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Chapter 8


she arrived at the airport he was waiting her with one of his friends car , he hugs her and then go home together around 4 am , they are home together they missed each other they spend the sweet night together , they slept like babes , morning came they arrange the house together , they talk a lot , next day they went by boat to Ras Mohammed , their he tries with her to explain again about diving and this things , but again she refuses to hear anything except her self , in general they start to have nice time together , many time was misunderstanding between each other , he take her with him every time he can by boat their she can enjoy her time and to see how he is working , he is so proud of her , that he have the most beautiful wife in the world , he is unable to see any girl except her , he invites her to meet his friends , for example his friend Sonya , she is Russian also and she works in natural oil products , they talk together , he want to show her everything and to make her meet everyone he knows so she never feel that she is alone in strange country , he wants her to feel safe and to feel that she is part of this place , but in her head she want learn everything by herself , this is her character she love to prove to herself that she is able to do everything by herself with no help , okay , he agree about that , but all what he asked her is , take from me what I know that you can learn from what I ends , but she insist to refuse that , she saw how he works , he have open water course ,he asked in the diving center to teach her they accept , so he take her with him , he start to explain to her and to the other , unfortunately the students were Egyptians , so he have to talk by Egyptian and Russian to her , but he believes that she is his wife , so what I did not teach you now I will teach to you later , we will live together , under the water , he starts to teach people how to dive , so in general as student you have to show some respect to your instructor , but she did not show any respect many time , she wave with her hand and do un proper things by her hand or looking to the other side while he explaining , or interrupt him , he told her many time he is not Russian , so if you do not understand something tell me what exactly you do not understand so he can try in different way , he makes her cry while he teaches her , because she felt he take care of the tourist and did not take care of her , no really , he was giving her chance to learn by herself , also he saws that she is good , she is just need to follow his instruction as diving instructor , but many time she did not follow his instruction as diving instructor , she looks at him as husband , but no sweetheart he works ,so you have also to understand that he works , and for sure he will give his work little attention , but no she want all the attention , he is not against , but work also needs , you are my wife and for sure what I did not explain it to you now I will explain it tomorrow because we live together , you are not here for a week then you go home , many time they shout together even at the street , or at the house about small things , it is not deserve the fighting , but no one of them tries to absorb the other , everyone want to prove that his side is right , they meet a friend with his wife she works her , he was hoping that they will be friends and she can find nice work for her , and to stable her life with him together , while they swim , he push her under the water but he did not know that she will feel that danger , she cried in the sea , that shock his heart and he apologize and hugs her and tell her , it is okay , I am sorry , I love you , he touches her hand , he loves every single moment together even the moment when they fight because sometimes in heart of fighting you can feel that you are a family , he invites some his friends to eat together he thoughts food will be enough , then they argue little about it , she prepared food with wine also he argue with her about it , he argue about her clothes that she always insist to dress them short , no one of them try to listen to the other and try to understand his side and try to absorb the problem to solve it , time goes and she meet her students on the boat they saw her under the water and they told her she is very good diver , but she did not believe it , because she did not have the confidence yet , in front of her , venera the girl she said that AHMED he the best instructor and she will call her shild on his name AHMED ,, she saw how much AHMED loves to help his friend , even her , time goes and they argue maybe daily ,, till her visa about to finish , so they went to renew the visa at altor with his friend hany and his Swedish girl mary ,, he argue with her about his clothes , but at the end ASYA wear what she want , but AHMED was angry and they met with hany and maya , so on the way AHMED was not talking , because he did not like the loud music also he is upset from ASYA dresses , in altor they ably for the visa and also they argue there , but at the end they sit in cafe then they eat fish , then back to sharm they have to meet the national security in sharm for her visa , in the next days , AHMED argue with his work and left , to search for a new work , because they did not want to give him a money , he needs money , not for him but to make his wife lives in good way , , so Sonya contacts him and chat with ASYA , because she finds a work for her , after the meeting with the national security and she told the officer about she loves AHMED so much , they went to meet the owner of the new work , she make the meeting and they agree with her , they said we will not care about the visa , AHMED said do not worry she is my wife and I will take about everything for her , next day they went together to the work so he feels safe , now she works , her life will be better and now they can build better life together , he trusts her so much and he know whatever she heard from the people or whatever the people will say she will be with him and she will never lose her faith on him , because AHMED do the same , whatever the people said he always answer them that he trust his wife and he is very sure that she will always be with him and she will never leave him alone , and he is very proud that meets her , AHMED searched for work till he find the work that he looking for , he meets