| Quot;Undoubtedly it would fall apart eventually." Canton leaned back against the side of her Jeep.Randi joined her. "There's so much I wanted to do with my life, Canton." She released a heavy sigh. "I feel like - other than being Blake's mom - I've wasted my life."
"Don't say that. Don't you get it, Randi?" Canton said, her voice impassioned with her rising emotions. She grabbed both of Randi's arms, holding tight as she got in her face. "You are still a young, beautiful and vibrant woman! You can do anything you want! You want to go back to school, do it! You want to be an attorney? Do it! You want to continue being Shannon's wife? Do it! The only thing holding you back isyou, baby!"
Randi stared at Canton, touched by her impassioned words and shocked by the accidental use of the endearment Canton had always used with her. Randi looked her dead in the eye. "Can I do this, Canton? I mean, can Ireallydo this?"
Canton was overcome by her deep emotion and connection to this woman, as well as a deep need to comfort and protect her. She cupped Randi's face and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She smiled. "Yes. I believe in you and will help you in any way I can."
Randi grabbed Canton in another hug, her heart pounding and mind spinning. She suddenly felt like she could leap tall buildings in a single bound and could fly to the moon. Canton's strength was all she had ever needed to accomplish the unthinkable. She squeezed tightly before pulling away and giving Canton a winning smile.
"I want to do this."
Quot;Then you will," Canton smiled back.
The cottage was filled with laughter, music and hammering as Canton, Randi, Blake and another of Canton's young recruits - a pretty young girl, Kerry who Blake had his eye on - finished the inside. The final nail was driven in and the four erupted in cheers.
"Finally!" Canton exclaimed, stepping to the center of the living room and looking around with a critical eye, hands on hips. "Now all she needs is some paint, furniture and appliances."
Quot;This place is going to be gorgeous when it's done, Canton," Randi complimented, reaching back to readjust her ponytail, which had gotten messy with the hard work she'd put in today, the strands falling into her face.
Blake eyed Canton, Canton nodding with a wink. "Well guys, we're gonna head out for the day, if that's cool, Canton."
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 679