Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the syntactical functions of participle II.
An attribute
1. "You can still see the dried food clinging to the knife and fork." (E.Queen) 2. The next day a registered letter lay beside Poirot's plate. (A.Chr.) 3. It was at this moment that a high dogcart, driven by a groom in the livery of Earl Nosh, might have been seen entering the avenue of Nosham Taws. (J.L.) 4. There is also a ghost believed to be that of Sir George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. (K.B.P.) 5. Mrs.Thorton was not a woman much given to reasoning. (E.G.) 6. In the Great Chamber, and leading from it to the Long Gallery, is a secret staircase near the fireplace, entered by pressing a secret panel. (K.B.P.) 7. Carried away by I don't know what sort of a spirit, I exclaimed, "very well, I will!" (M.F.) 8. The probe indicated that we had discovered a buried city. (C.W.) 9. A popular writer on archeology contributed an article calledThe Giants of Atlantis. (C.W.) 10. Asked about re-marriage she (Mimi Rogers) says: "It's certainly not something I'm spending a lot of time thinking about." (N.I)
A predicative
1. Nobody seemed amused. Least of all Jenny. (E.S.) 2. The manor had remained unoccupied for some time though a number of servants had been retained to look after the place for the shooting season. (K.B.P.) 3. "If there's trouble I'll stay to help … " Michael was touched. (M.P.) 4. Don Vito Corleone was a man to whom everybody came for help, and never were they disappointed. (M.P.) 5. "We opened your mail, of course." Kay was horrified and angry. (M.P.) 6. Tanya looked puzzled. (A.H.) 7. I have never seen a man look so completely paralysed with fright. (A.Chr.) 8. He wore a black velvet skull cap and his head was sunk down in his shoulders. (A.Chr.) 9. "That's right," exclaimed Potter; he seemed distressed. (E.Q.) 10. Kellett was half concealed from the road by a heap of stones. (A.Chr.) 11. The first man on the moon was once asked how he felt knowing that his footprints might remain undisturbed for centuries on the lunar surface. (People) 12. Julia is Hollywood's hottest actress, and for Richard designing the dress was a dream come true. (N.I.)
Adverbial modifiers and part of a compound verbal predicate.
1. Although surprised, the youngsters were said to be "meek" and made no protest when told they were being taken to Milton Keynes police station. (D.T.) 2. The Legal Services Commission said yesterday that if convicted for taking the car, Fearon's legal aid would be cancelled. (D.T.) 3. Margaret shrunk, out of sympathy with poor Bessy, who had sat down on the first chair, as if completely tired out with her walk. (E.G.) 4. When told by the police how badly injured his victims were he said: "Good, I hope they die." (D.Biber) 5. Why is it that when you're black and famous in this country, you're guilty until proven innocent? (People) 6. "Long words," Pete groaned. He put his head down on his arms as if floored by Jupiter's language. (A.Hit.) 7. With this power, if properly managed, you can gain the almost universal love of your fellows. (M.F.) 8. Children under the age of fourteen are not allowed into the cinema unless accompanied by an adult. (B.D.Graver) 9. He is reported to have been driving whilst drunk. (Longman Dictionary) 10. We stood transfixed on the spot, still holding hands. (S.B.) 11. His body was taken much later to the church nearby where … he now lies buried next to the tomb of later Hobys. (K.B.P.)
Exercise 2. Say, what actions are expressed by participle II, simultaneous with or prior to the actions expressed by finite verbs.
1. There were secret meetings held to decide what to give him as a going-away present. (S.Sh.) 2. Fearon, who when released was placed under a 7 p.m. – 7 a.m. curfew, is suing Mr. Martin for injuries to his leg and arm. (D.T.) 3. Companies already using computers have found that the number of staff needed for stock-control can be substantially reduced. (B.D.Graver) 4. We can deliver within three days any articles ordered from stock. (B.D.Graver) 5. The National Motor show, held every year in autumn, attracts enormous numbers of visitors. (B.D.Graver) 6. Guerrero's whole future, the success of the plan so painstakingly worked out, everything was predicated on getting to the airport with time to spare. (A.H.) 7. The decisions taken at today's meeting will affect all of us. (M.Hewings) 8. The building damaged in the storm will have to be demolished. (M.Hewings) 9. The book published last week is his first written for children. (M.Hewings) 10. The weapon used in the murder has now been found. (M.Hewings) 11. The children have eaten all the dinner, so there is no food left for us now. (M.Dean) 12. That burglar sentenced to five years in prison is a neighbour of ours. (M.Dean) 13. Formed 25 years ago next month, the club is holding a party for past and present members. (M.Hewings) 14. My Lady Dedlock, seeing a child, chased by a woman … has been put quite out of temper. (Ch.D.) 15. The probe taken below the old diggings revealed nothing. (C.W.) 16. I am thirty-eight years old, unmarried. (S.Sh.) 17. She felt let down, but at the same time was conscious of a slight sense of satisfaction. (S.M.) 18. Her hair, simply done, was of a sandy brown. (S.M.) 19 .This book began as a series of stories strung like pearls on a necklace. (S.B.) 20. It was a single building block, cut from solid basalt. (C.W.)
