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Chapter Seventeen

Full Throttle



“Time to get up, baby,” I whisper in Evan’s ear. His naked body is nestled with mine. He grunts and pulls me closer. “Come on, Evan. We have to get up now,” I repeat. We didn’t get much sleep last night. This is the only downside of sleeping in the same bed together.

He rubs up against me, “I am up, see?”

“Come on. Time for our morning run. You promised.” Yesterday I vowed not to interfere with Evan’s workouts, and I fully intend to keep that promise. I haven’t had a good run on the beach in days and I’m actually looking forward to a morning jog with him.

After a little more cajoling, I get him out of bed and dressed. I step into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I take a moment to appreciate how our lives are starting to weave together. Sitting on the counter are pairs of hairbrushes, toothbrushes, and deodorant, perfectly complimenting one another, his and hers.

We do a few warm-up stretches and then off we go. Evan allows me to set the pace on our run. The sunrise is a glorious tapestry of colors reflecting on the calm ocean. But nothing compares to the vision of the man running beside me. I can’t help but glance over at him occasionally. He moves with such poise and ease, it’s magnificent to watch. I wonder if I will ever tire of watching him.

Abruptly and without warning, he stops running, grabs me, and kisses me deeply. I return his kiss, wrapping my arms around his waist and sealing our connection.

“What was that for?” I ask when he finally releases me from his strong embrace.

“I’m not sure. It just seemed ... necessary. You looked very ... kissable.” His eyes reflect the blue of the sky and ocean, and once again, he’s cast a spell over me that I hope to never break free of.

Once we get home, Evan allows me to take the first shower alone. He heads up to the gym to get in another hour-long workout. Rather than shower, I decide to try out his Jacuzzi tub. Its powerful jets massage my sore muscles. Muscles that ache from exercise, more exercise than I’ve had in ages!

The bath oils are soaking into my skin and I’m starting to feel human again. It takes me nearly an hour to soak and shave ... everything! I use my loofah to scrub every inch of skin.

As I lay back in the tub, enjoying the smells and sensations of my hot massaging bath, Evan steps into the bathroom. He walks over to me and sits on the edge of the tub. “Mmm ... you smell good ... really good!” He dips his finger into the water, drawing circles in the hot water. “If I knew you were here, like this, there’s no way I would have been able to finish my workout.”

Evan walks over to the shower, turns it on, and tests the temperature of the water. Once he is satisfied, I watch as he peels his clothes off. Clothes that are drenched in sweat and cling to his muscles in the most appealing way.

I’m ready to get out of the tub, but there’s no way I can leave right now in the middle of this show. My iPod music is playing Maroon 5, and Evan starts moving his hips and shoulders, gently swaying to the music. I can even hear him singing along. He’s starting to really get into it when he notices me watching him intently. Grabbing a bar of soap like a microphone, he serenades me, telling me how he’s got “moves like Jagger”. He’s being silly and sexy. What an unbeatable combination.

I slip out of the tub and step into Evan’s bedroom to dress while he finishes his shower. I toss on a simple spring dress. I’m acutely aware of how the clothes feel against my skin, raw and sensitive from my scrub. I run a brush through my wet hair and wait for Evan to emerge from the bathroom so I can use his blow dryer.

Moments later, he steps out with just a towel wrapped around his waist. My breath hitches in my throat as I inspect the bare-chested man before me. His skin and hair are still wet, making him shine and sparkle.

Not able to miss an opportunity to tease me, he allows his towel to ‘accidentally’ drop to the floor, revealing his obvious eagerness. I can’t help but laugh out loud at his brashness. Apparently, that is not the reaction he was anticipating.

“Are you laughing at me, Missy?” He looks at me with a smug smile and smoldering eyes.

“Why yes, I believe I am.”

“I need to teach you a lesson about proper manners, young lady.” He grabs me, sweeps me into his arms, and tosses me onto his bed.

He wastes no time in stripping me of my dress and lavishing my skin with his tongue. My sensitive skin is singing from his soft touches.

