Almost every day a new and improved exercise program comes out, they always claim to be the best way to exercise, and they may just be right. But if you don't enjoy it then what is the point? I don't know anyone who started exercise either with a personal trainer or on their own claimed they hated it, but knew it was good for them, and stuck with it. Exercise does not have to be boring it should be fun, saying that any increased activity will probably hurt in the beginning, your muscles will ache, your appetite will increase and you will not loose loads of weight in really short time. If you do great, but it is rare that you will find someone who starts like this and sticks with it. Exercise is not just for loosing weight, it is to increase confidence, and improving your quality of life. On the hype note I also hate diets, they are crazy, why should you deprive your body of anything, you only live once enjoy it while you are here. It is important to eat healthy and not to over eat. It is important to drink plenty of water but you can drink too much water so make sure you are drinking the right amount of water and eating the right amount of food. Programs like weight watchers are good because they teach you about eating responsibly, but I don't believe in buying those packaged foods that is crazy, fresh is best. As a matter of fact there are many reports that show that these packaged meals have more salt and fat then if you were to prepare the food yourself. My rule of thumb is it is best to know where your food came from and what is in it, it is okay to treat yourself from time to time but eating responsibly is important to keep your energy levels up.
What is next
I am glad you made it this far, that means you are really interested in turning your life around or at least in what I have to say. So what happens next you may wonder? You have made your list of activities that you like, you have started to increase your activity, you are eating better and now you are wondering when are you going to loose all that weight that you are wanting to loose. Well the next step only starts when you are feeling comfortable with the level of activity you have in your life now, you should start feeling like you have more energy and generally feeling a bit happier and capable. Congratulations! you have come this far and now it is time to step it up a notch, now is the time to set your goals. I so love this expression, "If you don't know where you are going you will never get there". So time to get your goals on paper, and work backwards from there now you know where you want to be how are you going to get there. There is a simple rule to loosing weight and getting in better shape. Eat less calories than you use in a day, it is just like everything in life you need to take it one day at a time, maybe even one hour a time in the beginning but with perseverance you will succeed. I recommend now making the commitment to a couple times a week of exercise for twenty minutes, this is any activity it doesn't matter what as long as it involves moving your legs and makes you raise your breathing and heart rate. A healthy life style does not have to be hard to achieve all it needs to do is make you feel good in yourself and ensures you can walk up any flight of stairs without getting out of breath.
Why have I chose this for me
Now that I have talked about what I know works I am going to tell you how I know this. When I was much younger I developed Asthma it was horrible I had to stop all sports I couldn't do a thing without having an attack. This lasted for five years and then when I turned 17 I decided that I was going to study Asthma and find out how I could control it instead of it controlling me, it took time to learn and do some trial and error. I found out that spices like mustard and paprika were good for asthmatics, I also found that I needed to pay special attention to my bed and keeping the bed bugs out. But all of that is for my next lens, basically I found out how to control my asthma an I could now start to be more active. I had to start slowly although I didn't gain much weight I still was really out of shape. I started slowly and I finally reached the level of being able to do just about any sport I wanted to as often as I wanted, and it feels great