Turkmenistan State Medical University; Ashgabat, TURKMENISTAN
Introduction: The state program “Health” requires active implementation of scientifically substantiated prophylactic measures with the use of local medical resources. Chronic colitis significantly deteriorate the quality of life of patients, by reducing their ability to work. The society faces the problem of provision of patients with new, easily accessible, preferably natural, safe technologies. A natural adaptogen, which helps in the prevention and elimination of chronic colitis is necessary. Local vegetable oils produced by modern methods: grape seed, watermelon, melon, sesame and tomato – may serve as an original response to the problem.
Materials and methods: studies were carried out in patients with chronic colitis (n-37 persons) treated in the hospital. Average age of patients constituted 47 ± 7,9 years. Among them, 12 men and 25 women. Duration of the disease constituted 3 to 17 years. The control group consisted of 23 persons. All patients were recommended dietic regimen with daily intake of 20 g of grape seed vegetable oil, 2 times a day. The course of treatment - 3 weeks. The oil was used by directly adding into foods (soups, porridge, mashed potatoes, salads). Patients carried out a comprehensive examination with the use of clinical, laboratory, functional, instrumental, X-ray studies. At the time of admission, the majority of patients had various degrees of severity of the pathological process.
Results: The comparative analysis showed that both groups of patients with chronic colitis, had positive effect. The best results were obtained in 73% of patients the treatment of which included additional intake of grape seed oil. The main group had earlier and sustained improvement of the clinical disease, bowel movement, reduction of the signs of dyspepsia, pain syndrome and weakness. Positive dynamics in the somatic condition correlated with indicators of laboratory and functional data.
Conclusion: The mechanism of therapeutic effect of the grape seed oil, is possibly related with the existence of a powerful antioxidant activity of bioactive substances. Additional application of grape seed oil helps to improve quality and optimize drug therapy in patients with chronic colitis.
Russian Oncological Scientific Center named after H.N.Blokhin, Moscow, RUSSIA.
Introduction: modern possibilities of surgery in aggregate with combined treatment allows to implement sphincter reserving treatment at the patients with “low” cancer of rectum. A lot of clinics report on satisfactory oncological results. However, the functional results obtained after implementing “small” and “ultra small” resection of rectum remain unsatisfactory.
Materials and methods: 36 patients have been examined. Cancer (adenocarcinoma) of lower ampullary section of rectum was diagnosed at all patients. The patients have been undergone to the combined treatment: preoperative chemical radial treatment with the following operation – abdominal resection of rectum (proctectomy with observation of technology of total meso-rectumectomy) with (or without) intersphincter resection and manual colo-anal anastomosis. We used the apparatus Neurotrac ETS (made in Great Britain) for electromio-stimulation.
Technology: bipolary tip of the apparatus was placed into rectum. Every session lasted 20 hours and only 10 sessions were held. Used stimulation was implemented under the condition of “incontinence” with the initial amplitude 20-30 mA (milliampher) till maximum altitude 80 mA. The examined patients were not selected specially. Assessment of the effect was held on the basis of given anametry, interrogation upon the scale Vexner and the scale FIQL - the principal scale for studying changes in the indicators of life quality at the patients with anal inconsistence.
Results: the indicator of anal manometry increased from 1.52 to 2.4 u.e. (mean value). Average grade upon the scale Vexner improved from 16.6 to 8.3. Average grade upon the scale Vexner, corresponding possibilities of reserving hard, liquid components and gas improved from «2,96», «3,59» and «3,44» to «1,14», «1,92» and «1,55» accordingly. The mean value of assessment of life quality upon the results of the questionnaire FIQL improved from 1.49 to 3.27 (120%). Given results reached to the authentic indicators in implementation of the statistical analysis. Naturally, the patients who were not undergone to the resection of sphincter showed better results.
Summary: Obtained previous results have shown that the electromio-stimulation of anal sphincter allows to increase tension under free pressure of anal sphincter and improves continence. Taking into account the advantages of ambulatory implementation, given methodology may be recommended for treatment of anal inconsistence at the selected group of patients.