Quot;Hey," Canton said, walking up the driveway to where Randi was loading her car. "What's this?" she asked, tapping the suitcase.Randi sighed and looked up into Canton's eyes. "I'm not entirely sure what it is, to be honest. Is it something I should have done years ago or is it something temporary?" She shrugged. "I just don't know."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Canton asked. "I don't mean to be presumptuous, but my gut tells me some of this is because of me. At least, my keeping you out so late."
Randi studied her for a long moment then nodded. "Yes, I'd like to talk. Ineedto talk."
"Alright. Hop in and we'll-"
"No. I don't want to have to come back here to get my car. Follow me to Anne's and we'll go from there."
Canton nodded. "Okay."
During the short drive to Randi's friend's house, Canton couldn't keep her mind clear. So many things swirled around and around. Seeing Randi in the condition she was in: bruises on her face and the seeming death of her soul, guilt settled over Canton once more. If only she'd been stronger, none of this would have happened to this precious woman. And, Robin wouldn't have had to die, as she wouldn't have stormed out of the house that morning, angry.
Pushing all of that aside, Canton waited as Randi climbed into her Jeep and got buckled in. "Ready?" Canton asked. Getting Randi's nod, she got the Jeep moving.
They drove in silence for a long while, both lost in their respective thoughts. Finally, Randi was startled back into the here and now when she realized they were in the woods. A slight flush kissed her cheeks as she remembered the last time she'd been there. "Why here?" she asked softly.
Canton smiled, also remembering their last visit to the woods. "I didn't just used to come here with women. I used to come here all the time to think and be alone." She glanced over at Randi. "I figured it would be a good place to talk."
Randi nodded. "Okay."
Canton parked - a few yards away from where she'd parked her Plymouth nearly twenty years before - and cut the engine. She unbuckled her seatbelt so she could turn and face Randi, as Randi did the same. "Talk to me."
Randi let out a heavy sigh, running her hands through her hair. "Where to start."
Canton swallowed hard, knowing full-well what she was about to offer. "Why don't you start at the beginning, Randi," she said softly, watching as her fingers toyed with the steering wheel. "Why you married him."
Randi studied Canton for a long moment then decided to proceed. "That last day we were together here," she began, indicating the woods around them, "was the day my life changed forever, Canton. My father saw us kissing in your car and when I got into the house, he nearly beat the life out of me and threatened to do the same to you if I ever saw you again."
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 671