CHAPTER 34 HAMMER TIMEBilly tugged the coffin lid up. Forced himself to stare inside.
Girls’ clothes.
Nothing but clothes.
He picked up a short skirt, a midriff top. He rummaged around, sifting through bathing suits and jeans.
Did the clothing belong to Kylie and Irene? Some of it did look familiar.
Had he found Kylie and Irene’s coffins? Had he been lucky enough to find the right place?
Open the other coffins, Billy instructed himself. Hurry! You’ve got to see. You’ve got to know.
The remaining two coffins rested end-to-end, only a couple of inches apart.
Billy grabbed both lids at once, one in each hand.
With a hard tug, he yanked the lids up. Then he bent to peer inside.
Trembling, his breath coming in ragged gasps, Billy stared into the coffins.
Kylie and Irene.
Sound asleep. Eyes shut. Faces calm, at peace.
Sleeping in ancient dirt.
Hands folded across their chests.
Billy stared at them, swallowing hard. Stared as if he’d never seen them before.
They appeared so innocent.
Kylie stirred, shifted her position slightly. She smacked her lips, revealing the tips of her fangs. Dreaming of food? Billy wondered. Dreaming of human blood? My blood?
Don’t stand there! a voice inside Billy screamed. Time is running out! Do something! Before it’s too late!
But the sight of them seemed to hold him in place. He couldn’t take his eyes off them. Kylie with her beautiful red hair. Irene’s golden curls glowing even in the dim light.
Billy stared at them, stared without moving, without breathing—as if the two vampires were able to cloud his mind even in their sleep.
Snap out of it! he warned himself.
Billy blinked, shook his head.
Frantically, Billy slipped off the backpack and tossed it to the floor. He ripped at the cloth, unable to get it open.
I’ve got to calm down, he thought. Calm down.
The zipper tore. The bag fell open, spilling wooden stakes onto the floor. Billy snatched one up and grabbed the hammer.
Gasping for breath, he held the pointed tip of the oak stake over Kylie’s heart. Extra-hard wood. Sharpened to a point as deadly as the tips of Kylie’s fangs.
Billy’s hands shook so hard he wasn’t sure he could swing the hammer. Or hit the stake with it.
Can I do this? he wondered. Can I really do this?
He raised the hammer.
Date: 2015-04-20; view: 778