Exercise 3. Analyze the functions of participle II.
1. Her face was immovable. To the very last, and even afterwards, her frown remained unsoftened. (Ch.D.) 2. Given time, he'll make a first-class tennis player. (B.D.Graver) 3. I am not writing of dairy-farming, the genteel and aristocratic profession as eulogized in leading articles of agricultural newspapers. (M.F.) 4. And as a result, Diana felt finished and unloved and old. (D.S.) 5. "What kind of friend?" Diana sounded puzzled by what Pascale said. (D.S.) 6. The clinic was too small for us to get in unnoticed. (C.W.) 7. Looked at in this way, the situation doesn't seem so desperate. (B.D.Graver) 8. Pressed by shareholders for further details, the chairman confessed it to be likely that profits would show a further fall. (B.D.Graver) 9. Astounded though she was, Francesca was thrilled and excited. (D.Biber) 10. When attached to a camera, a zoom lens makes objects in a photograph larger. (B.Abbs) 11. The vast bulk of Bayer's neck, like a pink mountain when seen from behind caused him to hit as hard as he could. (F.F.) 12. "And how is dear Queen Margherita?" Somewhat surprised by her question, I said I didn't know. (S.M.)
Exercise 4. Instructions as for 3.
1. All airlines kept uniformed representatives at airport post offices. (A.H.) 2. Then Larry asked me how Gray was liking Paris. "I'm afraid he's feeling rather lost here." (S.M.) 3. Euphemia had been poisoned for her hidden money. (E.Q.) 4. Bob and Pete saw Chang's eyes flutter shut for a moment. (A.Hit.) 5. At the end of 1964 Chancellor Erchard, shaken by the exposures, issued a nation-wide and international appeal for all those having knowledge of the whereabouts of wanted SS criminals to come forward and tell the authorities. (F.F.) 6. He seemed neither harassed, upset nor woe-begone. (S.M.) 7. I took not a particle of interest in my attire, and would go about dressed anyhow. (M.F.) 8. "You are in a position to receive the renewal of an offer which I was instructed to make to Miss Barbary some two years ago, and which, though rejected then, was understood to be renewable under the lamentable circumstances that have since occurred. (Ch.D.) 9. He got up from his chair, as though impelled by an excitement that seized him, and walked up and down the small room. (S.M.) 10. I am as puzzled as you are. (S.Sh.) 11. The presence (of ghosts) is either known or not known, and once known what does it prove except that life continues after death. (S.B.) 12. But instead of falling in, as expected, she suddenly stopped, right at the lid of the sewer. (S.B.)
Exercise 5. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the adjectivised participle II.
1. Shane Miller was watching her, concerned. (S.Sh.) 2. There were two girls working there. One a tall tennis-anyone type, the other – a bespectacled mouse type. (E.S.) 3. The weatherwoman looked puzzled. (A.H.) 4. She looked calm and composed. (S.M.) 5. He's got money and he's very well connected. (S.M.) 5. Her freshness made Mrs. Bradley, with her pasty, lined face, look tired and old. (S.M.) 6. I suspected from the look she gave me, amused but shrewd, that she had no illusions about him. (S.M.) 7. We sat dully in overheated classes, stupefied by the hissing radiators and bored by the monotony of the teacher's voice. (S.B.) 8. Elevated, moving with that somnambulistic pace of a cyclist, she looked a little supernatural. (J.Ch.) 9. I was bitter and angry at first, and devastated. (D.S.) 10. But Eric didn't look too worried about it. (D.S.) 11. Pascale looked impressed. (D.S.) 12. He was a clumsy giant of a man with powerful shoulders, dark rumpled hair, and exceedingly – ugly… (A.Chr.) 13. "Ah, do not be confused! Let us discuss this little problem." (A.Chr.) 14. I personally knew at least two professionals, who went from one employer to the next, forever dissatisfied, never settling anywhere… (K.I.) 15. The young lord is getting quite annoyed with me. (J.L.) 16. Elliot was rather put out that the only address you gave was the American Express. (S.M.) 17. The manager looked relieved, but still serious. (S.L.) 18. Guerrero's nerves were stretched and raw. (A.H.) 19. Wide-eyed, the boy regarded him. (A.H.) 20. My thoughts were ordered and disciplined. (C.W.)
Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into English using participle II in the function of an attribute.
1. Я находился в огромном саду, заполненном цветами. 2. Некоторое время он молчал, погруженный в раздумья. (to lose) 3. Диана внимательно слушала Гвен, тронутая тем, что она ей рассказывала. 4. Ферму продавали за долг, который был уже оплачен. 5. Усталость находила выражение в нахмуренных бровях отца. (to knit) 6. С трудом пробираясь сквозь глубокий снег на неочищенных тротуарах, Инез направлялась туда. (to clear) 7. Под одной из рубашек он заметил свернутый лист желтой бумаги. (to fold) 8. Два года назад Инез была приятной на вид, хорошо сохранившейся женщиной. 9. Поставленный Бенджамином Твистом спектакль является чудесным театральным пересказом известного романа Диккенса. 10. Не было никаких улик, которые указывали бы на то, что он имел отношение к телу, найденному на берегу Темзы во время отлива. (to find) 11. Я видел, как напряженные мускулы расслабились (to draw) 12. Прямо в кабинет Мела забрел потерявшийся плачущий ребенок.
Exercise 7. Translate the sentences into English using participle II in the function of adverbial modifiers and predicatives.
1. Хотя она была удивлена, она не стала задавать вопросов. 2. Когда ребенка оставили одного, он заплакал. 3. Если ему оказать помощь, он справится с работой в срок. 4. Как и ожидалось, в тот день соглашение не было достигнуто. 5. Хотя это предложение было отвергнуто, оно мне кажется интересным. 6. Даже если меня пригласят, я не пойду туда. 7. Когда смотришь на эту картину издали, она производит большое впечатление. 8. Он повернулся и отошел от нас, словно его обидели. 9. Если меня спросят, я ничего не скажу. 10. Взволнованная событием прошедшего дня, она долго не могла заснуть. 11. Погруженный таким образом в свои мысли, он не обращал никакого внимания на присутствующих. 12. Несколько секунд она стояла неподвижно, словно превратившись в камень. 13. Если бы его рассердили (to put out), он не стал бы молчать. 14. Он занял место в первом ряду, как ему было сказано. 15. Если за ним посылают, он никогда не отказывается прийти. 16. Он поклонился, когда его представляли гостям. 17. Хотя ему и наскучила эта компания, он решил остаться до окончания вечеринки.18. Когда его освободили, он решил не возвращаться домой. 19. Тебя не посадят в тюрьму, если только не докажут, что ты виновен. (to prove guilty) 20. Несколько лет музей оставался закрытым для посетителей. 21. Все были обеспокоены ее отсутствием. 22. Он выглядел вполне убежденным, когда говорил об этом. 23. Голос ее звучал озадаченно. (to puzzle)
Exercise 8. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the negative participle II.
1. The other bed was neatly made up, its lace spread undisturbed. (E.Q.) 2. The clinic was too small for us to get in unnoticed. (C.W.) 3. There was a small race-meeting at Entfield, and if he had walked to that station he might have passed unnoticed. (A.Chr) 4. "It's all under control," I replied. Stratton was somehow unconvinced. (E.S.) 5. True, his hair was grey. But his moustache was dark, he was handsome, and still full of furtive passion for his unrestrained and beautiful wife. (D.H.L.) 6. Marius walked in and put a bucket under the stream of water coming through the ceiling. It seemed to be coming faster and faster and harder, but he looked unconcerned. (D.S.) 7. When a trainee got into difficulties, he had to be given the chance to show resourcefulness and sort the situation out unaided. (A.H.)
Exercise 9. Use appropriate prepositions after adjectivezed participles.
