truth than be lied to. (L.G.Alexander) 10. You'd rather carry on with volleyball, wouldn't you? (L.Prodromou) 11. I'd rather stay at home tonight. – Would you? 12. I'd rather wait a few minutes than leave now. (R.Murphy)


Exercise 13. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Джон ожидает, что ты ему позвонишь. Тебе лучше бы сделать это сейчас. 2. Оставить окно открытым? – Нет, лучше закрой. 3. Тебе бы лучше не выходить из дома сегодня вечером. Дождь идет. 4. Хотите присесть? - Пожалуй, постою. 5. Я устала. Пожалуй, не буду вечером выходить из дома, если ты не возражаешь. 6. Она предпочла бы вчера остаться дома. 7. Тебе лучше бы перестать спорить и делать так, как тебе говорят. 8. Я, пожалуй, сегодня вечером останусь дома. – Да ну?! 9. Мне бы лучше позвонить Роберту, не так ли? 10. Если бы у меня было такая возможность, я бы предпочла жить 100 лет назад. 11. Я бы предпочла, чтобы мне говорили правду, а не лгали. 12. Лучше я никуда не буду выходить. Я ожидаю важного телефонного звонка. 13. Мне лучше бы держаться подальше от машины, не так ли? 14. Вам с Ларри лучше бы пойти одним. 15. На улице холодно, лучше надень теплое пальто. 16. Что бы ты предпочел: чай или кофе? – Кофе, пожалуйста. 17. Нам лучше уйти как можно скорее, не правда ли? 18. Я бы предпочла поплавать вместо игры в теннис.


Exercise 14. Translate the sentences into English using subjunctive I or subjunctive II.

1. Мне нужно встречать Анну через 10 минут. Мне лучше пойти сейчас, а то опоздаю. 2. Я бы, пожалуй, не стала вмешиваться. 3. Будь что будет. 4. Боже, храни королеву! 5. Ах, если бы мы не разбили свою машину! 6. Они, пожалуй, сходили бы куда-нибудь, не так ли? 7. Ах, если бы это было правдой! 8. Раз ты чувствуешь себя больным, тебе лучше на работу не ходить. 9. Да сопутствует Вам удача! 10. Если бы только я была здесь вчера! 11. Боже упаси! 12. Она огорчится, если мы не пригласим ее на свадьбу, поэтому лучше бы ее пригласить. 13. К черту их! 14. Ах, если бы мы могли сделать лодку! 15. Он, пожалуй, не поедет на машине. 16. Как насчет партии в теннис? – Я бы предпочел поплавать. 17. Да здравствует дружба и сотрудничество между народами двух стран! 18. Нельзя ли здесь сделать копию? (Не могли бы) 19. Она так устала! Она могла бы лечь и проспать много дней! 20. Ему надо было быть потактичнее вчера. 21. Всем водителям следует пользоваться ремнями безопасности. 22. Я, пожалуй, поеду на машине. 23. Ах, если бы я была немножко постройнее! 24. Нам лучше уйти как можно скорее, не так ли? 25. Я, пожалуй, сварю обед сейчас.

Exercise 15. State the form of the verb and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Oh! If I only could go back to my flower basket! I should be independent of both you and father and all the world! I'm a slave now, for all my fine clothes. (B.Sh.) 2. If only I had been here yesterday. The accident would never have happened. (L.G.Alexander) 3. Jack sneered at him. "Frightened?" "Of course I'm frightened. Who wouldn't be?" (W.G.) 4. I should certainly hesitate to engage a servant on his face, and yet I suppose it is on the face that for most part we judge the persons we meet. (S.M.) 5. Though occasionally the split infinitive is used by good writers, the grammatical purist would avoid it. (C.E.Eckersley) 6. "Ah!" I said. "You've been reading detective stories." She admitted that she had. I should never have suspected Miss Russell of a fondness for detective stories. (A.Chr.) 7. Kay Adams Corleone had delighted her in-laws by taking instruction in the Catholic religion and joining that faith. Her two sons were also, naturally, being brought up in that church. Michael would have preferred the children to be Protestant, it was more American. (M.P.) 8. "I should like to fall violently in love." "Oh, very likely! I shouldn't. I should hate it. Probably so would you if it actually happened." (D.H.L.) 9. I would write to her, but I don't know her address. (L.G.Alexander) 10. When the initial explosion from D.O. Guerrero's dynamite bomb occurred, Gwen was closest to the explosion's centre. In other circumstances she should have been killed instantly, as was D.O. Guerrero. Two things saved her. Interposed between Gwen and the explosion were Guerrero's body and the aircraft toilet door. (A.H.) 11. Well, I'm mighty glad you're here, Mr. Carlson. We'd probably have had to send for your otherwise. (A.Hit.) 12. "May I come, Mr. Doolittle? I should be very sorry to miss your wedding." "I should indeed be honoured by your condescension, maam; and my poor old woman would take it as a tremendous compliment."(B.Sh.)