Evan slides me down to the edge of the bed, and drops to his knees before me. He slides my underwear from my hips and tosses them to the floor. Placing his palms on my thighs, he pushes my legs apart, completely exposing me to his ministrations. I gasp when I feel his tongue on me, gently exploring and searching. He presses my legs further back as he buries his tongue inside me.

I can feel myself climbing higher and higher. My muscles are tightening and electricity is traveling through my veins. Just as I am about to explode for him, he stops, trailing kisses and bites along my thighs, away from what I need.

Evan slowly returns his attention to my throbbing wetness. First, one finger plunges deep followed quickly by another as he massages and caresses. I can feel myself reaching closer to the edge, and when he begins to rub and tease with his thumb, I call out for him. As I do, he withdraws from me, painfully leaving me without release.

I reach down and pull him to me, “Evan, I need you inside me. Now.”

“Say please. You’ve been very naughty and you must learn your manners.” He’s smiling a devilish grin at me. Understanding finally ignites and I give him what he demands.

“Please, baby. I want you. Inside me. Now. Please.” Finally, Evan plunges himself deep inside me. He rams into me and I am instantly driven right back to the edge. This time, there is no stopping the waves that come crashing over my body. When I feel his body quiver and shake, I continue to explode around him for what feels like an eternity.

He collapses onto the bed beside me and together we wait for our hearts to slow down. “I could lose myself for hours with you,” Evan breathes in my ear.


Exhausted and freshly showered, Evan and I decide to go out for brunch. I take him to my favorite breakfast nook, the Mariner’s Cove. Nestled in the heart of our neighboring town of Brielle, The Mariner’s Cove has the largest selection of pancakes and omelets at the Jersey Shore.

At this hour on a Monday, there’s plenty of room and we can choose a booth anywhere we like. Evan leads me to a table in the back corner of the restaurant, away from too many eyes. It’s a little more secluded and much more private.

The inside is a typical Mom-and-Pop restaurant. The walls are covered with wood panels that are shellacked to a shine. On one wall is a high shelf with an assortment of miniature pirate ships and schooners.

Evan scoots in first, and pulls me to sit with him. I love sitting so close to him. A waitress introduces herself as Maureen, brings us two menus, and pours us fresh coffee. She’s an older woman in her fifties.

I don’t even need to look at a menu to know what I want, European French Toast with Strawberries. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Evan turns to me and says, “Do you know what you want?”

“Of course I know what I want. You made me beg for it this morning,” I remind him.

“Don’t do this to me here, Juliette. I swear, I’ll pull you right out of this restaurant and take you right in the parking lot.” I lean over and kiss him.

Maureen interrupts us with an “ahem,” then asks, “Are you kids ready to order, or do you need another minute?”

“Sorry, can we have another minute, please.” Evan brings out both the best and the worst in me.

“Holy cow, Juliette. I’ve never seen a breakfast menu like this before in my life. I’ve been to a lot of breakfast shacks around the country, and this one takes the cake. There must be over a hundred omelets here.”

“I know.” I tell him. “There’s over a hundred kinds of pancakes, too. How hungry are you?”

“Well, I’ve been awake for over four hours and I haven’t eaten a thing. I’m starved. What do you think?”

“Why don’t you just order the Hungry Mariner?” It comes with enough food to feed a family of five. It has a 3-egg omelet, hash browns, sausage, bacon, and a choice of toast. If he’s still hungry after eating all that, then he needs to be checked for a tapeworm.

I signal to Maureen that we’re ready and she comes right over to take our order. She writes everything down without giving Evan a second look. I’m relieved.

While we’re waiting, Evan takes a call from Adam. We have to meet him and the security company at my house in an hour. Evan gives him my address just as our breakfast arrives.

“How would you feel if I hung out at the bar tonight?” Evan asks me.

“I love spending time with you, but do you think it’s a good idea? Aren’t you afraid of getting photographed in a bar?” I would hate to think that Evan is getting more bad press all because of me.

“Juliette, people go to bars all the time. If I’m just sitting at the bar all night, then there’s nothing to worry about. I won’t even drink that much, especially since I’ll be driving us home.”

“Is there any way I can get you to change your mind?”