people and then introduce the people to ASYA , he is so proud of his wife , even if they fighting together , she Is his wife , he loves her , and she loves him , already they understand how hard life they will face and they agree to pass and build each moment together , and they agree to celebrate each success together ,one day his friend came to his house after they fired him from his work , and he asked him to stay with them tonight because where he will go at the night so he argue with ASYA about something then he went out after his friend , then he back alone after he also argue with his friend because his friend fiancée she is against that he stay with AHMED because AHMED has a wife , here AHMED got very angry , and he said if you will go do not call me again because your fiancée insults my wife and I did not accept any one insults my wife ,he back howe and explained to ASYA that.. another day he talk to her and he told her one day I will buy you the car that you want , it is small wolks vagen , she aske him for 600 , he said okay when I back home I will give you the 600 , she said no , I want 600 $ he said okay , but sweet heart now it will be hard for me to give it to you , you know situation is little hard , but sooner I have enough I will give it to you , you are my wife and what you want I have to do it for you , she did not do any comments about that so AHMED understand that is normal , so another day she went with him to the police to make statement about his money in the old company , so she understand his situation step by step , and she sees by her eyes how hard efforts he doing for them AHMED was always bring food and go give it to her because he know she did not eat well, he love to care about her , but sometimes when he finds her with so short clothes he get angry so he did not smile , he give her the food and go , she asks in the work at the secretary not as transfer , he know she will success very fast in her work , he told her that she will be the best , because he knows that she is very smart , and active , day after she start back late from work , AHMED wakeup early so he sleeps early , she backs late , so now they did not see each other properly as family , life start to be hard with AHMED , and he is unable to pay the rent on time , so he asks his friends to give him money for a while , he talk the money and give ASYA art so she can always have money , because he is a man he can live with less money , but ASYA a woman she have to have money , a friend of ASYA comes and she had a problem with her boyfriend , so AHMED and ASYA , helps her to meet him , so they hide far then when the girl show suddenly to her boyfriend he screams , it was so much fun , because ASYA and AHMED laugh at the streets as kids , this is one of the best moment in AHMED life ever , they back home and they promised each other , they will be together , whatever life will be hard they are always together , AHMED assure her that do not worry all will be good as long as you are by my side , my life will be better and he told her sorry because of his situation but he will work hard to change it ,and he will change it as long as she is with him , they slept together , every day morning AHMED get use to kiss ASYA before he go to his work , but since she back late , he trying his best to not annoy her at the morning , he loves her face so much , such amazing angel face , he wakes up everyday 30 minute early just to lay and look at her face , he loves her more than he love anything else in the life , one night after work , one of the girls asked to go house together ASYA answered no thanks ryad will take me home , ryad he is ASYA manger , the girl felt strange because ryad lives in the other side of the city , but it is okay , because she know ASYA as good person and she know that she loves her husband and no one in this world can effects her mind , dyas gone and ASYA always back late , AHMED waits her to eat together , but everyday ASYA back so tells him that she eats outside , AHMED told her many time , why you do not back home and we can eat together , I love eating with you , since you work we have no time to be together I want my wife , I want be with you longer as we can , do not let the work takes you from me , she said to him , do not worry , soon she will back home early , AHMED was upset from ASYA actions ,many times ASYA complains about the Egyptians people behavior , AHMED told her to not create enemies at her work , she have to understand the people mentality sharm is not Moscow , they take day off together so they can spend it together , but ASYA decided to go to make her self beautiful for AHMED , but instead of back early to AHMED who waits she spend the time outside and did not care about AHMED who waiting her at the house to see and speak with his wife , he messaged , ASYA do you love me , she answered , I do not know AHMED ,it was shock that answer, when she back home he was very upset because everyday he waiting her and she did not care about him , what you expect AHMED will feel if his wife doing that everyday , just caring about her self and forgetting him , he told her many time , sharm is not Russia , so please understand the place here first then act , when she back she tried to show him how she is more beauty now , but he did not care and pull his hand back ,AHMED says , I wait you all this time and you do not care , she said , I was with my friends , he said what about me your husband , she did not answer , then they slept , he talk one of his closed friend about that situations , especially after he asked her to support him with money for the rent , because AHMED want to rent bigger apartment for them , so ASYA can invite her mother and her fiends to stay with us at the house and AHMED also can invite his family , so AHMED thinks about making a family , meeting her family , building real life , not just temporary or vacation , but ASYA shocked him when she answered no I will not pay any money , her was a big shock to AHMED , because he never say no to ASYA he stands beside her all the time and now at the first life test he needs her support she refuse , why , he did not understand it , AHMED talk to his friend , so his friend told him tell her to decide what she will do next , this was AHMED mistake , never ask any one advice in your personal life , because no one knows all the details as you know it , so he back home and he prepared a pare to talk to her ,

