Saint - Petersburg Pediatric Academy, Saint - Peterburg, RUSSIA
Ultrasound investigation. On 220 patients with destructive forms of non - lactational mastitios was carried out an ultrasonic diagnostics for definition of treatment tactics, for choice of optimum surgical access to the center of lesion and the decision of operation volume problem. At 62.5% of patients were revealed the liquid formations in a mammary gland cavitary. At such situation it is difficult to differentiate an abscessing from of non - lactational mastitis from festered lactoceles, but nevertheless the ultrasonic data has its features. Abscess from of non - lactational mastitis. At 18.8% of patients at ultrasound of the affected mammary gland have been revealed one or several echo - free formations of homogeneous or heterogeneous structures (heterogeneous structure was defined at presence sphacelous tissues in a cavity) more often of wrong from, with accurate rough contours. Festered cyrst of mammary gland. At 43.7% of patients on an echogram cavitary formations of ovoid or roundish from with (анехогенным) reflection having accurately differentiated internal and external contours were visualized. From internal contents of a cavit echo framed a speckled structural drawing. Infiltrative purulent from of mastitis. In 21.9% cases were visible in an ultrasonic picture non - cavitary formations with echo - free including of the small sizes (diameter 0.3 - 0.5 cm) spherical or wrong from with enough accurate contours. Taking into account a clinical picture of these patients the infiltrative - purulent from of non - lactational mastitis is established. At the operated patients (females) by whom before operation ultrasonic research was conducted, perioperative and histological data in all cases has coincided with echographic. Thus, ultrasonic research is the fundamental from tool methods of diagnostics in the given age periods.
Date: 2014-12-28; view: 754