“Probably not.”

Evan’s phone beeps with an in-coming text message. While he’s texting, I take the opportunity to send Auggie a quick text to check in. I forward him a picture my mother took of Evan and me yesterday, and he sends me a picture of him, Brandon, and Maddy at the dog park. Maddy is one lucky puppy.

Maureen brings us our food. There is so much food placed in front of us, it looks like we’re going to be here a while. This seems like a good time for us to chat about a few things.

I have so much to learn about his career. He explains to me about his preseason camp schedule. I won’t get to see much of him once camp officially starts, but that’s not until the end of July. Between now and then, he has a trainer that will come to the house three or four days a week. There’s also a few three-day mini camps coming up.

He offers to take me around to fill out applications in bakeries in our area. We make plans to go to Red Bank and Asbury Park on my next day off. With everything that’s been going on, it’s probably not a bad idea for me to consider a career change. The main issue will be money. I have a lot of bills to pay and a minimum wage job will not cut it.

“Evan, why do you think someone is harassing me?” This is a question that’s been haunting me from the beginning.

“I wish I knew, baby. But until we figure it out, I’m going to take care of you, I promise.” I don’t like feeling dependent on others, but in this case, I guess I will have to submit.


We arrive at my house and Adam’s not here yet. Again, I give Evan my keys while he checks out the house before I’m allowed in. It’s only been two days since the intruder visited. I still feel uneasy here knowing that someone was going through my things.

As I’m waiting, Adam arrives with a rep from a private security company. He inspects all entrances, exits, and windows. I answer all his questions, and he seems to be taking copious notes. He talks with Adam and Evan about different options: cameras, motion sensors, and about four or five other kinds of sensors, too. Since I don’t own the house, I convince them to limit it to just door and window sensors for now, along with one motion activated outdoor light, but no cameras. The rep assures us that if we choose to add more features later, it won’t be a problem since he’s already been here to do the inspection.

Unfortunately, the installation is not going to happen today. Hopefully, they can do it tomorrow, but the rep won’t know for sure until he gets to his warehouse to check materials.

I give Adam my keys so he can make a copy for himself. He’ll be the one to let the installers in and check on everything. Evan trusts him, and I trust Evan.

While Evan goes over a few last details with Adam, I grab some more clothes from the closet, and then we are on our way back to his place.

“You know you can’t go back home tonight, right?”

“I know, sorry about all of this craziness. I wish things would go back to normal.”

“Please don’t apologize. It will be difficult, but I suppose I can sleep with you again, if I have to.”

“Do I have to teach you a lesson about your manners? It’s not nice to insult your house guest, you know.”


When we arrive at Evan’s, my phone rings. I look down and see it’s Reese. I promised her days ago I would call her back, but I never did. “Evan, do you mind if I take this? It’s Reese. She’s been calling me for days now.”

“I’ll be in my office going over a few things for work. Take your time, baby.” Evan slips away and I decide to step onto the deck for some privacy.

“Hey, Reese. What’s going on in the Badger State?”

“You know, same shit, different day. There’s absolutely nothing going on here. How about you? How’s the new man in your life?”

“If I tell you something, do you swear not to say anything to anyone? Not even Sara?”

“Of course. Are you okay? Did something happen?”

“I’m fine. Better than fine, actually. It’s about my boyfriend. Here’s the thing. I told you his name was Evan right?”

“Yeah, Evan Michaels or Evan Roberts, or something like that, right?”

“Close. It’s Evan Thomas. It turns out that Thomas is his middle name. His full name is Evan Thomas McGuire. Have you ever heard of him?”

“What?!” Reese is screaming at the phone, I can barely make out what she’s saying. I think she’s heard of him.



“Hey, Jette, it’s your lucky night tonight.” Marcus is already setting up the speed rack on the patio bar. I haven’t worked with Marcus in a few days and I’m glad he’ll be behind the bar with me.

“Lucky?” I replied with a forced smile. I can’t help but feel extremely anxious tonight. Each incident with my stalker started here at work. I’m sure there’s a connection, but I don’t yet know what it is.

“You bet! We’re going to have fun tonight, kiddo.” God, I hope he’s right.

I turn around to start wiping down the bar with some club soda as Derek comes striding towards us. “Hey guys, what’s up? You ready to rock it tonight?” It looks like it will be the three of us on the patio tonight.

“Guys, listen, Evan’s coming tonight, so please be cool around him.” I know I’ll feel better when Evan gets here later. I told him not to come until after ten or eleven o’clock since he’s staying with me until closing.

Customers start filtering into the bar even before the DJ finishes setting up his equipment. Tonight’s Karaoke night, so there should be a lot of energy in the room. In my short time here, I’ve learned that good entertainment can dramatically increase the positive energy in a bar. When the guests are properly entertained and happy with the music, tips go up and time crawls a little faster.

As the crowd grows thicker, I begin to release the stress that I’ve been carrying with me and start to enjoy myself behind the bar again. Marcus and Derek have been teasing me and trying to get me to loosen up, and it’s beginning to work.

Suddenly, one customer begins singing Bon Jovi’s ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ and the crowd erupts, singing along and sometimes even screaming along. The three of us enjoy singing, too, as we pour drinks. When everyone is singing, it doesn’t matter how good or bad of a singer you are. What counts is how much enthusiasm you put into your performance, and we give it all we’ve got.

The next song selected is ‘I Wanna Dance with Somebody’ by Whitney Houston. Unable to miss an opportunity to flirt with me, Derek gives a little bump and grind each time Whitney sings, ‘I wanna feel the heat with somebody’. I dramatically push him away, give him the universal gesture for shame on you and feign shock each time, but in truth, it is a lot of fun.

The customers are enjoying themselves tonight, too. I’m getting a lot of smiles and compliments on my drinks. One customer hands me a business card from a bar in Asbury.

“If you want to make some real money behind the bar, honey, come see me. We take good care of our girls at Pinocchio’s,” he tells me. I love that bar. It’s one of the first bars I ever went to once I turned twenty-one. Their slogan is, ‘The Place to Come and Tell Lies’. My friends and I would go night after night during the summer, dance for hours, and hardly ever did we have to buy our own drinks. That’s when Auggie started calling me Jepetto.

Even though I’m not interested right now, I pocket his card. Auggie is always talking about the importance of networking and you never know when I’ll need to make a professional connection in the future.

I’m also starting to get to know my regular customers. There’s a group of girls a few years younger than me that come three or four nights a week. They remind me of my college friends. They aren’t overly flirty or ostentatious, but they get plenty of attention from the male clientele. Tonight, one of the girls whose name I don’t know seems down in the dumps. She’s sitting at the bar watching her friends carry on and have fun.

I pour her another glass of wine and try to talk with her a little bit. It turns out her name is Maria and she’s a student teacher. She just found out one of her students is seriously ill with Cystic Fibrosis. His prognosis is not good. There’s no way I can cheer her up, so I just listen to her story. It’s obvious she’s a very caring educator and she’s very deeply affected by her students. I’m sure she’ll make a great teacher someday.

Suddenly, ‘Don’t go Breaking my Heart’ begins booming from the speakers and something happens to Marcus. It’s like he’s having an out-of-body experience that overtakes him and he grabs me to sing with him. He hands me an empty beer bottle as a microphone, and I’m swept into performing a duet with him. I don’t mind singing with Marcus, I know he’s deeply in love with Camilla, and it’s all in fun, so I really start to get into it. I’m singing my heart out and giving Marcus my best puppy dog eyes.

Derek is obviously feeling left out, because he’s actually pouting on the other end of the bar. Pouting. The female customers are taking pity on him and it looks like he will survive. A few of Maria’s friends are trying earnestly to cheer him up.

As we finish our performance, the customers seated around the bar give us a rousing round of applause. We turn to give a proper bow and courtesy. Quickly, we rush to fill the empty glasses that are lining our side of the bar. There’s a young attractive man dressed in a suit. If I had to guess, I’d assume he just got done with work. He’s got cash on the bar and is trying to get my attention.

“Hi, what can I get ‘ya?” I ask the Suit.

