| Lesson of my life---------------------------
based on true story ,, read to the end , do not stop in the middle for any reason , because each step you take into the story you will learn and know something new , the idea of writing this story is to be reference for any couple about how you can treat each other in hope to make your life better , also in hope to believe that people can change to be better , it is just love who able to change people , but sometimes love alone is not enough , it is how you express your love is very important, AHMED in this story he changed 180 degree because he understand and he saws all his mistakes in his life , he change from a egoist , arrogant and selfish person , to be more understanding , respectful and more good with people and more calm , and he is ready to prove his words by his efforts to be better person , but for some reason ASYA did not give him any chance to prove that he is better person , for some unknown reason , some secretes ASYA knows or some information ASYA collect something went wrong broke the trust and believes between them , some reason if AHMED know them he can explain them all , but ASYA refused to explain anything and just left , love can change everything , love live longer than any money or beauty , or desires , one day in our life all what we need is a person beside us , hugs us , loves us , now we believe in our power ,our desires and beauty , but one day all this will go , just love will stay , there is some points I tried to be neutral , the story starting by coincidence , ending by misunderstanding and refusing to forgive and give another chances ,, there is a lot of mistakes can happens in our life , that a lot of questions in it , do the material life can kill the purity inside the heart , if we have different way of thinking is that a big problem can destroy a life , a lot of thoughts and question about how and why we love , what is mean love , how we see the love , what is the right perspective about love , in the real love and life we can face a lot of problems on our way to build ourselves and our future , very important role at any relationship is ( relationship is not vacation , you take the part that you like then you leave the part that you do not like ) relationships builds on hard situation , supporting each other , caring about each other , tolerating each other at the anger time , forgive each other when someone mistaken , it is life not just fun , it full of challenges , so we choose between run and abandon each other and live selfish people or stand beside each other and fight the life hard to prove to ourselves that yes we can build a better future ,
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 934