Exercise 16. Answer the following questions using the conditional mood.

1. What would you need to be lent if you were hard up? 2. What would someone be given if he were hysterical? 3. If you wrote to a school for information, what would you be sent? 4. What would you most resent being told? 5. What opportunity would you like to be offered? 6. What foreign languages would you like to master? 7. What would a man be recommended if he became ill through overwork? 8. What cities would you visit if you went to Europe? 9. If a visitor came to your city, what places would you advise him to see? 10. What would a person do if he had something stolen? 11. What would you do if you saw a house on fire? 12. What famous person would you like to meet? 13. I have missed my train. What would you do in my place? 14. You are ill. What would your friends do? 15. Which country would you choose if you decided to live abroad?


Exercise 17. Complete the following using the conditional mood.

1. In different circumstances, he would … 2. He obviously doesn't want to see her, otherwise he … 3. I … to her, but I don't know her address. 4. He … them, but he doesn't know their telephone number. 5. "Oh! If I only could go back to my flower basket! I … independent of both you and father and all the world! I'm a slave now, for all my fine clothes." (B.Sh.) 6. Not to accept their offer … foolish. 7. Anyone in his place … 8. I know a lot of people who would …


Exercise 18. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Я бы ей написала, но не знаю ее адреса. 2. Было бы глупо не принять их предложение. 3. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы Вы называли меня Элизой. – Спасибо, Элиза. – И я хотела бы, чтобы профессор Хиггинс называл меня мисс Дулиттл. 4. Я знаю, что в этой комнате нет ни единой души, кто бы согласился со всем, что я говорю. 5. Вы хотите сказать, что продали бы свою дочь за 50 фунтов? 6. У Вас нет денег в банке Давенхайма? – Нет, а что? – Я бы посоветовал Вам забрать их, пока не поздно. 7. О, если бы я только могла вернуться к своей цветочной корзине! Я бы не зависела ни от Вас, ни от отца, ни от всего мира! Сейчас я рабыня, несмотря на все мои красивые наряды. 8. "Я включу магнитофон на случай, если мы еще что-нибудь услышим. Именно это сделал бы Юпитер." Он имел в виду (to refer) Юпитера Джоунза, их партнера, которого с ними сейчас не было. 9. Не думаю, что она осмелилась бы сказать мне что-то об этом. 10. "Я хотел бы задушить эту женщину собственными руками!" Он вскочил. Он трясся от ярости. "Да, я бы свернул ей шею, свернул ей шею…" – "Роджер!" – "Извини, дорогая." Он снова вышел из комнаты. "Вы знаете, на самом деле, он мухи не обидит." 11. "Как только позволит запас топлива, я рекомендовал бы высоту 33 тысяч футов." Второй офицер доложил: "Мы сумели бы набрать (to reach) 33000 где-то около Детройта." 12. Было бы бестактностью затронуть эту тему.


Exercise 19. Answer the following questions using the conditional mood.