AHMED : we need to talk about some things because we have to decide them

ASYA : okay not now ,

AHMED : no ASYA , we have to find a solution for that

ASYA : okay talk

AHMED : about going to cairo we will have to go to cairo sometimes for a week or something

ASYA : no I will not go to cairo , I do not like it there ,

AHMED but you know that my family and my life is there and you know that from the beginning , why you did not tell me that ,

ASYA : I am sorry I will not go there ,

Then they argue about it and argue about clothes and about how ASYA behave with him all the time , how ASYA many time starts by disrespect him that pushes him to react bad , at the end he told ASYA , okay , ASYA you have 1 week to decide how will solve that , how we will continue our life , she said okay , but he never thoughts that he makes her cry more than laugh , he forget very important things , she left the world for him and she came to be with him instead he makes her smile all the time , he makes her cry , he was selfish , just thinks about his side , he is stupid because he cares about how the people will look at her how they will talk about her , but he forgets very important part , she wait how he will look at her , and how he will care about her , then they slept , , something strange convert ASYA toward AHMED , he did not understand how can she change like that in less than a week , what is wrong happened or who talked to her , what is going on , he never betrayed her , he always loving her , yes he was hard , but this argument not a reason to ruins marriage , because in relationships there is a lot of problems and she saws with him many couple they argue but at the end the solve everything together , there something about her he did not know , or she did not show , why , that was the question in his mind even tell this moment , why she doing that , what reason , why she did not talk to him about what they need to solve so they can keep going together , during this week AHMED already forget about this argue , because he believes this is life , we will argue then we will keep going together , day after he deleted all his relationship with her on social networks so she can feel that she will lose someone he loves her and to see what she will do , but she did not even care , very strange what happened , AHMED tries to find good apartment for them but ASYA always refused what he choose , at the end he find roof , he like it but he did not confirm it yet, ill one day he gets tired from searching so he decide to take it and by ASYA vision they can make it better , because he believes in her vision and taste , she got shock , to be honest that was mistake do not push anyone to choose because at the hard time no one will be ready to sacrifice for anyone, next day he meets with Sonya and ASYA at sadiki café talking about Sonya problem because they fired her of the work , they talk a lot , he said that he and ASYA many time fighting also , but at the end they sleep together , because they loves each other , in general he take both of them and showed them the roof , ASYA did not like the roof , because already in her head she had a plan , it was very strange night , she looked at him and said , AHMED do not be scared , I will leave you , and I will go to live at the apartment they will give it to me in the work , her it was a big shock , because he never ever expect this action , he told her many times whatever the problem big between us we will never abandon each other and we will find answer for it , but now she decide to choose the easy and just leave , just like that , AHMED was in shock even he was not able to control any thoughts , because he never expect it , he never expect that people are right and one day she will live , he never expect that after what he did fro her she will not appreciate it and she will leave , just like that she ruins 6 months building relationship in 1 week , for sure some support her at the work someone promises her that her life will be better , many girls talk about the manger that there is something between ASYA and ryad , and when he knows he refuses all this rumors , he said no I trust my wife and I am sure she will never listen to any one , AHMED believe that his wife extra loyal to him and she will never believe the people words , but her action approve that the people maybe they are right about it,but he never believe it , because he know ASYA morals , she never do any relationship with college or manger , she know that effects works , also she know that she came to Egypt for AHMED , not for work , so what changes happened , that makes her want leave him , especially when she know that is the time that AHMED totally alone and he have no one except her , AHMED lost everything around him and he just needs her , it was strange because he got crazy and he cried a lot , once he asked her the reasons , she said some reasons , not the reasons to ruin relationship , “ because you shout and wave with your hand , you do not like my music or my movies , you do not dress good for me “ this is not a reason , because you know that from the beginning , so why you come from the beginning if you know all of that , she told him that she have to try , so okay , 1 and half month is not enough , also now it is the first hard situation we face together , where