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Let’s start from CSKA match against a leader of our championship – Zenit. It was an extra important match, so called ‘six-pointer’ when you can get closer to the team above or break away from a club below. An inconspicuous goal from the corner was the only one to be scored, and, unfortunately, it was Javi Garcia, a former Man City player, to send this ball into the goal.

This match was held three and four days before Champions League combats for Zenit and CSKA respectively, so getting points was important in terms of psychology too. However, most expectations turned up to be wrong. As we say in Russia, Zenit’s game was ‘toothless’ whereas red-blues was just absolutely ideal tactically and physically.




CSKA started more active than City and earned a fast free-kick which lead to a great header by Doumbia with the help of an even better pass by Natcho. MCFC were fast to equalize with another free-kick scored by Toure, the ‘favorite’ player of red-blues.

Our team didn’t even think to give up and had a few chances in the first half including the one-on-one moment of Doumbia supported by a phenomenal pass of Dzagoev, but Seydou missed just a bit. It didn’t stop the forward, and he made the score 1-2 right before the half-time whistle. It was a moment of happiness!

CSKA had chances in the second half too. City probably had more, but their boorishness and unacceptable acts brought them a lot of problems. As a result – two red cards including the straight one to YayaToure who hit Eremenko as he is a crazy psycho (sorry, no other words can describe the situation). Everything’s coming back and his complaints on our fans didn’t stay unpunished.

By the way, it’s very important to mention what happened over this match:

1) Tosic wasn’t given an appropriate visa by British consulate so he could even stay in Manchester

2) All Russian-speaking fans (even those who didn’t refer to CSKA) were MADE to get out of the stadium with no formal reason. Most of City fans complained to stewards who asked our supporters to leave the City of Manchester arena. YES, there is a ban for CSKA fans, BUT these people are just Russian citizens or even just Russian-speakers and our club didn’t organize any tours to Manchester, it was Manchester City itself to sell those tickets, so what rights do they have to throw people out of an event they paid money to visit? It was a pure intolerance by English club which they are so aggressively fighting against. Double standards…

3) As a tradition, Manchester City complained to UEFA. This time they didn’t like our journalist who started singing ‘Glory-glory Man Utd’ after Toure’s red card. Someone should learn to lose.


Including all of this there was a super motivation to beat British (if they can be called so – usually it is 1 or 2 English players in City shirts on the pitch).




2009 is a year when CSKA won over Dynamo last time. This match was the 180th between the two teams – no one in Russian League played more with each other. Despite this fact, fans are staying friends with each other and supporters proved their name SUPPORTING their team (but not swearing like fans on other derby – Torpedo – Lokomotiv).

Let’s be honest – referee had a bad match. He should have and must have put a penalty in cases with Hubocan and Dzagoev and Zhirkov and Fernandes. However, he only put a penalty to CSKA when Fernandes didn’t even touch Buttner. Well, anyway Akinfeev saved the team repulsing the ball. All of these happened after a provocative video made by Dynamo TV where ‘Penalty’ is shown as a CSKA player.

Dynamo scored a goal in the second half after a mistake of red-blues’ defense. It was AlexandrKokorin, since not long ago our friend, to score.

Either Russian League is becoming stronger, or it is just CSKA who cannot prepare well for important combats in the league.

Hope the situation will be improved soon!





Date: 2015-02-28; view: 947

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