1. If you had written to a school for information, what would you have been sent? 2. What would a man have been recommended if he had become ill through overwork? 3. What would a friend have lent you if you had been hard up? 4. What foreign languages would you have learnt at school? 5. What cities would you have visited if you had gone to America instead of Europe? 6. If a visitor had come to your town ten years ago, what places would you have advised him to see? 7. What famous person would you have liked to meet when you were twelve? And last year? 8. I missed my train yesterday. What would you have done in my place? 9. Which country would you have chosen to live in when you were a schoolchild? And now? 10. What would you have bought if you had won a thousand dollars five years ago? And what would you buy now?


Exercise 20. Complete the following using the conditional mood.

1. I … to her on Sunday, but I didn't know her address. 2. He … them yesterday, but he didn't know their telephone number. 3. In different circumstances, he would have … 4. Anyone in his place … 5. I knew a lot of people who … 6. He obviously didn't want to see her, otherwise he … 7. "Do you regret you didn't marry Larry ten years ago?" "No. I … madness." (S.M.) 8. "Maxim tells me you only got back last night. I had not realized that, or of course we … to you so soon." (D.M.) 9. If only I had been here yesterday. The accident … 10. Well, I'm mighty glad you're here, Mr. Carlson. Otherwise we … (A.Hit.) 11. "You have only to ask me, and I will show you the rooms in the west wing. I … you this morning, but I believed you to be writing letters in the morning-room." (D.M.) 12. Two things saved her. Interposed between Gwen and the explosion were Guerrero's body and the aircraft toilet door. In other circumstances Gwen … instantly, as was D.O.Guerrero. (A.H.)


Exercise 21. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Если бы только я была здесь вчера! Несчастного случая не произошло бы. 2. Я очень рад, что Вы здесь, Карлсон. Иначе нам, вероятно, пришлось бы посылать за Вами. 3. Ты сожалеешь, что не вышла замуж за Ларри 10 лет назад? – Нет. Это было бы безумием. 4. Две недели! Такая короткая помолвка в мирные времена была бы невозможна. Но Юг бы в огне войны (aflame with war). 5. Все это время он знал, что убьет моего мужа. Но он не осмеливался, пока мой отец был жив. Мой отец остановил бы его. Он знал это. 6. "Я полюбил ее. Я собираюсь на ней жениться." Старик (The Old Man) посмотрел на меня тяжелым взглядом. "Ты против?" спросил я. "Я не был бы против – неделю назад." 7. Они пригласили к обеду гувернантку, потому что одна женщина оказалась прийти (to throw them over) в последний момент, и их было бы тринадцать за столом. 8. Его отчим относился к нему добрее, чем это делал бы любой настоящий отец. 9. Еще несколько лет назад никто и не мечтал бы о том, что проблема может быть решена при жизни нашего поколения. 10. И потом ты удивляешься, что она запустила в тебя твоими шлепанцами? Я швырнул в тебя каминным прибором. (fire-irons) 11. Все, что ей было нужно, это предложение (жениться), и ах! – как Ребекка ощущала сейчас отсутствие (want) матери! дорогой, заботливой матери, которая уладила бы дело в десять минут, и, в ходе небольшой деликатной доверительной беседы вырвала бы (to extract) признание из робких уст (bashful lips) молодого человека! 12. Дамы только слегка улыбнулись. Они подумали, что бедная Ребекка страдает слишком сильно. Она хотела бы тогда задушить старого Седли, но она проглотила горькое чувство обиды (mortification), как перед этим проглотила отвратительный карри. 13. Я не мог сделать этого. Неужели Дженни не понимала, что просит о невозможном? Что абсолютно все остальное я бы сделал? "Ты бессердечный ублюдок," – сказала она. 14. Мне жаль, что я так и не сумел угадать слово, которое открывает его драгоценный склеп (vault). Я бы давно уехал и забрал с собой его прелестные марки. 15. При других обстоятельствах она была бы убита мгновенно, как был убит Д.О. Гэрреро.


Exercise 22. Use the appropriate form of the conditional mood in sentences with implied condition.

