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Revision exercises on participle and gerund.

Exercise 1. Analyse the functions of participles and gerunds. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. But in her opinion one liked Mr. Ramsay all the better for thinking that if his little finger ached the whole world must come to an end. (V.W.) 2. It had occurred at breakfast one morning, and for his part, Mr. Farraday – either through kindness, or because being an American he failed to recognize the extent of the shortcoming … (K.I.) 3. His hair was almost white, and he had a wild-eyed, tragic look. (D.H.L.) 4. Oddly, Sabrina felt her embarrassment subside, hearing that emphatic answer. (J.L.) 5. Strictly speaking, the Isles of Man is not part of the United Kingdom. (B.D.Graver) 6. However, with the increasing privatization of child welfare services, this could be a valuable element of any attempt to make out-of-home care settings accountable to those served. (CYSR) 7. Unfortunately in this case, the easiest road is also the least promising. (CYSR) 8. I wondered whether the crash of twenty-nine had left him penniless. I didn't much like the thought of that and not being a person to beat about the bush I asked outright: "Are you down and out?" (S.M.) 9. A vague sense of uneasiness is presently felt, which often leads the patient to seek relief in the string habit – a habit which, if unduly indulged in, may assume the proportions of a ruling passion. (S.L.) 10. It was quite possibly the most gloomy, forlorn-looking place Duncan had ever seen. (J.L.) 11. … to one not accustomed to committing such errors, the development was rather disturbing. (K.I.) 12. And they, knowing me to be one not prone to exaggerated statements, well understood that something of an extraordinary nature was impending. (K.I.) 13. And yet, for the first three days, the results were disappointing. (C.W.) 14. Again, she saw the admiring glances of recognition on people's faces. (S.Sh.) 15. He burst out laughing loud enough that a few heads turned their way. (J.L.)


Exercise 2. Instructions as for 1.

1. "I am sorry about your parents." "So am I. I regret mostly not even knowing them, since I was too young at the time to remember them." (J.L.) 2. The boys being chosen for the team are under 9. (M.Hewings) 3. Jordan was a flight engineer; also a qualified pilot. He was lean and angular, with a hollow-cheeked mournful face. (A.H.) 4. "Patience. Everything arranges itself, given time." (A.Chr.) 5. Having been made redundant I am going abroad. (L.G.Alexander) 6. Isabel, pleased with her new clothes, amused by all the gaiety Elliott provided, thought she had never enjoyed herself so much. (S.M.) 7. He dismissed us pleasantly, and we all went out, very much obliged to him for being so affable and polite. (Ch.D.) 8. She coughed to cover how horribly appalled she had just sounded. (J.L.) 9. The man seemed confused and undecided. (C.D.) 10. My environment did not encourage psychic experiences or the weird meanderings of a mind deranged. (S.B.) 11. Single educated women have become one of the most powerful driving forces in the global economy. (D.T.) 12. He looked blank for an instant, as though she had asked him for some obscure and rarely heard of tool. (D.S.) 13. … and indeed I felt almost ashamed to have done so little and have one so much. (Ch.D.) 14. I must have been crying because of Mrs. Rachael's not being sorry to part with me. (Ch.D.) 15. She has lied to him about me and is succeeding in getting me and my father estranged. (N.I.) 16. When she came to the Tudor Room she saw a lady dressed all in grey sitting in a chair. (K.B.P.) 17. I also felt well satisfied. (C.W.)


Exercise 3. Open the brackets using participles or gerunds in the appropriate form.

1. But there was no (to mistake) the twinkle in Poirot's eye. But Franklin Clarke (to absorb) in his diplomatic task, was past noticing it. 2. He was very angry when his car broke down, having had it (to service) only a week before. 3. On entering the hotel, we immediately realized the reason for its (to be) so popular with tourists. 4. (To know) her sentiments, her purpose to get me married neither surprised nor annoyed me. 5. It smoked to that degree in short, that we all sat (to cough and to cry) with the windows open for half an hour. 6. I went to bed that night greatly (to elate). 7. Pascale looked vaguely amused as he continued (to wave) the brass handle in her direction. 8. (To forbid) to read the book, he was even more anxious to get hold of a copy. 9. (To receive) their final medical check, the astronauts boarded their spacecraft. 10. (Not to see) all the evidence, I am reluctant to make a judgement. 11. The man lost interest in his work, (to pass over) in favour of an outsider when a senior position became vacant. 12. When Alette heard the news, she was (to stun). 13. (To command) by her elder sister to get "the Dictionary" from the cupboard, Miss Jemima had extracted two copies of the book from the receptacle in question. 14. I don't mind (to admit) we pretty well frightened the life out of him, (to hint) he might be charged with murder. 15. It was almost as though some supernatural force possessed him, (to cause) him to shed twenty years. 16. (To be) a teacher for 14 years, Barbara knew how to keep children interested.


. Exercise 4. Translate the sentences into English using participles or gerunds. Give variants where possible.

