ExercisesI. Read through the story quickly and find this information.
1. The place where the Eyes of Montezuma came from 200 years ago.
2. Nick's job in Madrid.
3. The American city where Shelley lives.
4. The country where Shelley bought her car.
5. Shelley's middle name.
6. The time of day when Nick and Clare arrived in Santander.
7. The age of JoseDuero.
8. The nearest city to the villa.
9. The number of people who stole the Eyes of Montezuma.
10. The time of the plane to Morocco.
II. Are these sentences true (V) or false (X)?
1. The story begins on the last day of Nick and Clare's holiday.
2. Shelley has never travelled to Europe alone before.
3. The Countess of Montalban's son is one of Nick's students.
4. The Countess died at the age of ninety-four.
5. The Prado Museum is in Toledo.
6. Harris, Drake and Blane all died in the plane crash.
7. Nick and Clare had wonderful weather on their holiday in Cornwall.
8. Shelley's family has friends in Zaragoza.
9. Blane showed Nick and Shelley the way to the small airport.
10. Nick and Clare are both English teachers.
III. Complete the spaces in these sentences.
1. This is my first time in Europe without my ..... .'
2. He was sitting in a red chair and reading a Spanish ..... .
3. They came from Mexico about two ..... years ago and have been in the family since then.
4. It was a big, dark-haired man wearing ..... .
5. 'One day I want to give them to the people of ..... .
6. On the way back he stopped because he needed some ..... .
7. A sign on the gates said '..... OUT'.
8. Quickly she dropped to the floor, turned, and threw the heavy ..... at the man.
9. 'They're taking the ..... to Morocco on a plane at nine o'clock.'
10. The next moment the plane was almost on top of them. Shelley could see the ..... eyes.
IV. Comprehension questions
1. How long were the Eyes of Montezuma in the Montalban family?
2. How did Nick and Clare first meet Shelley?
3. Where does Clare Harman work?
4. How long have Nick and Clare lived in Spain?
5. What did Shelley leave in her car on the ship to Santander?
6. Why did Shelley buy the yellow Fiat?
7. Why were Nick and Clare surprised when they saw Shellev's car at Santander?
8. Why did the Countess of Montalban give the Eyes of Montezuma to the Prado Museum?
9. Where did Nick see Harry Blane for the second time?
10. What did Nick see on the back seat of the Renault?
11. What do the letters U.C.L.A. mean?
12. At the petrol station, why didn't Nick call the police?
13. How did Nick break the lock on the small building in the villa's garden?
14. How did Nick cut the ropes round Shelley's hands, feet and mouth?
15. Why didn't Shelley have lunch with Nick and Clare on the ship ?
16. How did Jamce Drake see Nick and Shelley from the villa?
17. How did Nick stop the plane?
18. Who found the Eyes of Montezuma after the plane crash?
19. At the end of the story, what did Jose say to Nick, Clare and Shelley?
20. What did Shelley leave in her car outside the Prado Museum?
V. Discussion questions
1. Why were the diamonds called the Eyes of Montezuma?
2. How did the newspapers report Nick and Shelley's story?
3. What did Harry Blane tell the police after the plane crash?
4. Why did Blane help Nick and Shelley to find the small airport near Toledo?
Date: 2015-04-20; view: 1418