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This section is descriptive. The main consideration is to ensure that enough detail is provided to verify the findings and to enable replication of the study by an appropriately trained person. Information should be presented, using the past verb tense, in chronological order. Sub-headings should be used, where appropriate. Reference may be made to a published paper as an alternative to describing a lengthy procedure. Many journals require mention of relevant ethics committee(s) approval for the study and that subjects gave informed consent. Table 3 provides an outline for the content of the methods section.


Table 3: Methods


  Outline of the study design   Subjects   - Method of sampling and recruitment; - Number of subjects; and - Justification of sample size.   - Inclusion, exclusion and withdrawal criteria; - Method of allocation to study groups.   Variables   - Independent, dependent, extraneous, controlled.   Pilot Studies   - Outcome of any pilot studies which led to modifications to the main study.   Materials   - Equipment, instruments or measurement tools (include model number and manufacturer).     Procedures   - Detailed description, in chronological order, of exactly what was done and by whom.   Major ethical considerations   Data reduction/statistical analyses   - Method of calculating derived variables, dealing with outlying values and missing data.   - Methods used to summarise data (present verb tense).   - Statistical software (name, version or release number); - Statistical tests (cite a reference for less commonly used tests) and what was compared; - Critical alpha probability (p) value at which differences/relationships were considered to be statistically significant.  




The two functions of this section are to report the results (past verb tense) of the procedures described in the methods and to present the evidence, that is the data (in the form of text, tables or figures), that supports the results. Some journals combine the results and discussion into one section.


Before sitting down to write the first draft, it is important to plan which results are important in answering the question and which can be left out. Include only results which are relevant to the question(s) posed in the introduction irrespective of whether or not the results support the hypothesis(es). After deciding which results to present, attention should turn to determining whether data are best presented within the text or as tables or figures. Tables and figures (photographs, drawings, graphs, flow diagrams) are often used to present details whereas the narrative section of the results tends to be used to present the general findings. Clear tables and figures provide a very powerful visual means of presenting data and should be used to complement the text, but at the same time must be able to be understood in isolation. Except on rare occasions when emphasis is required data that are given in a table or figure must not be repeated within the text. Sources of help for the preparation of table and figure are Briscoe (1990), Price (in press) and Zeiger (1991).


Tables and figures must be mentioned within the text and should be placed after the related text. Photographs of subjects are often placed within the methods and should be used only if written, informed consent was obtained prior to the taking of the photograph. To preserve anonymity, facial features should be covered. If a manuscript includes a table or figure that has already been published, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder (usually the publisher) and the source acknowledged.


Confusion sometimes arises as to the difference between results and data. Results statements provide the message, that is, they interpret the data. Data rarely stand alone, they are facts, often numbers, which may be presented in their raw form, summarized (e.g. means) or transformed (e.g. percentages, ratios) (Zeiger, 1991). For example, in a hypothetical study comparing vital capacity in supine and standing, the results statement and data respectively might be, “vital capacity was decreased in supine compared to standing” and “mean (SD) vital capacity was 2.95 (0.8) litres and 3.40 (0.6) litres (p<0.05) in supine and standing respectively”. The two statements should be presented together with the results statement given first, i.e. “vital capacity was decreased in supine compared to standing, mean (SD) values were 2.95 (0.8) litres and 3.40 (0.6) litres respectively (p<0.05) in the 20 subjects”. When presenting data, the sample size (n) must be given, any missing data identified and the p-values for data that have been analysed using statistical tests must be included. The significance level (critical alpha (") probability value) should be reported but in the event that the null hypothesis (H0) is accepted, the beta ($) probability value or statistical power should be reported. Studies in which H0 is retained are just as important to report as those in which H0 is rejected, providing such studies have an acceptable level of statistical power. The test statistic and the degrees of freedom, for example t(12) = 3.12 should also be included unless only one statistical test has been used. When citing a p value, always give some idea of the magnitude of the difference (e.g. 20 per cent increase) as a p value in isolation gives no indication of the importance of the finding. It is generally accepted when reporting results that “significant” or “significantly” refer to statistical significance (Zeiger, 1991). Thus it is unnecessary to say “the decrease in pain was statistically significant”.


The order of presentation of the results should be either chronological to correspond with the methods or from the most to the least important. The order of most to least important should be followed within each paragraph. For every result there must be a method in the methods. Careful planning of the tables and figures is important to ensure that the sequencing of these tells a story.


The results must not include a discussion of the findings, methods of data analyses and citations of references, except on rare occasions when a comparison is made of the raw data with the findings of a published study. This applies only when this comparison would not fit well within the discussion.




The discussion should be considered as the heart of the paper and invariably requires several attempts at writing (Portney and Watkins, 1993). It serves to answer the question(s) posed in the introduction, explain how the results support the answers and how the answers fit in with existing knowledge on the topic (Zeiger, 1991). This is the main section in which the author can express his/her interpretations and opinions, for example how important the author thinks the results are, the author’s suggestions for future research and the clinical implications of the findings (Portney and Watkins, 1993). In order to make the message clear, the discussion should be kept as short as possible whilst still clearly and fully stating, supporting, explaining and defending the answers to the questions as well as discussing other important and directly relevant issues. Side issues and unnecessary issues should not be included, as these tend to obscure the message. Care must be taken to provide a commentary and not a reiteration of the results. The recommended content of the discussion is given in Table 4. (Zeiger, 1991)


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