1. If I only could go back to my flower basket! I (to be) independent of both you and father and all the world! I'm a slave now, for all my fine clothes. (B.Sh.) 2. He never has what you (to call) a regular meal. (Ch.D.) 3. Any time, when you have nothing to do, you have only to ask me, and I will show you the rooms in the west wing. I (to show) you this morning, but I believed you to be writing letters in the morning-room. (D.M.) 4. "You are so thoughtful, Esther," she said, "and yet so cheerful! And you do so much, so unpretendingly! You (to make) a home out of even this house. (Ch.D.) 5. If only I had been here yesterday! The accident never (to happen). 6. Well, I'm mighty glad you're here, Mr. Carlson. We (to have) probably to send for you otherwise. (A.Hit.) 7. Jack sneered at him. "Frightened?" "Of course I'm frightened. Who (not to be)? (W.G.) 8. "I wish my auntie were here." "I wish my father… O, what's the use?" "Grown-ups know things. They (to meet and discuss). They (to build) a ship – " "They (not to quarrel). (W.G.) 9. "May I come, Mr. Doolittle? I (to be) very sorry to miss your wedding." "I (to honor) by your condescension, maam; and my poor old woman (to take) it as a tremendous compliment." (B.Sh.) 10. To hear him talk, you (to think) he was Prime Minister. (L.G.Alexander) 11. Vernon Demerest, who normally (to prepare) his own flight plan, glanced over the form when Captain Harris finished, then signed it. (A.H.) 12. Two weeks! So short an engagement (to be) impossible in times of peace. But the South was aflame with war. (M.M.) 13. "Oh, well… let me see, Mrs. Danvers, I hardly know; I think we had better have what you usually have, whatever you think Mrs. de Winter (to order)." "I rather think Mrs. de Winter (to order) a wine sauce, Madam." (D.M.) 14. "I (to like) you to call me Eliza." "Thank you, Eliza." "And I (to like) Professor Higgins to call me Miss Doolittle." "I'll see you damned first." (B.Sh.)


Exercise 23. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the use of modal verbs in sentences with implied condition. State the forms of the modal verbs and the infinitives following them.

1. His family is as old as the hills, and infinitely more respectable. He has a general opinion that the world might get on without hills, but would be done with without the Dedlocks. (Ch.D.) 2. "Why didn't you let him have an ice-cream?" "It might have hurt his throat." 3. "What cities would you visit if you went to Europe?" "I might visit London and Paris. (B.D.Graver) 4. "Which country would you choose if you decided to live abroad?" "I might choose Belgium." (B.D.Graver) 5. We could get work on a farm that would see us through the summer. (S.M.) 6. Is there a farm nearby where we could stay the night? 7. But he still can't forget he saw it, and so may be there are ghosts. He would certainly be grateful to anybody who could either prove it was a real ghost, or if it wasn't, exactly what it was we all saw. (A.Hit.) 8. "If you wrote to a school for information, what might you be sent?" "I might be sent a prospectus." (B.D.Graver) 9. "Philip," said his daughter, "could you imagine any situation in which I would shut up?" "No, baby," he replied. "I guess you would have to talk." (E.S.) 10. The two parties could have reached agreement yesterday, but they were not prepared to be more flexible. (B.D.Graver) 11. "What would a person do if he had something stolen?" "He might phone the police." 12. "What might a man be recommended if he became ill through overwork?" "He might be recommended a long holiday." (B.D.Graver)


