In Canada, there are there are ten schools of pharmacy, all of which are accredited by the Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs (CCAPP).
The Canadian Council for Accreditation of Pharmacy Programs (CCAPP) evaluates each pharmacy program to ensure that students are provided with the proper education and training for a career in pharmacy, supporting the professional competency requirements for Canadian pharmacists at entry to practice. Graduates of Canadian pharmacy programs must work with other health professionals in their community to maintain and improve the health of their residents.
To practice safely and effectively, pharmacists must have a broad understanding of health and the Canadian health care system. They must have advanced communication skills to manage and interpret information. A wide range of interprofessional and intraprofessional interaction is necessary in pharmacy practice in Canada. A pharmacist must act in a professional manner at all times. They must be kind and considerate and develop trusting relationships with their patients and colleagues. Pharmacists will encounter many complex and ethical issues on a daily basis, and will need to have good problem-solving skills.
Pharmacists work with people of various cultures who have different values, beliefs and customs. They must have good judgment and the ability to interact with the public. At times, pharmacists may also teach and mentor pharmacy students and other health care providers.
Pharmacy practice in Canada is continually changing. The scope of practise has expanded over the past several years requiring that pharmacists use even more of their cognitive skills in a clinically oriented environment. Pharmacists also require a high level of adaptability.
Canadian university pharmacy programs are designed to ensure that graduates have all the necessary skills, knowledge and abilities when they enter into pharmacy practice. The “Professional Competencies for Canadian Pharmacists at Entry to Practice" list all of those competencies and outline the criteria for meeting those standards.
As an international pharmacy graduate (IPG), you must be able to demonstrate that your education is equivalent to that of a graduate of a Canadian pharmacy program. This equivalence is demonstrated by the successful completion of the Evaluating Examination, an examination conducted by the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) for all provinces except Québec.
International Pharmacy Graduates (IPGs) who want to practise in the province of Québec and who are NOT graduates from France are invited to enrol in Pharmacists’ Gateway Canada, then apply for an assessment of your education and training. All documents related to your education and practice experience must be sent to the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA). All documents in languages other than French or English must be translated into French.
When your documents are received, le comité de l’admission à la pratique (CAP) of the Ordre des pharmaciens du Québec (OPQ) will evaluate them and inform you of its decision in writing. The Committee may decide that your qualifications are not equivalent or that they are partially equivalent to those required to practise in Québec, in which case you will need to complete a pharmacy bridging program at one of the universities in Québec. In addition to the educational requirements, you will be expected to meet Québec’s French language qualifications. Complete details are available in the OPQ educational requirements section.
Canadians consider pharmacists to be one of the most trusted professions in the country. Your skill and knowledge will be valued by your patients and colleagues and they will rely on you for professional advice and medication expertise.
However, during your transition to living and working in Canada, you will need to be aware of how life may be different here than in your current location and how to prepare for those new realities.
You may discover that the work environment in a typical Canadian pharmacy practise environment is very different than your previous experience. As well, you may need some time or guidance to adapt to Canadian society and culture.
Depending on where you decide to settle in Canada, you may find that some living expenses - such as rental costs or home purchase prices, food and clothing, transportation – may be higher compared to where you have lived previously.
This section will provide you with basic information to help you understand some of the practical aspects of working and living in Canada. It will also provide links to organizations which assist immigrants with the settlement process and which provide programming and supports for immigrants and their families.
If you decide to move to Canada to work as a pharmacist, you must also apply to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to be granted permission to enter and remain in the country. After you have spent some time in Canada, you may decide to apply for Permanent Residency or even Canadian Citizenship. Review all of your options for living in Canada here: citizenship, permanent residency, or a work or study permit.
You may want to contact an organization that helps immigrants settle in Canada.
You may also want to learn about living costs.
As of January 1, 2014, there were 37, 490 licensed pharmacists in Canada.
Explore your potential career path as a pharmacist in Canada. Click on the navigation bar to the left, to learn about: