| How they view others and each otherThe attitude of Russians to others depends a great deal upon who those others are. Their neighbours, without exception, are viewed as treacherous, mean, stingy and vile and their prosperity is due to merciless exploitation of the Russians, their wits and natural resources. Were it not for the neighbours, Russia would now have been the envy of those proud Americans.
Americans were No. 1 enemy under the Communists and this is why they are looked upon with green-eyed envy, admiration and suspicion. Everybody knows that all Americans are incredibly rich, that even the beggars demand alms from the windows of their Mercedes. If only it were possible to work like Russians and to live like Americans.
The other Westerners are practically the same – they live in luxury and look down on the rest of the world but with minor differences. The British are so amusing with their centuries-old traditions and silly sense of humour which nobody but themselves can understand. They are not too bad a people: they are relatives to the Czars and, like Russians, are very fond of tea. They have one author, Shapespeare. The French are all lovers, not one of them being true to his wife. Their author is Dumas, creator of “The Three Musketeers”. The Germans are seen as serious, studious, dull and hard-working. They read Schiller and quote Goethe. The last war with Germany is still looked upon with horror but it was fought with other Germans. The Italians live in museums, eat pasta, drink Chianti and sing Neapolitan songs – very merry people. They have no authors, only lots of painters, sculptors and singers. Micheangelo and Pavarotti are the best.
The most enigmatic people are the Japanese. They are Orientals and as such should live like Russians or Indians or Chinese. The fact that they have a European standard of living is baffling and most annoying. How can this be? Something must be terribly wrong with the Japanese – a mistake of nature.
Date: 2015-04-20; view: 850