Exercise 24. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Его семья такая же древняя, как эти холмы, но значительно более почтенная. Он придерживается мнения, что мир мог бы существовать без холмов, но погиб бы (to be done with) без Дэдлоков. 2. При иных обстоятельствах я бы сказала "Да". 3. У них горы (loads) денег. Он их им дал. У них не хватило бы ума заработать для себя! 4. Почему ты не разрешила ему съесть мороженое? – Это могло бы повредить его горлу. 5. Он никогда не имеет того, что Вы назвали бы регулярным питанием. 6. Я показала бы Вам эти комнаты сегодня утром, но полагала, что Вы пишите письма в комнате наверху. 7. "А!" – сказала я. – "Ты читала детективы!" Она призналась, что читала. Я бы никогда не заподозрила мисс Расселл в любви к детективам. 8. Он был бы благодарен любому, кто сумел бы это доказать. 9. Женщина была очень серьезно больна. Операция была бы абсолютно бесполезна. Я ей сказал об этом. Через 4-5 месяцев ей пришлось бы постоянно колоть морфий (to keep under morphia). И она покончила с собой. 10. Предположим, что Вашего брата нашли застреленным с лежащим рядом револьвером. Какой была бы Ваша первая мысль? – Откровенно говоря, я бы пришел к заключению, что это самоубийство. 11. Эти две партии могли бы вчера достигнуть соглашения, но они не были готовы быть более гибкими. (flexible) 12. "Какая-то молодая женщина просит разрешения увидеть Вас, сэр. Я бы прогнала ее, только я подумала, что, может, Вы захотите, чтобы она поговорила в Ваши машины" (=записать ее речь). 13. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы Вы называли меня Элизой. – Спасибо, Элиза. – И я хотела бы, чтобы профессор Хиггинс называл меня мисс Дулиттл. 14. Не думаю, что она осмелилась бы сказать мне это. 15. Было бы бестактностью затронуть эту тему. 16. Ах, если бы я была здесь вчера! Несчастного случая не произошло бы. 17. Я очень рад, что Вы здесь, Карлсон. Иначе нам пришлось бы посылать за Вами. 18. Я собираюсь жениться на ней? Ты против? – Я не был бы против – неделю назад. 19. Ты жалеешь, что не вышла замуж за Ларри 10 лет назад? – Нет. Это было бы безумием. 20. Отчим относился к нему добрее, чем это делал бы отец. 21. При других обстоятельствах Гвен была бы убита мгновенно, как был убит Гэрреро. 22. Какую бы ты выбрал страну, если бы решил жить за границей? – Я мог бы выбрать Бельгию.


Exercise 25. State the form of the verb and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I should not have known what to do through this bad time but for her. I was indeed lucky to find her. (A.Chr.) 2. "Of course I'm frightened. Who wouldn't be?" "Couldn't we – kind of – stay here? Maybe the beast won't come near us." But for the sense of something watching them, Ralph would have shouted at him. (W.G.) 3. His great ability as a phonetician would have entitled him to high official recognition but for his Satanic contempt for all academic dignitaries and persons in general who thought more of Greek than of phonetics. (B.Sh.) 4. But for his pension, he would starve. (L.G.Alexander) 5. God, the place was a wilderness, lovely yes, but crying out for skill and care and the money my father would never give to it, that I would not have thought of giving to it – but for Rebecca. The beauty that you see today, it's all due to her, to Rebecca. (D.M.) 6. The lady was a long lean figure, wearing a faded air. But for this she might have been described as they very pink of general propitiation and politeness. (Ch.D.) 7. It is felt that but for the advent of Mrs. Ferrars, he could hardly have escaped. (A.Chr.) 8. Without those powers, computer hacking would be almost impossible to prove. (D.Biber) 9. "You've got me out of a score of scrapes. When Crawley won that sum of money of me I should have been donebut for you; I know I should." (W.Th.) 10. Without his wife's constant support he would never have achieved his ambition. (B.D.Graver) 11. But for e-mail, it would be difficult for Megan and I to keep in touch. (M.Hewings) 12. But for the financial support of British people living abroad, the party would not have been able to mount such a successful election campaign. (M.Hewings) 13. As he never spoke a word, he might have been a native, but for his complexion. (Ch.D.) 14. But for these interruptions the meeting would have finished an hour ago. (Longman Dictionary) 15. But for the millions of dollars' worth of aid (given by governments around the world), most people in the country would have starved to death. (M.Hewings)


Exercise 26. Use the appropriate form of the conditional mood.