“I’d love a cold Sam Adams. And your name. You look great tonight, by the way,” the Suit adds.

I grab him a cold Sam Adams, hand it to him, and take his cash. When I bring him his change, I try to be as polite as possible, “Here you go. My name’s Jette. Let me know if you need anything else.”

“As a matter of fact, Jette, I’d really like to get your phone number. Maybe we can go out together one night.” He looks at me with a hopeful look and a confident grin on his face.

“I’m so sorry, but I have a boyfriend.” I move onto the next customer who asks for a glass of the house Chardonnay.

The Suit won’t take no for an answer. He follows me as I make my way down the bar. “Oh, come on, Jette. I’ll show you a good time. No one has to know. I won’t tell.”

Trying my best to be firm but professional, I tell him, “I’m really flattered, but the answer’s still no.” The Suit turns away from the bar and I’m hoping he got my message loud and clear this time.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Evan and Adam making their way through the crowd towards me. I toss my bar rag on the bar and slip out from behind the bar to greet them. “Guys, I’ll be right back. Cover for me?”

Evan seems like he’s in a good mood tonight. He’s laughing with Adam and I can see those million dollar dimples. Tonight he’s wearing a black Genesis concert tee that shows off his broad shoulders. When he sees me approaching, he smiles a little brighter.

“Hey, beautiful,” Evan says as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. He lifts me off my feet momentarily and I can’t help but giggle. “Are you on a break?” he asks.

“No, I just wanted to come say hi.” Adam and I exchange a quick hello and the boys follow me back to the bar. They find a couple of empty seats and settle in for a while.

I go straight over to talk to Marcus. He’s the only one of my close friends that Evan hasn’t met yet. Things are quiet at the bar for the moment, so I take advantage of the opportunity.

“Evan, I want you to meet Marcus Chase. Marcus, this is Evan McGuire and Adam Cooke.” They shake hands and begin chatting. I try to cover the bar and give them a chance to become acquainted. I cannot hear what they are discussing, but all three of them seem very animated about whatever the topic may be. I’d guess the topic is sports related.

I look across the bar to see if anyone needs a drink, and I spot The Suit eyeing me. The glass he’s holding is filled with an amber liquid. He’s moved from beer to hard liquor.

Derek interrupts my thoughts. “So, Jette, I guess you and Big Mac kissed and made up?” he asks. He doesn’t seem too happy for us. I know he wishes things turned out differently.

“We did. And I couldn’t be happier. Will you please try to be happy for me, Derek?”

“So long as you’re happy, that’s all I care about, Jette. But ... if you don’t get back to work soon, I’m going to be really pissed off!” He snaps a bar towel at me. I get the message and get back to work.

Maria and her friends reappear at the bar asking for a round of Mind Erasers. I carefully pour the vodka layer first, followed by the Kahlua and ending with the seltzer. It’s a wonderful creation when you can see each individual layer. I place the straws in the glasses and watch the girls as they prepare for their challenge. One of the braver girls starts the countdown. “3 – 2 – 1 – go!” All five girls start sucking on their straws, bringing up each layer one at a time without stopping. I watch to see whom the last one is to finish. That’s the one who will pay for all the shooters. I’m pleasantly surprised that it’s not Maria that finishes last, but one of her friends who begrudgingly pays the bar bill. Maria’s mood seems to be lifting with the help of her friends.

As I make my way up and down the bar, I can’t help but overhear a few conversations among the customers. A pair of young women has spotted Evan sitting across from them. They are talking about how hot he is and how much they would like to go home with him tonight.

They start daring each other to go up and talk to him. I even overhear them discussing potential pick-up lines. They range from the pathetic like, “Do you come here often,” to the raunchy, “Do you want to melt in my mouth or in my hand?”

I know it doesn’t mean anything, but my blood is beginning to boil. I want to scream at them, “Dream on, bitches. He’s going home with me tonight!”

Everyone who walks into a bar does so knowing full well that they are likely to get hit on. When you factor in the allure of a painfully handsome pair of young, eligible men sitting alone at the bar, then you have to accept the fact that women are going to flirt and tease. I know that, I’ve seen it. Hell, I’ve even been on the receiving end of it from time to time, including tonight, but watching it with my own eyes is excruciating.