1. Дорогу им преградил мощный ствол упавшего дерева. 2. Машина, оставленная без присмотра, была угнана сегодня ночью. 3. Ожидая ее прихода, он медленно прохаживался по платформе. 4. Ни секунды не колеблясь, она бросилась в воду на помощь утопающему. 5. С самого прибытия в Париж они перестали разговаривать друг с другом. 6. Вы можете полагаться на то, что все сведения вам пришлют вовремя. 7. Отослав телеграмму, он стал ждать от них весточки. 8. Не застав его дома, они отправились в его офис. 9. Переписывая текст, она пропустила несколько слов. 10. Хотя его речь была подготовлена заранее, говорил он очень медленно, с долгими паузами, словно забывая слова. 11. Я не выношу, когда со мной разговаривают в таком тоне. 12. Прежде чем соглашаться на это предложение, тебя следует с кем-нибудь посоветоваться. 13. Она занята приготовлением обеда. 14. Будучи человеком решительным, он сразу же приступил к делу. 15. Я уверена, этот факт стоит упомянуть. 16. Слушая эти его рассказы, невозможно не смеяться. 17. Попрощавшись со всеми, он сел в ожидавшую его машину. 18. Рояль нужно настроить. (to want, to need)


Exercise 5. Analyse predicative constructions with participles and gerunds. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. He came at last, his arms hanging loose down, his head sunk. (E.L.) 2. A seed-cake and a bottle of wine were produced in the drawing-room, and these refreshments being partaken of, Miss Sedley was at liberty to depart. (W.Th.) 3. Kay laughed with the relief of him denying he was a murderer. (M.P.) 4. Coming out of the blue as it (the suggestion) did, I did not quite know how to reply to such a suggestion. (K.I.) 5. No one was surprised at the change in Bank Rate, it having already been confidently expected by investors. (B.D.Graver) 6. This ray passed level with Mr.Bankes's ray straight to Mrs. Ramsay sitting reading there with Jams at her knee. (V.W.) 7. The annual meeting of troubled Dutch retailer Ahold erupted into a huge row over fat-cat pay yesterday with shareholders threatening to block the appointment of the company's new chief executive. (D.T.) 8. The Jacobite expeditions were also major invasions by the British mainland supported by foreign powers, the latter very nearly overthrowing George II. (D.T.) 9. US Foodservice would be put back on track "within 18 to 24 months", he said, with Ahold deciding on its future role in the group after that period. (D.T.) 10. John jumped in and kept his father's head above the water, with one arm supporting his body, and screamed for help. (D.T.) 11. European Central Bank kept rates at 2 pc, despite the recessions being experiences in Germany, the Netherlands and Italy. (D.T.) 12. She had all the officers on the ship climbing the walls. (A.M.L.)


Exercise 6. Instructions as for 5.

1. He saw Susan Buesford emerging through the doorway. (A.M.L.) 2. From the moment that the snow begins to melt, he keeps me posted as to what he plants and the birds and the bees are doing. 3. I think, Ettie, that if you were to leave us alone we could get the thing settled. (A.C.D.) 4. I had almost reached the kitchen doorway when I heard the furious sounds of her footsteps coming back towards me. (K.I.) 5. I am depicting practical dairying as I have lived it, and seen it lived, by dozens of families around me. (M.F.) 6. The public having ignored him for many years, the writer suddenly became famous. (B.D.Graver) 7. … she went up to say good-bye to them, and found them netted in their cots like birds among cherries and raspberries, still making up stories about some little bit of rubbish. (V.W.) 8. So Sabrina found herself walking to Summers Glade that afternoon. (J.L.) 9. I noticed a hen out walking this morning. (S.L.) 10. "After having been in the East so long it's a treat to drink water that's safe." (S.M.) 11. When Miss Curleigh stopped before the door in late afternoon, she found it locked. (E.Q.) 12. He was seen lighting his cigar with her letter, to the horror of Captain Dobbin, who would have given a banknote for the document. (W.Th.) 13. Fancy this chapter having been headed: "The Night Attack." (W.Th.) 14. As he pulled the bell at least a score of young heads were seen peering out of the narrow windows of the stately old brick house. (W.Th.)


Exercise 7. Translate the sentences into English using predicative constructions with participles and gerunds.

1. Ей было слышно, как кто-то тяжело шагает по комнате наверху. 2. Когда работа была закончена, все получили недельный отпуск. 3. Она вышла нам навстречу, в руках у нее была сумка и зонт. 4. Он приехал вчера, и никто не знал об этом. 5. Мы увидели, что он ждет нас у входа. (to find) 6. Вас считают помолвленными. 7. Видели, как полчаса тому назад он выходил из офиса. 8. Ей шьют одежду в Париже. 9. Мы чувствовали, что за нами постоянно следят. 10. Мне невыносима мысль о том, что они нас предали. 11. Ты не возражаешь, если он пойдет с нами? (to mind) 12. Она молчала, губы ее дрожали. 13. Когда все приготовления были закончены, гостей позвали в зал. 14. Тебе починили часы? 15. Мы наблюдали, как солнце медленно опускается за горизонт. 16. Когда солнце село, стало немного прохладнее. 17. Все зависит от того, получат ли они вовремя эту информацию.



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