1. But for the great encouragement of his family, he never (to become) a writer (M.Hewings) 2. Without those powers, computer hacking (to be) almost impossible to prove. (D.Biber) 3. But for his broken leg he probably (to pick) for the national team by now. (M.Hewings) 4. For more than his last twenty years Defoe lived at Stoke Newington, and there doubtless he (to die) but for importunate creditors, from whom he went into hidings, dying in lodgings in Moorfields. (E.Z.) 5. But for John giving me a lift, I (not to be) able to visit you. 6. You have blotted out the past for me, you know, far more effectively than all the bright lights of Monte Carlo. But for you I (to leave) long ago, gone on to Italy, and Greece, and further still perhaps. (D.M.) 7. Miss Jemima had already whimpered several times at the idea of Amelia's departure, and, but for fear of her sister, (to go off) in downright hysterics. (W.Th.) 8. "She (the boat) sank too close in," said Maxim. "I meant to take her right out in the bay. They would never have found her there. "It was the ship," I said; "it (not to happen) but for the ship. No one would have known." (D.M.) 9. And the real state of the case never (to know) at all in the regiment but for Captain Dobbin's indiscretion. "Who the deuce asked you to talk about my affairs?" Osborne shouted indignantly. "Why the devil is all the regiment to know that I am going to be married?" (W.Th.) 10. I (not to know) what to do through this bad time but for her. I was indeed lucky to find her. No daughter could be a closer and more sympathetic companion. (A.Chr.) 11. For all I knew he might be dead. Except for my friendship with Elliot, who kept me posted with the course of Isabel's life and so reminded me of Larry, I doubtless (to forget) his existence. (S.M.) 12. The country now (to be) self-sufficient in food but for the drought last year. (M.Hewings)


Exercise 27. Complete the sentences using the conditional mood.

1. But for the great encouragement of his family, he would … 2. But for his broken leg, he … 3. But for John giving me a lift, I … 4. But for you I … long ago. 5. But for the drought last year the country … 6. But for e-mail, … 7. You made me wear that dress. I … but for you. You did it because you wanted to hurt Mr. de Winter. (D.M.) 8. But for Jim's support I … 9. But for the heavy snow we … 10. Without your help, I … 11. But for the sense of somebody watching them, they … 12. Without his wife's constant support he …


Exercise 28. A. Use the appropriate mood form of the verb in brackets.

1. We (to be able) to get here on time but for the heavy snow. (L.G.Alexander) 2. It is felt that but for the arrival of Mrs. Ferrars, he (can) hardly have escaped. (A.Chr.) 3. But for his presence of mind there (may) have been a serious accident. (B.D.Graver) 4. But for his pension, he (to have) to starve. 5. Except for the weather, the holiday (can) not have been better. (M.Hewings) 6. As he never spoke a word, he (may) have been a native, but for his complexion. (Ch.D.) 7. But for John giving me a lift, I (not to be able) to visit you. 8. Without your help, I (can) not have done it.

B. What moods did you use and why?

Exercise 29. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Страна сейчас бы полностью обеспечивала (to be self-sufficient in) себя продовольствием, если бы не прошлогодняя засуха. 2. "Это был корабль, – сказала я, – этого не произошло бы, если бы не корабль." 3. Если бы не важность этого дела, я бы вчера остался дома. 4. Если бы не дождь, мы сейчас подходили к дому. 5. Если бы не пенсия, он бы голодал. 6. Вы заставили меня надеть это платье вчера вечером. Мне бы и в голову это не пришло, если бы не Вы. 7. Если бы не энтузиазм учителей, школьная пьеса так и не была бы сыграна. 8. Если бы Джон меня не подвез, я бы не смогла (to be able) тебя навестить вчера. 9. Если бы не его присутствие духа, могла бы произойти серьезная авария. 10. Без твоей помощи я бы не сумела это сделать. Спасибо! 11. Я не знала бы что делать в это трудное время, если бы не она. Мне действительно повезло, что я ее нашла. 12. Мы бы сумели (to be able) добраться сюда вовремя, если бы не сильный снег. 13. Если бы не эти перерывы (interruptions) собрание закончилось бы полчаса назад. 14. Они бы так и не узнали, что он за человек, если бы не этот случай. 15. Если бы не поддержка Джима, я бы не получила эту работу.

Date: 2015-04-20; view: 4486

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The same rules hold good for appositive (a) and predicative clauses (b) after nouns expressing fear. | The Use of Moods in Complex Sentences Subjunctive II in Complex Sentences
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