Besides the women that are swooning from afar, there’s a pair of girls barely old enough to drink trying desperately to get Evan and Adam’s attention. They are practically attempting to crawl onto their laps.

I walk over to check on the boys and get them a cold beer. Unfortunately, I’m confronted with these overly enthusiastic girls continuing to throw themselves at the guys. I try to smile and be understanding, but inwardly, I want to bash their skulls in. I know that sounds a little extreme, but it’s honestly how I feel.

Marcus’ words from a few nights ago come crashing into my mind. He questioned how Evan was going to be able to stay faithful to me when he’s travelling with the team. I teeter between anger and jealousy, and it’s hard to hide my reaction from Derek and Marcus. I toss bottles back into the speed rack with a little too much force.

“Hey Jette, you okay with all this? I can call the bouncers to get the girls off him if it will make you feel better,” Marcus offers.

I grab a few Buds out of the reach in, slam it shut, and bark at Marcus, “Don’t bother. As soon as they leave, two more will take their place.”

He pulls me to the side, away from the spectacle. “Listen, Jette, you knew exactly what you signed up for. He’s always going to get this kind of attention. If you can’t handle it, it’s best you get out now.”

He’s right. I look over to Evan and he’s watching for my reaction. I’ve got to calm down and show everyone, myself included, that I can handle this. In that exact moment, my attention is drawn by the flashing of lights as the girls snap pictures of my boyfriend. What the hell? He’s not posing for them or encouraging them in any way, but it still upsets me.

I turn to Marcus for more help, “I need to get out of here. Now.”

“You’re right. You need to cool off. Go back to the walk-in and get us a fresh keg of Bud. One of the barbacks will wheel it out for you.” That’s a great idea. I need to take a walk and cool off. First though, I think I’ll make a pit stop at the ladies room.

The bathroom is hidden inside the building between two of the bars. Every bar I’ve ever visited has the ladies’ room at the end of a narrow hallway, probably to accommodate the long line that always congregates. I’m surprised when I discover there’s no line tonight. As I walk deep in my own thoughts down the hallway, I literally run into a customer as he exits the men’s room.

Grabbing me by the waist before I fall, he asks, “Whoa! Are you okay?” I look up at the stranger with his hands on me and I’m confronted by the Suit that I rejected several times earlier tonight.

“Um, yeah. I’m fine. Sorry about that.” I try to wiggle free, but he’s deceptively strong and he’s got a firm grasp on me.

He takes a few steps forward, and as I step back, I’m stopped by the wall. “Jette, right? Funny running into you here. I was hoping to find you again tonight.” He’s got me pinned against the wall and he’s whispering in my ear. His breath smells like stale beer and liquor. He’s definitely been drinking a lot.

“Listen, please leave me alone. You’re making me very uncomfortable.” As hard as I try, I can’t seem to get very far.

“Oh, I’m so sorry. Just one little kiss and I’ll be on my way.” He moves his hands from my waist up towards my breasts. This guy is obviously not going to take no for an answer.

I find an opening and I take it. I bring my knee up to his crotch with every ounce of strength I have. I hear the air leave his lungs as he struggles for a breath. Unfortunately, he’s still got a strong grip on me and he’s not letting me go. And now he’s pissed.

I hear him grunt, “You fucking bitch.” In what seems like slow motion, I watch as he balls up one fist and leans back, ready to punch me. Having nowhere to turn, I close my eyes and brace for the impact. My only hope is that I can duck just enough so that he misses.

Suddenly, I hear a loud thwack! and the Suit no longer has a hold of me. Cautiously, I open my eyes, and I find him crumpled on the floor, bleeding.

Standing above him is Evan, shaking with anger. “Get up, you mother fucker. You want to hit somebody, let’s go.” Evan kicks the Suit trying to get him to stand up.

Before I can say or do anything, a crowd has formed and flashes are going off. Things just went from bad to worse.



Date: 2015-02-28; view: 686

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