is your support , she said I am sorry , I do not care , I just care about what is important for me , AHMED got more crazy , he said after all what I done for us you said that , why I think always bout us and you just think about yourself , she said sorry , that is , I do not love you , I misunderstand my feelings to you , AHMED got more angry and said no , you just understand how to live here and no you can work and got money so it is time to search for someone better than me , why you used me from the beginning , you already hate Egypt and the Egyptian people why you decide now to stay , why , what is the real reason she said no real reason , that is it , he jumped over the table she got scared , but he did not jump to hate her , he just hugs her and try to tell her remember our conversations , remember our covenant , she cried , that was first time in his life to cry like that and he is even unable to stop crying , because he remember how he is god person , how he helping people and how he supports people , he did not deserve that his wife to leave him at the time that he already lost everything for her , she cried also , then she went to bed and he sit to cry alone , at the end he went to the bed she hugs him , and slept between his arms , he loves her so much he can not see his life without her ,next day , he wake up to go work , but he unable to move because he is broke , she wake up after him and thought he went , but he did not went out , so they meet he went to clean his face but he can not stop cry , he comes out and find her crying also , he told her , okay , I know why I cry because I will lose you , so why you cry , ASYA today we will fix everything we will override this problem , we will live together , she said there is always exit , he said okay we will find out this exit on the roof together , he was very happy to hug her and to love her , he went to his work and he back he told her , to get ready they will watch movie together , he went and buy a fruits then he back home to prepare it for her , then he makes romantic light as the first day they meet , they watching little bit then he makes for her massage , he did not know this is the last night , strange because last night starts as first night on the romantic lights ,, they slept together , on the morning he kissed her and try to play with her , she told him no and cover her face , but he told trust me she said no I do not trust you , he thoughts she joke , but inside her she was serious , inside her she just remembered and storied every moment that he makes her cry , strange that she did not see any good thing he did for her , she just see and remember the negative , nothing positive he did she remembered just negative , he went to his work and they message each other , it was surprise for him that she take her bags and left , actions just thief can do it , why she did shame things like that, when she told that it was shock , why she did that , why , why she did exactly as most of the people said , she will leave you at the time you will not be home , he asked her about her work she said yes she works today , but she lied , why good girl like her did something like that , why she did not try to see the life from the future view , why , in general he meets her at the night , they eat fish together , they talk together , it was strange talk from her side , because now she can talk , she is free , she have a work and she have a place to stay in , she do not need his support anymore , no she can do what she wants , he asked her why you left in this time , you know how much I need your support she told him I need money and you was not able to support me , he said no , I told you sooner I have money I will give it to you , she said sorry it is like that , she told him with man everything have to be good bad life she can live it alone , he told her but you know before you come from your country that my life is not easy and I am not rich , so why you accept to come , if you know , I did not hide anything from you , why you always prove that you are here just to use me and prove the people words about you , she said that is it , what is done is done , yes now she can talk because she got what she wants , in the work her manger supports her , now she decide to leave because she can earn money and to be free and to go out and to dress short and to do all what she wants as she want , they walk together , he tried to convince her to back , but already she had her own plans , that was hard for him at the end he wants to know where she lives but she refused , because of unknown reasons , there is something hide from her side , he did not know it and she is ready to cover it , because all what she think about it is just herself , yes AHMED did mistakes , but this mistakes never ruin a relationship that if ASYA was honest from the beginning , she will always find something to do to make the life better , but her actions proved that she have a plan , they split , he went home and she went home , he slept alone with tears on his face , because he lost the love of his life , or at least because he is honest person , he consider her the love of his life ,, but she was there enjoying her time and having fun with whatever she have ,


Date: 2015-02-28; view: 881

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