1. We were shocked … the results of the voting. 2. She is frightened … the very thought of his arrival. 3. Are you interested … politics? 4. He seems bored … everything around. 5. They are likely to be pleased … these presents. 6. Isn't she tired … talking so loudly and so long? 7. Don't be worried … their future! 8. She was amused … the child's behaviour. 9. She is deeply concerned … your safety. 10. Don't you feel embarrassed … this proposal? 11. He is distinguished … his contribution to the development of nuclear physics. 12. What are you excited … ?
Exercise 10. Choose adverbs which can be combined with the following adjectivized participles.
Adverbs: absolutely, badly, completely, deeply, greatly, highly, keenly, much, thoroughly, vastly, very, well, to death (tears).
Exercise 11. Translate the following phrases into English using participle I or participle II where possible.
1)удивленный взгляд; 2)события, удивляющие всех; 3)человек, забытый всеми; 4)человек, постоянно все забывающий; 5)зáмок, разрушенный много веков назад; 6)строения, разрушаемые стихией; 7)грузовик, разгружаемый на середине дороги; 8)вопросы, которые часто задают на экзаменах; 9)вопрос, который сейчас обсуждают; 10)вопрос, который обсудили вчера; 11)студенты, обсуждающие этот вопрос; 12)гости, прибывшие с опозданием; 13)автор, написавший это произведение; 14)хорошо воспитанный мальчик; 15)армия, потерпевшая поражение; 16)армия, терпящая поражение.
Exercise 12.Translate the sentences into English using participle I or participle II where possible.
1. Так как он много лет прожил в Англии, он говорит на английском почти без акцента. 2. Прибыв на станцию, мы прежде всего пошли посмотреть расписание. 3. Многие книги, выпускаемые этим издательством, пользуются большим спросом. 4. Эта книга, выпущенная в начале месяца, уже раскуплена. 5. Мелодия, которую играл уличный скрипач, была ему знакома, но он не мог вспомнить ее название. 6. Полностью поправившись, он сразу же приступил к работе. 7. Этот пациент, поправляющийся после операции, скоро вернется домой. 8. Написав записку и оставив ее на столе, он вышел. 9. Он тщательно обдумывал каждое слово, когда писал эту записку. 10. Записка, написанная быстро и небрежно, была приклеена к входной двери. 11. Оставшись одна, она понемногу успокоилась. 12. Ты знаешь человека, который только что прошел мимо нас? 13. Люди, проходившие мимо нас, смеялись и пели песни. 14. На кинофестивале, недавно прошедшем в Венеции, этот фильм получил главный приз. 15. Когда им была обещана помощь, они почувствовали себя увереннее. 16.Телеграмма, которую так долго ждали, наконец-то была получена. 17. Вечером они разбили лагерь в живописном месте на берегу реки, а рано утром вновь отправились в путь. 18. Она улыбнулась, вспомнив свою первую встречу с ним. 19. Зная, что девочка любит шоколад, я купила ей две большие плитки. 20. Внимательно слушая наши объяснения, он сердито нахмурил брови. 21. Внимательно выслушав наши объяснения, он сказал, что все понял.
Exercise 13. Instructions as for 12.
1. Хотя он и потерпел поражение, он решил не сдаваться. 2. Решение, принятое вчера, кажется мне окончательным. 3. Мы все восхищены вашей игрой. (to delight) 4. Не зная их местонахождения, я, конечно, не могу предупредить их об опасности. 5. Если эти растения хорошо и регулярно поливать, они скоро зацветут. 6. За обедом он не сказал ни слова. (to dine) 7. Она оставалась в своей комнате, отказываясь спуститься вниз. 8. Быстро подойдя к трибуне, он громко и уверенно начал свою речь. 9. Когда их представили друг другу, они быстро нашли общую тему для разговора. 10. Оба молчали, так как их не представили друг другу. 11. Я бы сказал, что это осуществившаяся мечта. 12. Он отшатнулся, словно ожидая удара. 13. Как и ожидалось, он не ответил на наше письмо. 14. Он вынул из кармана свернутый листок бумаги и протянул его репортеру, стоявшему рядом. 15. Они будут наказаны за преступления, совершенные во время войны. 16. Взяв стакан со стола, он залпом выпил его. 17. Отложив в сторону бумаги, он вопросительно посмотрел на человека, подошедшего к его столу. 18. Перечитывая текст, он заметил несколько новых ошибок. 19. Перечитав текст, он исправил все замеченные ошибки.