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Two Bedroom on the Twenty-Third Floor



Cassie couldn’t take the day off, but she promised to meet me for lunch. Unsure of what to do with my rare few hours of freedom, I went online and searched for available rentals near the Plaza Hotel. I printed out a list of places on both the Upper West Side and the Upper East Side. I didn’t know the difference between the two, but Cassie would.

After calling a few of the numbers, I set up an appointment to view a place on the East Side after she got off work. I looked over my baseball schedule for the next three weeks, paying close attention to all the days I wouldn’t be here. The team traveled for an eleven-day road trip soon, and I wondered if Cass would be able to make it to any of the away games.

I knew it was a shitty thing for me to think, but it sort of sucked that Cassie worked full time. It meant that we’d never be together when I played on the road. And I was going to be gone an average of seventeen days each month. That’s a long time to go without seeing your girl.

I’d never admit that to her though, and I knew that wanting her around me all the time was selfish. Especially after everything I’d put her through. She’d moved to New York to follow her own dreams, and I wanted to be supportive.

Aside from my own pride-filled bullshit, I honestly hated the idea of her being here alone. The press and the fans stressed me out, and I needed to know she was protected when I wasn’t around. We needed to move somewhere with a round-the-clock doorman sooner rather than later—and before I lost my damn mind.

Maybe I’ll buy her a dog? I’ve always wanted a dog. Jesus, Carter, is anything not about you?

Pulling on my ball cap, I walked out of the apartment building and toward the subway station. The cool breeze whipped across my face, and the sunshine was so bright I almost turned back for my sunglasses. Cassie texted me directions to the restaurant where we were meeting for lunch since I had no fucking idea where I was headed or what I was doing. I was half tempted to call Matteo and have him drive me, but I knew Cass would ream my ass for not getting the “New York City experience,” as she liked to call it. Plus, I needed to learn my way around.

I followed the stairs underground, stopping at the first vacant vending machine I could find. I pushed a ten dollar bill into the slot, and a blue-and-yellow Metro Card popped out. Glancing around, I watched as people slid their cards into the electronic readers before walking through the turnstiles. Memories of visiting Disneyland as a kid flashed through my mind as I slid my card through. The light turned green and the turnstile unlocked with a click.

I pushed through it, feeling like a fucking lost tourist and hoping no one would recognize me. Walking down another set of stairs, I reached the subway platform.

What a trip.

The lighting was dimmer and the air damper down here. A guy at the far end of the platform banged on some drums and the sound traveled up and down the station. The idea of having my back unguarded didn’t sit well with me, so I pressed against the wall and waited for my train to arrive.

The brakes squealed as the subway pulled in, the driver’s voice fading in and out. When the doors opened, I waited for everyone to exit before I jumped inside. Virtually empty, I had my choice of seats. I grabbed the seat closest to the doors. Two stops later, I hopped out and headed up the set of stairs; the sunlight practically blinded me so I averted my eyes to the ground.

“Aren’t you that super-hot baseball player?” Her voice stopped me in my tracks, and I looked up to see those familiar green eyes staring right through me.

“Aren’t you the smoking hot girlfriend of said baseball player?” I licked my lips and her mouth fell open. I loved fucking with her.

Cassie dropped her sunglasses over her eyes and pulled me away from the subway exit. “Come on.” She giggled, and I wanted to make out with her like some lovestruck teenager in the back of a movie theatre.

“I thought we were meeting at the café?” I reached down for her hand, interlocking her fingers with mine.

“Nora gave me the afternoon off. She wouldn’t take no for an answer, so I’m all yours, Carter.”

“She probably knew I’d get lost.”

“Probably.” She smiled. Her lips were so tempting I wanted to suck them into my mouth and never let them go. “So how was your first subway ride?”

Shaking the visual from my mind and willing my dick to calm down, I refocused my thoughts. “Interesting.”

“But amazing, right? I mean all the different people from so many walks of life gathered in one place together. I freaking love the train stations.”

I shook my head with a huff. “You would.”

“What does that mean?” She swatted my shoulder.

“It just means that you see the beauty in everything. Even the ugly, dark, disgusting subway stations.”

“I just think they’re cool. A little scary sometimes, but still cool.”

Cassie pointed to the red-and-white checked awning up ahead. “That’s where we’re eating.”

“I gotta be honest, Kitten. I feel like we’re betraying Sal.”

“No!” she whined. “We’re not, I promise. This place isn’t even Italian. It’s French.”

I stepped ahead of her to open the restaurant door when a woman’s voice said, “Oh my God, are you Jack Carter?”

I turned to face the woman as Cassie stopped midstep.

