Characteristics of communicationCommunication
1.Communication is a purposeful activity of exchanging information and ideas between two or more people using various technical or natural channels.
Communication requires:
1. a sender,
2. a message, (decoding and encoding),
3. a medium,
4. a recipient and also
5. noise. (physical, sociological, semantic - ambiguity in words)
The receiver does not have to be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; communication can occur across vast distances in time and space.
A source creates and communicates a message.
A receiver receives the message from the source.
The message is the stimulus or meaning produced by the source for the receiver. (purpose)
A channel is the way a message travels between source and receiver.
Feedback is the message the receiver sends in response to the source.
The environment is the physical atmosphere where the communication occurs.
The context involves the psychological expectations of the source and receiver.
Noise, interference is anything that blocks or distorts the communication process.
1. Intercultural communication is a form of communication that aims to share information across different cultures and social groups. In this sense it seeks to understand how people from different countries andcultures
act, communicate and perceive the world around them. Many people in intercultural business communication argue that culture determines how individuals encode messages, what medium they choose for transmitting them, and the way messages are interpreted.
Characteristics of communication
Communication is a dynamic process. You can’t say the exact beginning or the end of a com. Exchange. Meanings are dynamic, continually changing as a function of earlier usages of changes in perception. Once a word or action is employed, It cannot be retracted. People can’t experience the same thing with the same feeling.
Communication is interactive. It requires the active participation of at least two people exchanging messages. The encoding and decoding are influenced by prior interactions between communicators.
Communication is symbolic. Symbols are the vehicles by which the toughts and ideas of one person can be communicated to another. We use symbols to create meaning.usage of verbal/ non-verbal means.
Communication is contextual. Communication is dependent on the context in wich it occurs.(cultural, physical, relational and perceptual (connotative/denotative) environment in which com occurs)
3. Connotative and denotative meaning
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 1876