1.What are the two ways to look at investing in stocks?
2.What are the factors that should be considered by someone who is developing his investment strategies?
3.What kinds of stocks have been doing well lately?
4.What do bargain-hunting investors who buy stocks in a bearish market have to be careful of?
5.What are collectibles? Why aren't they good investments nowadays?
Matching. Find the words in the right hand column that match the words closest in meaning in the left-hand column.
3.sale by bids
6.rate of return on investment
8.ability to be changed into cash
a. yield
b. process of rising prices
c. declining
d. liquidity
e. payment for brokers services
f. option
g. auction
h. decrease in economic activity
Rewrite sentences replacing the underlined word or words with the correct form of one of the new words of this lesson
1.You should look into your alternatives before you invest in these stocks.
2.Mr. Halpern is an investor who counts on prices failing in the stock market.
3.This stock promises a very good percentage of increase in value.
4.The government is not dealing very successfully with this period of temporary economic decline and unemployment.
5.We're hoping our shares in the data processing company will give us a high income.
6.Cathy Caruso is an investor who buys stocks when prices rise.
7.The broker told me my stamps and coins would be quite difficult to sell right now.
8.He's selling these works of art now because he's afraid their ability to be converted into cash will be decreasing.
The international monetary fund
International Monetary Fund (IMF) an international fund (founded at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, U.S.A. in 1944). The purpose of the IMF is to encourage international cooperation on money and to make payments easier between member nations.
economy system of producing and distributing wealth
third World developing nations
oil petroleum
funds money
additional more, increased, added
successful that works or functions; that has the effect it is supposed to or expected to
corrective that improves, makes better
suspicious believing something is bad
to weaken to get or become weak; make weak (weak: not strong)
to increase to raise or rise
share percentage, portion, part
loan commitment a financial liability; term of the loan
oil-poor that doesn't have oil (said of countries, or regions)
gross national product a measure of the total of goods and services produced by the people in one country in one year
per capita (Latin phrase that means for each head) per person (per: by, for each)
basic goods essential products
currency banknotes (paper money) and coin that are official for buying and selling in a particular country