“Oh my God, you ARE Jack Carter! I’m a big fan. You’re an amazing pitcher. Can I get a picture with you, please?”

I glanced at Cassie and saw her lips form a tight-lipped smile. So I pulled her close to me and put a polite but firm smile on my face as I told the woman, “I’m sorry, but I’m about to go eat with my girl. Some other time.”

“Please! Just one picture? Or an autograph? Can you sign something for me then?” I watched as she buried her hands into her oversized purse, searching for God knows what.

“Please understand, I’m just trying to have some personal time right now. I’m sorry.” I turned my back to the overzealous fan and held the door open for Cassie.

“Sorry, babe,” I said, stroking her hair.

“It’s OK. Why didn’t you just give her what she wanted?”

The hostess smiled but didn’t interrupt us. Instead she grabbed two menus and waved us toward the back of the small café as we followed her lead. “I didn’t want to.”

I pulled Cassie’s chair out for her before sitting down across the table and removing my cap.

“Your waitress will be with you shortly,” the petite brunette said before she bounced away.

“What do you mean, you didn’t want to?” Cassie leaned forward, her hair flopping in front of her eyes as I swept it away with my fingers.

I sucked in a breath. I hadn’t told her any of this yet, this part of my master plan, but I guessed now was as good a time as ever. “I’m trying to limit my contact with them.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You’re trying to limit your contact with whom? Your fans?”

I leaned across the table. “Just the female ones.”

There. I admit it.

I wanted to limit my contact with my female fans whether I was on or off the field. I never wanted to give them or the press anything to talk about, write about, or post about.

“Jack.” She closed her eyes for a moment before meeting my stare. “You can’t ignore your fans. It’s mean and they’ll end up hating you.”

I leaned back against the hard chair and shrugged. “If I’m mean to them, they’ll leave me alone. And if they leave me alone, they won’t have anything to say. And if they don’t have anything to say, then you’ll never have anything to worry about.”

She shook her head. “I don’t want people to hate you.”

“So what are you saying? You’re OK with me talking to them?”

“Of course I’m OK with you talking to them. I just don’t want you to sleep with them.” A slight laugh escaped her lips. “Or make out with them or do anything with them.”

I reached over, taking her hand in mine. “I won’t ever make that mistake again. I’ll prove it to you every day for the rest of our lives. I wanted to ignore them for you, so you could see I’m trustworthy and not be worried.”

“I don’t want you to go to those extremes for me. It’s not right. And the trust part will just come in time. OK?”

“OK.” I agreed, bringing her hand to my lips.

When we were done eating, I settled our bill with the waitress and waited for her to bring me back the change. She approached our table, a weird look on her face.

“Is everything alright?” I asked.

“Here’s your change,” she said, handing me the soft leather bill holder. “And I’m really sorry, but there’s a crowd outside waiting for you to leave.”

I glanced at Cassie as the surprise flashed in her eyes.

“We wouldn’t let them come in, obviously. But they know you’re here. We’re really sorry.” The waitress stared at her feet.

“It’s fine. It’s not your fault,” I tried to reassure her before looking back at Cass. “You OK?”

Cassie nodded and looked at our waitress. “How’d they know we were here?”

“Someone posted it on that Spotted website.”

I frowned. “I don’t know what that is.”

“It’s this website where people can put where they spotted a celebrity or an athlete. Someone posted that you two were eating lunch here.”

I leaned my head back slowly. “Gotcha. Thanks.” I pushed my chair back before stretching. Running my fingers through my hair, I grabbed my cap and placed it firmly on my head.

“You ready?” I asked Cass, reaching my hand out for her to grab. She stood slowly, peering outside.

She exhaled. “OK, there’s not that many people outside. There’s like ten.”

“They’re going to want me to sign stuff. Do you mind or do you want me to blow them off?” I’d do whatever the hell she wanted me to.

“Of course you should sign stuff.” She smiled.

I gripped her hand, leading her toward the door. I pushed it open, holding it for her to walk through before following behind. The sound of my name filled the air around us as people crowded to get close, shoving their camera phones toward us. Instinctively, I wanted to protect Cassie from the rushing bodies, but I ended up only tightening my grip on her.

“Ow, Jack.” She winced, pulling her hand from mine and shaking it.

“Shit. Sorry, Kitten.”

“It’s OK.” She smiled.

“Jack, how about a picture?” A woman shouted above everyone else. I’d have to have been blind to not notice her good looks.

“Sure,” I said, remembering Cassie’s words.

Reluctantly I posed, keeping my hands to myself, but this chick draped herself all over me like a cheap fucking suit. Disgusted, I removed her hands from my body. “No more pictures, but I’ll sign whatever you want,” I announced to the group, frowning at the one who’d just ruined pictures for the rest of them. Forcing a big smile on my face, I signed papers, taxi receipts, and a couple of baseballs.

