| State policy in the ecology sphere
Methodical recommendations: Preparation for performance of tasks should be began with studying of recommended literature. Studying this theme, it is necessary understand essence, problems of ecological policy, management of nature, degradation of environment and economic growth, natural resources and problem of their use without prejudice to habitat, purposes of ecological policy, instruments of regulation of the relations of environmental management.
Read about the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About environment", the national plan of action on environmental protection, methods of state regulation of environmental management, administrative methods: ban, licenses, limits, criminal responsibility, economic methods: payments, subsidies, tax privileges, creation of ecological funds, ecological insurance, etc.
You shall understand concept of global safety, military threats, economic threats, ecological safety as global problem, the purposes for global ecological problems, the project on management of global safety, state policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the solution of environmental problems.
Writing of the essay, drawing up comparative tables and structural and logical schemes and other tasks will help you to fix this theme.
Theme ¹10.
Regulation of foreign economic activity
Methodical recommendations: Preparation for performance of tasks should be began with studying of recommended literature. When studying this theme, it is necessary study essence of the international economic relations, process of the international division of labor and production specialization, main characteristics of the international economic relations, essence and purpose of economic integration, kits of economic integration: free trade zone, customs, economic, currency union.
Read about place and role of national economy in world economic space, problem of state regulation of a measure of inclusion of national economies in global world economy, world markets, international competition, open economy, foreign trade turnover, interrelation of open national economy and world economy, external economic strategy.
You shall understand main directions of foreign economic activity and instruments of their regulation, Kazakhstan in the world market, types of foreign economic relations: foreign trade, international investment, international production cooperation, international scientific and technical cooperation, monetary operations, credit operations, kits of foreign economic activity, functions of foreign economic activity, external economic complex.
Writing of the essay, drawing up comparative tables and structural and logical schemes and other tasks will help you to fix this theme.
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 903