Ukraine Kyiv National Opera HouseThe theater is located in downtown Kyiv, near theKhreschatyk st. The beautiful exterior of the building is supported by themajestic interior design. Much of the theater's creative efforts areconcentrated on productions of classical Ukrainian and Russian operas andballets. Professional actors, creative lighting, and bright decorations leavethe most memorable impression about Ukraine's dramatic art.

Ukraine Kyiv Volodymyr the Baptizer
On the slope of the Volodymyr Hill stands theimposing monument to Prince Volodymyr who is also called the Baptizer of Rus.He converted Kyivan Rus to christianity in 988. The bronze statue was erectedin 1853.
Ukraine Kyiv St. Nicolas Catholic Cathedral
The cathedral was built in 1899-1909 by the architectHorotetskyi. The building is placed on one of the central streets(Chervonoarmiyska st.), And it can be easily recognized by its distinctiveGothic style and a pair of beautiful needle towers. It was restored in 1980 andnow is used as both the concert hall for organ music and the church where RomanCatholic services are held .

Ukraine Kyiv Golden Gate
This fortified wall, defining the limits of the cityand serving as a protective barrier from invaders in the centuries past, datesback to 1037, the reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise. The place was restored toits present condition in 1983, and it now serves as the Golden Gate historicalmuseum. The structure is located in downtown Kyiv, just outside the ZolotiVorota metro station.l

St. Sophia Cathedral
St. Sophia's thirteen gorgeous golden domes nicelyblend with the city skyline. The grandiose ensemble was built by PrinceYaroslav the Wise in the XI century in commemoration of the victory over thePecheneg tribe. The cathedral became a major cultural and political center ofKyivan Rus and a site for receiving ambassadors from many countries. St. Sophiais famous for its outstanding mosaics and frescoes dating back to the eleventhcentury
Date: 2015-02-28; view: 1143