“Cassie, Cassie honey. Look this way.” My attention turned to the long-haired, greasy-looking guy with a professional camera taking pictures of Kitten while she waited for me to finish. I watched as she reacted to the sound of her name, which clearly caught her off guard, and she searched the crowd for the one calling out to her.

“Leave her alone,” I shouted in his direction, and he glared at me. He fucking glared at me, aimed the camera back toward Cass, and clicked the button. I imagined jumping over everyone and breaking that camera across the side of his fucking skull.

“You’re so pretty when you smile, Cassie. Won’t you smile for the camera? Who was with you at the game last night? Cassie? Did you and Jack make up? Why were you mad at him?” The dirtbag was relentless.

“I said leave her alone,” I threatened, my patience fading.

Cassie suddenly appeared at my side, whispering in my ear, “That guy’s creeping me out.”

“We’ll go,” I whispered back. “I have to go. Sorry.” I made my way through the crowd, which had grown in number since I started. I pushed lightly through the people, signing a few scraps of paper on the way, never letting go of Cassie’s hand.

We walked down the sidewalk and I glanced back, noticing the guy still taking shots of us, following our every move. “That guy’s following us. He must be paparazzi.”

“When he called out my name,” she paused, “that freaked me out. And all those questions. It’s weird when people know about your life like that.”

“I know. Come on, let’s get a cab.” I stopped walking and the guy did too.

That’s right, asshole. Keep your distance.

“I got this.” She winked at me before stepping out onto the edge of the busy street.

She looked sexy as hell hailing down a cab, her hip jutted out as she waved her arm. The cab pulled up like a speeding train before slamming on the brakes and we hopped in.

“Is he following us?” Cassie asked softly.

I glanced back. “Nope. I think he knows I’ll deck him,” I said with a laugh, and she kissed my cheek.

When the cabbie stopped in front of a gold-trimmed apartment building with a uniformed guy standing outside the revolving door, I smiled, my comfort level growing already.

This is what I’m talking about.

I helped Cass out of the cab, and we walked toward the door.

“Can I help you?” the doorman asked.

Good. He asks what you’re doing here before you go in. I like that.

“We have an appointment with Ruth.”

“Have a good day,” he nodded, allowing us to enter.

A middle-aged woman greeted us the moment we walked in. Her voice was so raspy it sounded as if she smoked twenty packs a day. “I’m Ruth. You must be Jack and Cassie. It’s nice to meet you. We happen to have a vacant two-bedroom apartment on the twenty-third floor that I want to show you. Are you ready?”

I turned to Cassie. “Twenty-third floor? It’s my number, babe. That’s a sign.”

Baseball players are nothing if not superstitious.

Cassie smiled, following Ruth into the elevator that flew us to the twenty-third floor in no time. Ruth led us down the hall, unlocked the door, and waved us in. “I’ll just be over here, so you kids take your time looking around.”

Holy shit.

This place was gorgeous. I knew Kitten was already sold by the look on her face. “Can we afford this?” she whispered.

“We can. Easily. It’s not as much as you think.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

I could see why. Cassie started on about granite countertops and stainless-steel appliances, and squealed when she walked into the master bathroom. I didn’t know half the shit she was talking about, but the smile on her face was priceless. I’d take out a fucking loan to live here if I had to.

“I think we can fit ten apartments the size of yours in here,” I teased, before walking onto the balcony. The city rushed by down below, and the buildings provided the perfect landscape. I bet Kitten would love to photograph things from up here.

“A balcony? Heaven. I’m in heaven.” Her face crinkled with delight.

“I wanna do bad things to you on this balcony, Kitten.”

“Shocking,” she said as she rolled her eyes.

“So you like it?” I asked, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her to me. Before she could answer, I pressed my lips against hers, feeling her body go limp in my arms. I pulled away from her slowly, letting the kiss linger before finishing it with a peck against her cheek.

“It’s seriously gorgeous, Jack. I think I could live here forever.”

“Even if it’s a little further from Central Park than you wanted?” I asked just to be sure, already knowing what her answer would be.

“It’s perfect. And the park isn’t that far away.”

“I’m sold then.”

“You didn’t even see the master bedroom. Or the guest room. Did you even look around?” She ran her fingers through my hair.

“I don’t need to. If you like it, that’s all that matters.” I stepped inside and shouted toward the open front door. “Ruth.” She peered around the door frame and smiled. “We’ll take it. What do we have to do?”

Date: 2015-02-28; view: 807

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