The 1 Moscow State Medical and Dental University, Moscow, RUSSIA
The aim of our study: is to evaluate effectiveness of surgical treatment by laparoscopic method in patients at elderly and old age with different combined pathologies.
Materials and Methods: We analyzed surgical treatment in 20 patients with renal carcinoma at aged between 61-75 years with various concomitant surgical pathology. All patients were performed surgical treatment by laparoscopic technique. Patient K., 75, was admitted with a diagnosis of perforation of the sigmoid colon diverticulum, diffuse peritonitis. Urgent laparoscopic intervention with obstructive resection of the sigmoid colon with the removal of colostoma was performed. In the course of examination it was revealed that patient had cancer of the left kidney. Postoperative period was smooth. The drain was removed on the 3rd day. The patient was discharged on the 5th day in satisfactory condition. 2.5 months later the patient underwent laparoscopic radical nephrectomy and laparoscopic closure of the colostomy. On the 7th day after surgery the patient was discharged from the hospital in satisfactory condition. The patient I., 61, was admitted with a diagnosis of urolithiasis, right renal calculus. The patient was performed nephroscopy from right with litholapaxy. Because of the pronounced inflammation in the area of operations, it was impossible to insert a stent. In the course of examination there was revealed that the patient had cancer of the left kidney. On the first postoperative days there was performed replacement because of the lack of the functions of nephrostomic drainage. The postoperative period was without complications, the patient was discharged home on the 3rd day. A month later the patient was performed left laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. Post-operative period was smooth, the drain was removed on the 2nd day. On the 4th day the patient was discharged home. A month after the second surgery, the patient was performed laparoscopic resection of the pelvi-ureteral segment of the only right kidney, pyeloureteroanastomosis on stent. The drain was removed on the 15th day, the patient was discharged home in a satisfactory condition on the 17th day. Nephrostomy is functional. In 12 patients there was carried out simultaneous laparoscopic cholecystectomy with laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. 6 patients were performed laparoscopic hysterectomy and laparoscopic radical nephrectomy. In all cases the postoperative period was without complication, all the patients were discharged on the 5-6th day.
Conclusions: the use of the laparoscopic method in patients at elderly and old age with different combined surgical pathology is quite justified intervention that makes it possible to improve significantly the immediate results of surgical treatment and quality of life of a patients in long-term period.
Date: 2014-12-28; view: 831